Trouble Witches/Characters
With all the characterizations involved, a Character Sheet was created for Trouble Witches. This page, though, Needs Some Love.
Characters introduced in Episode 1
Main characters
Pril Patowle & Al the Blackcat
Pril voiced by Nanami Yua
Al voiced by Satsuki
Pril is witch-in-training as she is going through her apprenticeship of becoming a witch. She lives alone by the Hillvicott Forest and she sees her master everyday to study on her magic. She is easygoing, polite, and a hardworker, although is also somewhat dull and clumsy. Pril's story starts off one day where sees her master to continue her studies only to find a black cat named Al at her master's doorsteps with a message from her master stating he's too busy taking care of other things. Her master wants Pril to stop Amalgam and her children from wrecking havoc at Eihemland as a final test in apprenticeship. At the ending of their adventure, Pril's master never returned home, thus was never able to graduate from her apprenticeship, although Pril hinted that Al may be her master taking form a black cat.
Tropes relating to Pril
- Blondes Are Witches
- Child Mage
- Cute Witch
- The Ditz
- Dumb Blonde
- Heroic Lineage: Pril's her mother, Aliria, once defeated the Draupnir long ago.
- Inept Mage: Pril starts out as an apprentice witch. And she's still an apprentice after saving Amalgam from the Draupnir's influence since her master hasn't returned yet.
- The Mario: Her stats say so.
- Nice Hat
- The Red Mage: Her use of magic includes Fire, Star, and Nature, according to her Tomboyish Witches profile.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Simpleton Voice: In the English dub of Trouble Witches NEO!.
- Spread Shot
Tropes relating to Al
- Cats Are Magic
- Scarf of Asskicking
- She's a Man In Japan: A strange variant; Al is given a female voice in NEO!'s dub, but the translation still refers to him as a male.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Al in Japan, Aru everywhere else.
- Unexplained Accent: Al has a Japanese accent in the dub for some reason.
Aqua Seep Seal & Spur
Aqua voiced by Rei Ayukawa
Spur voiced by Jun Kaidou
Aqua Seep Seal is a genius and a famous pop-star idol of Tio Ferris, a land under the sea. She does have family relatives, but she lives alone with the family butler, Spur.[1] She has a modest personality, although it is said that she has a darker side... Lately her Idol Singer career has been in a rut and she needs to find a way to bring pop-idol status back to super-stardom. It was then she received one of the King of Eihemland's flyers, she seeks the opportunity to get back on top of the charts. With that, Aqua and Spur, set out to stop Amalgam's children from causing trouble throughout the land... and make them a part of her new band.
Tropes relating to Aqua
- An Ice Person: Aqua has some uses of ice magic.
- Angrish: When Aqua's pissed off.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Berserk Button
- Beware of the Nice Ones
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Aqua's easily one of the angriest, meanest heroines of the game.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Defeat Means Friendship: Invoked throughout her story as Aqua asks[2] Amalgam's children to form her band to atone for the damages they caused.
- Ham-to-Ham Combat: Versus Lili.
- Hair Decorations
- Hot Witch
- Idol Singer
- Making a Splash
- Minor Insult Meltdown: This exchange with the Mail sisters is a good example of this.
Wrinkle: "And you know what? You're kinda lame."
Meil: "Tee hee hee. LAAAAME."
Aqua: "What did you saaaay?! How dare you call the superstar witch LAME?!"
Spur: "Um... Lady Aqua, it is rather immature to snap like that on kids--"
Aqua: "I said that to the Draupnir! Don't expect any mercy just because they're kids!"
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Implied every time someone presses her Berserk Button.
- Our Mermaids Are Different
- Rapunzel Hair
- The Smart Girl
- Stripperiffic
- Your Makeup Is Running: In Stage 4.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Tropes relating to Spur
- Battle Butler
- Dub Name Change: Was localized as Spool C'kale in Trouble Witches NEO!.
- Fish People
- Making a Splash
- Servile Snarker: He spends most of the game snarking about Aqua, and even narrates her adventures in a bored semi-British voice, like an ocean documentary. She eventually confronts him about it, but given it's Aqua, Spur just denies saying anything.
Yuki Longate & Minutes the Pig
Yuki voiced by Yutaka Sakai
Minutes voiced by Kanan
Tropes relating to Yuki
- Bare Your Midriff
- Child Mage
- Cute Little Fangs: Can be seen if you look hard enough.
- Dub Name Change: To Valorie in Trouble Witches NEO!.
