Total Drama Tween Tour
Total Drama Tween Tour is a fanfic by CragmiteBlaster, also the author of Total Drama Letterz. The fic acts as a fictional fourth season of Total Drama that follows the same world travelling idea as season 3 but instead features Forty brand new contestants, all of which are aged 10-12 competing for the grand prize of $2,000,000.
The story is ongoing.
This story features examples of:
- Anime Hair: Emily
- Berserk Button: Insulting deaf people in front of Ling. Her mother is deaf.
- Casanova Wannabe: Craig in a rather creepy way.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Pablo and Ted are the same two as those mentioned by Jimmy in Total Drama Letterz. They even made an appearence in TDL near the end.
- Everyone Meets Everyone: Chapter 1.
- For the Evulz: Lars' bullying.
- Keet: A number of the characters; then again, since they are all 10-12 years old it's to be expected.
- Never Accepted In Her Hometown. Pandora's bio states this.
- Nice Hat: Gareth's toque.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: Cuthbert. After his team loses the first challenge he says they should vote off Molly just because she's deaf. He goes on to basically make a hate speech about people with disabilites and seems smug that Molly cannot hear what he is saying. Not only that but Lings mother is deaf. What does his team do in response? vote himout 9-1.
- Surrounded by Idiots: Edgar thinks this.
- The Woobie: Pandora.
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