< Turn A Gundam

Turn A Gundam/Characters

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Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description.

Character Sheet for Turn A Gundam, the series with arguably the most powerful Gundam. Expect this page to contain many spoilers.


Loran Cehack

Voice Actor: Romi Paku

A young boy from the Moonrace who was on a mission to scout Earth, along with Keith and Fran Doll. The three split up to explore, and Loran was first attacked by wolves, to be saved by the local lord, then nearly drowned before being saved by Kihel and Sochie Heim, daughters of a prominent local family. After being hired as a driver and mechanic by the household, Loran acclimates to Earth living and concludes that it is time for the Moonrace to return. The Moonrace coincidentally does come back while Loran is participating in a coming-of-age ceremony (while nude, incidentally), but they attack Nocis City and Vicinity Town immediately. This awakens the "White Doll" statue on the moutain--which turns out to be a mobile suit of immense power, the Turn A Gundam.

  • Apologetic Attacker: Especially in the beginning of the conflict between the Earthrace and Dianna Counter.
  • Becoming the Mask: He's originally sent to Earth as a scout to determine if the planet is habitable again.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Loran is basically one of the nicest guys ever, but he can kick as much ass as any Gundam protagonist.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Frequently saves the day for the militia.
  • Bishonen: So much so that Guin says he "looks like a Laura."
  • Conflicting Loyalty: He identifies strongly with both the Moonrace and the Earthrace.
  • Darkskinned Blonde
  • David vs. Goliath: When he sorties the Turn A against the massive WaDoms. And then we see a hint of the Turn A's true capabilities when he grabs one in one hand and flips it over. Turns out the Turn A is the Goliath in every fight.
  • Determinator: In ep 26, Loran attempts to stop Corin Nander from destroying a Turn-A-looking float by outrunning his mecha, on foot.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: And the militia uses it to throw the Moonrace forces.
  • Falling Into the Cockpit: In fine Gundam tradition. He is also nude at the time, apart from a toy fish. It Makes Sense in Context.
  • Going Native: Becomes very close to people on Earth and winds up as their Ace Pilot against Dianna Counter's forces.
  • Hand or Object Underwear: The toy fish he was wearing on a string around his neck, when he first discovers the White Doll.
  • The Heart: He spends a lot of time trying to convince people not to fight.
  • The Hero
  • The Messiah: This too.
  • Mundane Utility: He uses his Gundam for all sorts of non-combat purposes, like transporting livestock or using its arms and shoulders to stand in for a destroyed bridge. Probably the most famous instance is his use of the Gundam to do an industrial-sized load of hospital laundry.
  • Nice Guy: Loran is one of the most polite, good-natured, caring, and easygoing main characters in the Gundam series. And unlike other pilots, absolutely none of it is an act.
  • Romi Paku: The only female VA to voice a male Gundam protagonist. Well, twice.
  • Technical Pacifist: Loran never kills anyone if he can help it, but he will resort to it after every other option has failed.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Loran or Rolan?
  • Wholesome Crossdresser. Laura Rola. That's all.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: He feels this way about the Gundam, even before everyone learns just how powerful the Turn A is.

Queen Dianna Soreil

Voice Actor: Rieko Takahashi

The leader of the Moonrace. Once scouts determine that the Earth is livable again, she brings her forces to Earth to recolonize it, a goal that turns out to be far more dangerous and complicated than she thought. Over the course of the story, she re-evaluates her intentions and duty.

  • Airplane Arms: Now and again--she does an airplane walk soon after her arrival on Earth, and a full-tilt one while disguised as Kihel.
  • Brought Down to Normal: The episodes she spends under Kihel Heim's identity. She gains new insight about the people who live on Earth and grows quite frustrated with having lost the ability to do anything until she manages to switch back.
    • She ends the series this way, too, settling on Earth and passing her identity to Kihel.
  • The High Queen: Of the Moon, even.
  • Hime Cut: With attachments to keep the sideburns in place. Also gelled to stay neat in low-G.
  • Human Popsicle: She and other members of the Moonrace. Dianna in particular is well over a hundred.
  • Identical Stranger: With Kihel. It becomes a major plot point.
  • Let's Get Dangerous: She may be kind, friendly, and genuinely desire peace, but she's not afraid to summarily declare someone guilty of treason and then pick up a rifle to carry out the sentence herself.
  • Lonely at the Top: Her duties as Queen and cold sleep separated her from her lover, Will Game.
  • Meaningful Name: Dianna is from Diana, the Roman goddess of the Moon.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When she visits Vicinity in the guise of Kihel, and especially when she sees what has happened to Sochie and Kihel's mother as the result of their father's death.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: And does she!
  • Woman in White: Though it's a military-style uniform rather than the more traditional dress.
  • The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask: Her public persona is impeccably serene and composed. Around Kihel, and as Kihel, she shows a more whimsical and sensitive side.
  • Twin Switch: A variation with Kihel.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko

Harry Ord

Voice Actor: Tetsu Inada

The leader of Queen Dianna's Royal Guard, easily recognizable by his mask-like red sunglasses. He's an expert pilot and unfailingly loyal to his Queen, and very sharp.