- Fiery Redhead
- Freudian Excuse: Throughout her story, she acts aggressive towards any that crosses her path in her journey because her workaholic father. The passing of her mother, Angela, doesn't help, either.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hair Decorations
- Rapunzel Hair
- Spoiled Sweet
- Troubled but Cute
- Unexplained Accent: Yuki's English dubbed voice somehow has a British accent in Trouble Witches NEO!.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Yuki gets called out by Amalgam's family one by one because of her aggressive behavior and how she treats her partner Minsk.
Tropes relating to Minutes
- The Chew Toy: As Yuki's personal punching-bag to vent her frustration.
- Our Homunculi Are Different
- Shout-Out: According to Minutes' Tomboyish Witches profile, it is stated that "Attempts to create a human body with some comic book components failed".
- Spell My Name with an "S": Was localized as Minsk.
Sies Fabric Tinydream & The Beast
Sies voiced by N/A
The Beast voiced by FROZEN
Tropes relating to Sies
- Cute and Psycho
- Overly Long Name: In Trouble Witches NEO's! English dub.
- Parasol of Pain: And it doubles as machine gun!
- Recurring Boss: Appears halfway into Stages 1, 3, and 5 as a mid-boss.
- Mirror Match: Sies can fight herself in the original PC game.
Tropes relating to The Beast
Symphony Porlatt & Ponta
Symphony voiced by Yuria*
Ponta voiced by Mona Fujimiya
Tropes relating to Symphony
- Cats Are Magic
- Catgirl
- Cat Smile: Naturally
- Cloudcuckoolander: She goes on an entire mission to search for her crown that's sitting on her head the entire time. She is actually a Big Good and All Powerful Bystander watching and judging humanity while protecting them from Drauphnir.
- Cute Witch
- Girl In White
- Hair Decorations
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: She's a Catgirl fairy princess.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Tropes relating to Ponta
Louis Leondyke & Toras
Louis voiced by Rio Kisaka
Toras voiced by Kotetsu Arakawa
Tropes relating to Louis
- Cute Little Fang
- Nice Hat: Although Louis rarely wears it.
- Loan Shark: Her parent forced their hefty loan to their daughter, and it's played for laughs.
- Paper Fan of Doom: Her Magic Wand.
- Pure Energy
- Spell My Name with an "S": Louis in the original Japan material, Louie in the English localization.
Tropes relating to Toras
- Evil Debt Collector: Louie spends her whole life paying her late parents debt to him. And it's played for laughs.
- Frickin Laser Beam: He fires a constant stream of energy from his beak.
- Roboteching: And it archs up and downwards.
- Nice Hat
- Pure Energy
- Spell My Name with an "S": To Taurus in the Trouble Witches NEO!.
Conon Mildiazzhe Krakow & Conon's Papa
Conon voiced by Mameko
Conon's Papa voiced by Kotetsu Arakawa
Tropes relating to Conon
- Child Mage
- Nice Hat
- Spell My Name with an "S": Conon in Japan, Conan in the States.
- Purple Eyes
- Token Mini-Moe
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Tropes relating to Conon's Papa
- Eye Beams
- Shaggy Dog Story:At the end of Conon's story, he was never able to recall how he turned into a monster, therefore leaves him stuck the way he is.
- Oculothorax
- PurpleEye
Lyla Arctauras & Sasha
Lyla voiced by Mana Ohsaki
Sasha voiced by Sachika Souno
Tropes relating to Lyla
- Ambiguously Brown
- Belly Dancer
- The Cynic
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Is a princess of her country.
- Genre Blindness: She spends the whole game seeking a hero to defeat Alamagam right to when they meet face to face. It turns out her cynicism stems from some self-esteem issues (played for laughs).
- Grumpy Bear
- Nice Hat
- Perpetual Frowner: Although averted in her promotional artworks.
- Significant Green-Eyed Redhead
- Stripperiffic
- Unexplained Accent: Probably Japanese. We're not sure.
Tropes relating to Sasha
- Genie Lamp: Her shell.
Sakurako Kujo & Uruchi
Sakurako voiced by Mitsu Satou
Uruchi voiced by Kotetsu Arakawa
Tropes relating to Sakurako
- Butt Monkey: Most of the opponents she face have never seen a Miko before, thinking she's a clown or ridiculing the way she looks or talks.
- Fan Service: Sort of. In Sakurako's ending, Chime made a magical staff for Sakurako that would transfrom her clothes a la Magical Girl fashion. She immediately tested it out before Chime can warn her about the "going nude" part of the clothing transform, which evidentally happens as the small bits of clothing manages to cover any indecent exposure from the player's eyes.
