Trollied is a Britcom about the employees of a (fictional) supermarket, Valco. The series is set in Warrington, Cheshire. The first season aired on Sky 1 in August and September 2011. A second and third season have since been confirmed following the show's high ratings.
The employees that she show mainly focuses on are:
- Gavin (Store Manager)
- Julie (Acting Deputy Manager)
- Andy (Head Butcher)
- Kieran (Butcher)
- Sue (Customer Service)
- Linda (Customer Service)
- Katie (Checkout operator)
- Lisa (Checkout operator)
- Margaret (Store assistant)
- Leighton (Store assistant)
- Colin (Store assistant)
This show has examples of:
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Julie.
- British Brevity: The first season consists of eight episodes. According to Word of God, the forthcoming second and third seasons will contain thirteen episodes each.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Julie towards Gavin, who is apparently oblivious to her feelings for him, and Kieran and Katie towards each other.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Margaret.
- Cringe Comedy: Fairly often. Julie's work interview is by far the best example.
- The Ditz: Leighton.
- Jerkass: Colin, who is so lazy, rude and unhelpful to customers it's a wonder he managed to get employed at Valco. Julie also falls into this territory on a regular basis.
- The Pollyanna: Leighton.
- Too Much Information: Lisa loves this trope.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Kieran and Katie, in spades. The only thing stopping them from getting together is the fact that Kieran already has a girlfriend (and later fiancée), who is incredibly controlling of him.
- Unsatisfiable Customer: Surprisingly rare considering the setting, but this does pop up occasionally.
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