< Treasure Planet

Treasure Planet/YMMV

Jim: "Silver! You gave up--!"
Silver: "Just a lifelong obsession, Jim. I'll get over it."

  • Awesome Music: Let's just cut to the chase and say everything. James Newton Howard provides the best Disney score since The Lion King.
  • Complete Monster: Scroop, the "psycho spider" secondary villain, could belong in this trope, since even among other pirates he's considered the nastiest villain of all! When Jim Hawkins says so much as one negative thing about him, he makes an attempt on his life. Later on, he gleefully murders Mr. Arrow for virtually no reason at all and makes his death look like it was Jim's fault, and it's pretty clear that Silver is the only thing stopping him from also murdering everyone else. When Silver confronts Scroop for murdering Mr. Arrow, Scroop decides to loudly antagonize Silver over his affection for Jim and tries to get the rest of the crew to mutiny and overthrow him, causing him to renounce his friendship with Jim, which unknowingly sabotages their relationship, in order to keep the crew in order. All of this shows quite clearly the capacity Scroop had for boundless cruelty.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The soundtrack is pretty awesome.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Captain Amelia, which might be partially due to the apparently major Token Chick in the film, considering that there was a severe lack of female characters in the original Robert Louis Stevenson novel.
    • The film itself is one. Not only was it well-received by critics, but it's built up quite the cult following.
  • Executive Meddling: This movie was conceived back when The Little Mermaid was....but the executives didn't allow Musker and Clements to make it until much, much later, and when it was made, the marketing campaign ensured not many people saw it by playing up the Totally Radical aspects of it to the point of being obnoxious.
  • Fanon: Fanfic writers have given Captain Amelia the surname Smollett after the captain from the original story.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: As soon as you see Scroop with the rest of the crew, you just KNOW he's the one you really do not want to be alone with.
  • It Was His Sled: A few new subplots aside, it's still just Treasure Island--a story that most everybody knows by heart, regardless of whether they've actually read the book.
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships: Jim has been paired with every Disney girl ever (particularly Ariel), extending to non-Disney girls like Odette and even anime girls like Sailor Moon and Princess Tutu. Ironically he is a Celibate Hero in the movie.
    • He is also shipped a lot with Silver.
  • Moral Event Horizon: We get the idea that Scroop is a nasty guy, but then he proves it even more by gleefully sending Mr. Arrow to his death via black hole (ironically, black holes are the trope namer) only to turn around and the blame entirely on Jim. In the end, Jim sends him tumbling into space in a similar manner.

Scroop: "Do say hello to Mr. Arrow for me."
Jim: "Tell him yourself!"

  • Spiritual Licensee: This is as close as we'll ever come to a Spelljammer movie. Or an Edge Chronicles movie, for that matter.
  • Tear Jerker: Silver and Jim's good-bye at the end of the movie.
    • The musical flashback of Jim's dad abandoning them.
  • Ugly Cute: Morph's basically a wrinklier floating Ditto, but you can't help but go "Awww!" whenever you see him.
  • Vindicated by Cable: The film is much more popular now than it was when it was playing in cinemas.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: The Etherium is gorgeous.
  • The Woobie: Jim could easily fall into woobie status, given his Disappeared Dad, stressful home life, and the unbelievable amount of abuse he receives from pretty much every character except Delbert and B.E.N.
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