< Total Drama Chris
Total Drama Chris/YMMV
- Anti-Sue: Danielle.
- Non Sequitur Scene: Marilee's fake cameo.
- Complete Monster: Chris.
- Madison's mother Blanche from Le Shawna's flashbacks also qualifies. She physically manhandles a ten year old, falsely accuses that girl of theft and harrassment to get a restraining order, and indoctrinates her daughter in racism, indirectly causing Le Shawna to develop the Knight Templar personality that she ultimately had. She only appears in one chapter, and in that one chapter she causes more psychological damage to Le Shawna then Chris did in two consecutive seasons.
- Crack Pairing: Katie and Noah, Ezekiel and Izzy, DJ and Sadie, Heather and Harold, & Cody and Eva.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: The fanfiction challenge.
- Izzy angrily jumping on Owen, in an aftermath, yelling "The cake was a lie!"
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Chapter 13 of Total Drama Chris, where Izzy brings Heather's friend Taylor and mother onstage to support her. Ch 52 has another example, where Le Shawna finally buries the hatchet with her abusive former friend Madison, and gets the friend to apolgize for abusing her.
- Die for Our Ship: Leshawna immediately breaks up with Harold once they've both arrived, then uses him as an easy excuse to justify being a raging bitch towards his new Love Interest Heather. She does come to regret this later on, however.
- Owen also falls victim to this when Izzy breaks up with him. To be fair, he voted her out for cake.
- Dude, Not Funny: Alistair's "Hurricane Katrina" comment.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Ulysses, Zack.
- Genius Bonus: When people ask about the cheeseburger in Harold's t-shirt, he replies, "This is not a cheeseburger"!
- Jerkass Woobie:
- One of the things you may feel sorry for Danielle is how she can't perceive how jerkass she is. Le Shawna also becomes one after her past with Madison was revealed.
- Mary Sue: During the last part, Katie becomes more of a Mary Sue, always resolving the problems and fighting a pack of giant beavers single-handed with nothing more than a stick.
- Moral Event Horizon: Day 7 of TD Chris reveals that Leshawna plastered a very sensitive page of Gwen's diary around the camp to frame Heather and get her eliminated, then plotted with Chris to get rid of everyone who might prove what really happened. To keep Courtney from interfering, she lures her into a hole, planning to let her stay there, injured, until she was safely eliminated.
- On Day 8, Justin immediately tops this: he shoots Eva, Cody and Courtney with tranqs, then throws Courtney off a thousand-food cliff onto a concrete slab to complete her 'Fear Multiple' challenge and tries to frame Eva for it. The only remorse they show over this is due to getting caught.
- Day 11 sees another MEH crossing when Jewel attempts to frame Heather for murdering Bridgette and Lindsay.
- Danielle laces Gwen's drink with truth serum, forcing Gwen to admit her true feelings about Duncan, in front of Courtney. All while she is supposed to be competing in a challenge.
- Oh, and Chris is aware of all of these, and 'in' on most of them, courtesy of a little Loophole Abuse of his own.
- Tastes Like Diabetes: Xuxa.
- Unfortunate Implications
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Leanne.
- The Woobie:
- Katrina, Veronica, Zack.
- Madison. While she is a total bitch, it was largely due to brainwashing of her Complete Monster of a mother.
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