Treasure Keepers

Treasure Keepers is a relatively new casual game by the current Neopets Team and the original creators of Neopets, available through Facebook. The player character is a shopkeeper and adventurer who is running your father's shop while he is away. You go on board game-style adventures collecting items (treasures) and gold, and sell them in your shop. Set in Neopia, however the Neopets Team has stated in the Editorial that they do not consider it canon.

Has a surprising amount of depth, particularly in its story and humour.

Unfortunately, the game has closed on December 14, 2011.

Tropes used in Treasure Keepers include:
  • Comically Missing the Point: In one quest chain, a boy called Vincent sends you to collect romantic items for his sweetheart, Olivia. His affections are obviously not reciprocated, as Olivia rips up his poetry, throws his roses into the garden, etc. However, Vincent consistently mistakes Olivia's dislike for absent-mindedness.
  • The Fashionista: An Usul named Kara, according to one quest chain.
  • Shout-Out: Plenty, from the Cybunny In A Hurry card where a Cybunny with a pocketwatch runs by, appearing to be late, to the Bananas item (whose description mentions that they are "high in potassium, whatever that is").
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