< Turnabout Storm

Turnabout Storm/Shout-Out

Being a crossover between 2 series that are filled with Shout Outs, it's only natural they would show up.

  • Albeit unintentionally, Phoenix says he read the book Twilight gave him on Equestria in 10 seconds flat.
  • He later unknowingly borrows another memetic phrase, this time from Rarity:
  • And he also borrowed a proverb from Mei Ling, but this time knowing where he got it from.

Phoenix: (I should really tell her I just stole that one from a video game.)

  • Like if they weren't similar enough, Trixie's "opening statement" is quite similar to one of Franziska's own in case 3 of Justice For All.

Franziska: You have no chance. Zero. Zilch. Nada. I'm not losing this case!
Trixie: The defense has no chance of winning in this. Zero. Zilch. Nada. None!

Phoenix: Double Rainbow Dash?
Pinkie: All the way! That would be so intense!

    • Pinkie then suggests that this twin's name is Wob Niar, mirroring Maya's theory about a fake Phoenix Wright named Xin Eohp in Trials and Tribulations.
  • Pinkie Pie's insistence that Phoenix shouldn't use Derpy's "offensive name" - even though Derpy introduced herself without problems - is an allusion to the unfortunate "Derpygate" conflict, where the issue of her name and original voice being removed from later broadcasts of the only episode she spoke in caused great conflict within the fandom.
  • When Derpy is curious why Phoenix avoids addressing her by name, his excuse is that "I really like your mane."
  • Phoenix's first thought about Rarity is calling her a "marshmallow pony" (a Memetic Mutation from an "A Dog and Pony Show" perspective shot).
  • Apparently, Rarity's middle name is Tabitha.
  • Rarity gives a shout out to the brony community in episode three, saying she "tried to love and tolerate" a crying child who was driving her nuts. A common brony response to an anti-brony is "I'm going to love and tolerate the shit out of you!"
  • Rarity's pen rant has a very similar vibe to James Rolfe's You Know What's Bullshit series, who also made a video complaining about the same exact thing.
  • Rarity brings up a fashion idea for Phoenix's suit that sounds pretty close to Redd White's suit from the first Ace Attorney.
  • The jokes about Phoenix's "hedgehog hair" lampshade his similar hairstyle to that of a certain anthropomorphic hedgehog.
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