< Treasure Planet

Treasure Planet/Awesome

  • The opening sequence.

Narrator: There were nights when the winds of the Etherium, so inviting in their promise of flight and freedom, made one's spirit soar... (Cue epic Time Skip)

  • In this, Disney's incredibly well done Treasure Island adaption, the mutineering pirates are trying to get into the cabin using their flintlock lasers, when Long John Silver walks up, "Arrgh... You're taking all day about it!" He sticks his Cyborg hand into his cyborg leg, pulls out a REALLY BIG CANNON and blasts, nay, atomizes the door to kingdom come.
  • Any scene in Treasure Planet where Jim is on his solar surfboard. Pure, undiluted, Awesome, especially during the destruction of Treasure Planet.
  • Several scenes for Doctor Doppler. The scene where he and the Captain are held prisoner, though, takes the cake:

Doctor Doppler: All my life, l dreamed of an adventure like this. [sighs] I'm just sorry I couldn't have... been more helpful to you.
Captain Amelia: Oh, don't be daft. You've been very helpful. Truly.
Doctor Doppler: I feel like such a useless weakling... [hands slip out of the rope he was tied with] ...with abnormally thin wrists. [to the pirate guarding them while pretending to still be tied up] Excuse me, brutish pirate.
Pirate: [belches]
Doctor Doppler: Yes, you. I have a question. Is it that your body is too massive for your teeny-tiny head... or is it that your head is too teeny-tiny for your big, fat body?
Pirate: [grabs Doppler] I pummel you good!
Doctor Doppler: Yes, I'm sure you will, but before you do, I have one more question. [pulls out a gun and points it at pirate] Is this yours?
Pirate: Uh...

  • Jim gets a couple of big ones. The first scene with him riding the solar surfer, mostly just because it looked so cool, making it a CMOA for the animation team as much as for the character. Definitely one of the best moments of the film. The other is, of course, his run to the portal on another surfer, which he had built out of a BOX OF SCRAPS only seconds before, especially the bit where he grinds against the canyon wall to reignite the engine.
  • The supernova/black hole scene is a CMOA for basically the entire crew of the Legacy (with the exception of Scroop), but especially for Doppler and Amelia.
  • "Pirates? On my ship? I'll see they all hang!" When you are voiced by Emma Thompson, of course you're awesome!
  • This one doubles as a Crowning Moment of Funny:

Amelia: Did you actually aim for that?
Doppler: (stares at gun in amazement) You know, actually, I did!

  • Also for Jim, when he uses Scroop as a stepping stone to hang onto the mast, knocking him into space in the process;
  • All of the technology is very imaginative, but for this troper it was always when the treasure map opened for the first time, revealing a 3-D, galaxy-wide map from a bronze sphere, that the thought "Holy, now that is a treasure map!" came racing through. Bet Mr. Stevenson never thought his story could go to such heights.
  • Breaking the tension of the scene just before the mutiny:

Silver: Well, I was never much good at games. Always hated to lose. [cocks gun behind his back]
Jim: Yeah... me too. [stabs Silver]

  • A line from the trailer counts big time:

Narrator: He may be on a quest for gold...
Jim: 'Gonna make people see me a little different.
Mr. Arrow: Mr. Silver!
Jim: Cyborg!
Narrator: But he'd better watch out... for Silver!

  • The part where Silver bargains with Jim for the map and the chewing out Jim gives Silver, including this line, counts as awesome for this troper.

Jim: I mean, at least you taught me one thing. "Stick to it," right? Well, that's just what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make sure you never see one drubloon of MY treasure!

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