< Trouble Witches

Trouble Witches/YMMV

  • Designated Hero: Yuki Longate. She claims to be a hero, but is a Grade-A spoiled bitch.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Lili and Almagam.
  • Game Breaker: Luca (A DLC character introduced Trouble Witches NEO!) has twice as much MP out of the entire cast as well as a significantly higher damage output than any other character in the game.
  • Most Annoying Sound: ANY moment in Story Mode where Malcem screams at the top of whiney lungs as he goes Brainwashed and Crazy before a boss battle in Trouble Witches NEO's! English dub qualifies.
  • Narm: The English dub, due to the terrible voice acting. However...
    • Narm Charm: Bad voice acting or not, you can't help but feel at least a little bit sorry for Lyla when she rants about how much she sucks in front of Lilly (until she starts crying, that is). Also, anything Sakurako says. Her voice actress's accent makes her sound almost adorable.
  • Needs More Love: Especially from the developers themselves for butchering the XBLA version of Trouble Witches Episode 1 by abridging the storyline of each character and having SNK Playmore handle the English localization. This goes to show that there wasn't much love involved when they brought their own doujin game to video consoles overseas.
    • The English voice-overs maybe some of the worst voice-acting ever heard in a Shoot'Em Up since Castle Shikigami II, but the gameplay itself almost makes up for it despite its inherent flaws (e.g. the lack of card-swapping from the original PC game).
  • So Bad It's Good: Some of the Troubles Witches NEO's fanbase consider the Blind Idiot Translation and terrible English voice-overs as a good thing. This has led to various videos uploaded to YouTube to feature clips of the game's horrid English dubs.
  • That One Boss: Lili... just Lili...
  • They Just Didn't Care: The entirety of Trouble Witches NEO's! English localization and humorous storylines gone horribly abridged is proof that Studio SiestA did not care for bringing any coherent story-telling into a danmaku shooter outside Japan.
    • Averted with some of the voice cast. You can tell some of them are trying, but they still sound terrible.
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