Agrippa Maintainer

Voice Actor: Hiroya Ishimaru

Gym Ghingnham

Voice Actor: Takehito Koyasu

Teteth Halleh

Voice Actor: Yumi Touma

Phil Ackman

The leader of Dianna Counter's ground and mobile suit troops. Phil is a militaristic man who views the Earthrace as primitive.

  • Easily Forgiven: Dianna elects not to press charges against him and Poe, mainly because there are bigger fish to fry.
  • Large and In Charge
  • The Starscream: He grows dissatisfied with Dianna's handling of the invasion and mutinies against her.

Poe Eiji

A lieutenant in Dianna Counter and Phil's immediate subordinate; she is irritated when the Earthrace puts up more resistance than expected. She is tasked with defeating the White Doll at first, which proves to be no easy task.

  • Action Girl: It's just bad luck that her assignment is to stop the most powerful mobile suit ever built.
  • Bifauxnen
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: For the first portion of the series, she's constantly being outdone by the Gundam or ordered to retreat when she doesn't want to.
  • Not So Stoic: She's a professional soldier and a hardass to her subordinates, but takes her failures very personally. The fact that there's an entire episode titled "Crybaby Poe" is probably the most clear indicator of this.
  • Not Worth Killing: She regards the Earthrace's militia as annoying barbarians and is very disgruntled about having to swat aside their biplanes, until they start using mobile dolls in greater force.
  • Subordinate Excuse: Part of the reason she rebels against Dianna is Phil's promise that she will be Queen of the Moon beside him.
  • Unknown Rival: She develops a personal grudge against the Turn A for continually evading her, but for Loran's part it's just another Moonrace machine he needs to stop.

The Red Team

The Red Team are a group of mobile suit pilots whose ancestors were sent to Earth in generations past to prepare for its recolonization.

Merrybell Gadget

Voice Actor: Rio Natsuki

Corin Nander

  • Berserk Button: The Turn A Gundam. Expanded in the Super Robot Wars games to any white-colored Gundams.
  • Char Clone: He wears red and pilots red mobile suits like The Eagail, as well as a Red Kapool that is similar looking to Char's Z'Gok. He's a lot simpler and Gonkier than any Char clone, however.
  • Heroic Sacrifice
  • Kick the Dog: He attacks Nocis City without warning or orders solely to lure out the Gundam.
  • Large Ham
  • Made of Iron: Tumbles off the top of the Gallop and can still get up and run while firing an RPG.
  • Psychopathic Manchild
  • Rocket Punch: He straps one onto his Kapool and...WhatDoYouMeanItsNotAwesome? Specifically, he uses it to perform a Groin Attack on the Turn X.
  • Walking the Earth: After failing in his initial mission. He styles himself as a traveling monk and seems to walk out of the series, but comes back to help in the last few episodes.

Fran Doll

Voice Actor: Kumiko Watanabe

  • Beta Couple: With Joseph.
  • Bifauxnen: She has a very short haircut and runs around with a tie and trousers.
  • Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: A round blue hairclip.
  • Heroic BSOD: When she learns that the Luzianna newspapers are taking her war articles and suppressing them so that people will think the negotiations are working.
  • Hot Scoop: Averted; her character design is basically that of a newsboy from the turn of the 20th century.
  • Intrepid Reporter: She ends up on the frontlines in her effort to report on the war and at one point faces down a mobile suit armed with nothing more than a camera.

Keith Laijee

Voice Actor: Jun Fukuyama

  • Action Survivor: Ends up becoming this thanks to the conflict between the Earthrace and Moonrace.
  • Going Native: Probably the most out of himself, Loran, and Fran. He even sells the FLAT that they arrived in to the Militia.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: He really has no interest in the war, except that it interferes with his desire to settle down and bake bread for the rest of his life.
  • Name's the Same: Lampshaded in Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden 4koma

{Chuck Keith hears a voice}
Voice: Boy, Keith, you sure are a huge help.
Quatro Bajeena: I never thought you had it in you.

Kouji Kabuto: I've changed my mind about you!

Sayaka Yumi: I've become a huge fan!

Chizuru Nanbara: Keep it up, okay?

Chiru: Yeah!

Loran: Um, Excuse me, the bread baker is my friend Keith, not this one, so...