- Hair Decorations
- Miko
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Sword Beam: Her shot-type is basically this.
- Unexplained Accent: Noticing a pattern here? Like Al, she has a Japanese accent. Since she is a Miko, and as such, is Japanese, and is heavily into anime, the assumption could be made that she is speaking In-Universe Gratuitous English by a generous enough player.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: She is an "Astrologist" who wants to be a anime-eqsue Cute Witch, and spouts a lot of anime, Magical Girl nonsense to every enemy she faces. She learns that her differences in upbringing and training means she will be loved and needed by the world just the way she is: an anime-esque Miko.
Tropes relating to Uruchi
- Expy: Of the Amaterasu, despite being a male.
- Kill It with Fire: He breathes flames as his shot-type.
Luca Yurievna Vinakol & Victor
Luca voiced by mi~a
Victor voiced by Jun Kaidou
Tropes relating to Victor
Tropes relating to Luca
- Black Magic
- Black Magician Girl
- Captain Oblivious: She spends the entire game chasing her betrothed fiance, oblivious to the fact that he does not like her. He even killed her, and she shrugs it off after recovering as a show of affection.
Luca: "But a knife through the heart is the most sincere declaration of love amongst demons~!"
- Downloadable Content
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Everything's Better with Princesses: She is a devil princess and the heir to Hell's throne.
- Lethal Chef
- Nice Hat
- Older Than They Look: She's literally 100,013-years-old despite her appearance!
- Our Demons Are Different: To the point of entering Our Vampires Are Different territory.
- The Power of Love: Her reason for fighting Amalgam's daughters to earn the Draupnir's love.
- Token Mini-Moe
Chime Brown
Chime voiced by Rio Kisaka
Tropes relating to Chime
- Attack Its Weak Point
- Big No: Does this twice in a row after losing to Aqua. She also invokes this during the Arcade Mode.
- Cute Little Fang
- Dub Name Change: To Bella Chimes in Trouble Witches NEO!'s localization.
- Extra Ore Dinary
- The Engineer
- Wave Motion Gun: Jillpeale fires one hidden in it's core.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Wrinkle & Meil Mail
Wrinkle voiced by Sachika Souno
Meil voiced by Junka Amaoto[3]
Tropes relating to Wrinkle and Meil
- Always Identical Twins
- Mage Children
- Cute Witches
- Dub Name Change: In Trouble Witches NEO!, they are called Celeste and Venus, but when introducing each other, they refer to each other as Twinkle and Star.
- Green Thumb, Petal Power
- Hair Decorations
- Token Mini-Moe
Snowberry White
Snowberry voiced by Sachika Souno
Tropes relating to Snowberry
- An Ice Person: Averted example as it turns out, she hates the cold.
- Dub Name Change: She was localized as Blizzard Zapfen.
- Lethal Chef: Revealed to be this in Lyla's story.
Lili Reacmaier
Lili voiced by: Rio Kisaka
Tropes relating to Lili
- Buxom Is Better
- Fiery Redhead: Literally.
- Large Ham: In the English dub. Think William Shatner if he was constantly pissed off. And a girl.
- Ham-to-Ham Combat: Versus Lady Aqua.
- Hair Decorations
- Hot Witch: Literally and figuratively speaking.
- Playing with Fire
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: She mocks every hero for having a "thin figure".
- Showgirl Skirt
- Spell My Name with an "S": Her name is spelled as Lilly the English localization. Again, you may have noticed a pattern.
- Stripperiffic
Malcem Yukika
Malcem voiced by DARKY
Tropes relating to Malcem
- Bare Your Midriff
- Bishounen
- Hair Decorations
- Spell My Name with an "S": Was localized as Malcolm in Trouble Witches NEO!.
Amalgam Carries
Amalgam voiced by Syoobee
Tropes relating to Amalgam
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Casting a Shadow
- Hot Mom
- Hot Witch
- Meido: In Sakurako's ending, Chrime revealed that her mother, Amalgam, is working as maid at the king's castle to make up for damages she caused.
- Leotard of Power
- Thicker Than Water
The Draupnir
The Draupnir voiced by Jun Kaidou
Tropes relating to the Draupnir
Other characters
The Pumpkin Sisters
Ptheni voiced by Satsuki
Pelu voiced by Nanami Yua
Tropes relating to the Pumpkin Sisters
- Ambiguously Brown: Pleu.
- Arms Dealers
- Darkskinned Blonde: Pleu.
- Nice Hat: Both of them.
Aliria Patowle
Tropes relating to Aliria
Sowah Longate
Tropes relating to Sowah
=== Characters introduced in Episode 2