Bruno & Jacop

Will Game

A descendant of a Moonrace man who lived on Earth, he dreams of living on the Moon.

  • Identical Grandson: The only visual difference between him and the first Will Game is clothing.
  • Jumped At the Call: He eagerly joins Dianna Counter so he can get to the Moon.
  • Killed Off for Real: He dies fighting Loran.
  • New Meat: He's only had very basic instruction on piloting a mobile suit when he joins Dianna Counter. It has fatal consequences.


Sochie Heim

Voice Actor: Akino Murata

  • Action Girl
  • Armor-Piercing Slap: When she discovers that Loran is of the Moonrace.
  • Downer Ending: Only for her. Everyone who survives ends up with their romantic interest, living a happy life. Sochie, meanwhile, has lost her fiancee, is likely to never see Loran or her sister again and leaves the militia to look after her mother (who may or may not still be insane).
  • Fantastic Racism: She hates the Moonrace for killing her father and struggles with her antipathy for a long time.
  • Hot-Blooded: There are few situations where she's reluctant to fight.
  • Jumped At the Call: She planned to join the militia even before the Moonrace attacked.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: She routinely tries to take on WaDoms, FLATs, and the like with her Kapool in the beginning. She starts to calm down after a while, when she sees that her rash actions have dangerous consequences for her allies.
  • The Ojou: Although she's more tomboyish than her older sister, she's still a wealthy man's daughter.
  • Pink Means Feminine: Her pilot gear is not entirely pink, but has plenty of pink in it.
  • Plucky Girl: She gets sent flying dozens of times in her Kapool, but it doesn't dampen her urge to rush into battle.
  • Skyward Scream: In the epilogue.
  • Sour Supporter: Whenever she has to help people of the Moonrace. She's also critical of Loran's pacifistic desires.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Joins the militia and becomes a Kapool pilot.
  • Tsundere
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Loran.
  • You Killed My Father: Towards the Moonrace.

Kihel Heim

Voice Actor: Rieko Takahashi

  • Becoming the Mask: She and Dianna's personas become increasingly similar over the course of the series. In the end they exchange places for good, and Kihel becomes Queen of the Moon.
  • Body Double: For Dianna, later in the series.
  • Girl Friday: She works as Guin's secretary for a while, assisting in the initial negotiations between Inglessa and the Moonrace.
  • Hime Cut: with Princess Curls till she switches with Dianna and straightens them.
  • Identical Stranger: With Dianna, again.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Rather than going to University to learn theories and getting a job befitting nobility, she wanted to enter society to learn practical things.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: She is much more feminine than her younger sister.
  • The Ojou
  • Prince and Pauper: She has to act as Dianna for a number of episodes after they switch on a whim and get separated before they can switch back. She does quite well under the circumstances.
  • Princess Curls
  • Silk Hiding Steel: She's able to pass herself off as Queen Dianna and uses her position to try and stall the Moonrace occupation of Earth.
    • Also, though she isn't much of a fighter, she does manage to fend off Teteth Halleh's assassination attempt long enough for her bodyguards to arrive.
  • Something They Would Never Say: When she uses her disguise as Dianna to declare that the Moonrace will not forcibly occupy the Sunbelt and instead continue negotiation, Harry Ord subtly informs her that he knows she isn't the real Dianna.
  • Spanner in the Works: For Dianna Counter, while she is disguised as Dianna. Some of her decisions are the complete opposite of what Dianna's advisers and officers expect. This contributes to their mutiny against the real Dianna later.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Was raised in a very wealthy family, but she's kind-hearted and wants a job that will benefit society.

Miashei Kune

  • Action Girl
  • Ambiguously Brown: With Hair of Gold.
  • Bash Sisters: With Sochie, although their Kapools are frequently the ones on the receiving end of the bashing.
  • Hot-Blooded: Early on, she tries to hijack an enemy suit by jumping out of an airplane and walloping the cockpit with a hammer.
  • Wrench Wench: Is a skilled airplane mechanic, like her father.

Joseph Yaht

Guin Sand Lineford

The ruler of Inglessa. Guin is incredibly wealthy, politcally savvy, and had managed to contact the Moonrace before the series began. He also has strong influence with the Militia, although he's not in complete control over their course of action.

Colonel Michael Gern

  • Colonel Badass
  • [[spoiler:[FatalFamilyPhoto: Pulls out a picture of his wife and son after the mutiny attempt and promises them that he'll return... which he ultimately does].
  • Guile Hero: He has to be this, due to the massive disparity between Militia and Moonrace technology.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: He fights battles without hesitation on Earth, but the thought of dying in space or on the moon terrifies him so much that he tries to mutiny and get the Willgame back there.

Lily Borjanno

Gavan Gooney

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