< TotalBiscuit


  • Colbert Bump:
    • His developer interview, developer commentary, and Let's Play with the Yogscast on Magicka led to a lot more exposure for the game.
    • Ditto for his "WTF is..." on Frozen Synapse, which received such a Colbert Bump that the game servers couldn't take the amount of players they got.
    • His review for Proun received such high traffic that the developer's site crashed from the volume of traffic. This was the only place where the game could be bought.
    • Without saying the trope name, he admitted that this is the basic point of "WTF is...?". It was made as a way of advertising good games and denouncing bad ones (based on first impressions only).
    • His "WTF is..." on Stellar Impact once again crashed the servers with the publicity his community brought. Funny enough, he had warned the indie developers that his community tended to crash websites before, and one of them said "Feel free to can crash my servers any time." [sic]
    • His WTF-a-thon caused a similar situation, with viewers in the livestream flocking to the sites for the various games being advertised and inadvertently bringing them down. It quickly became something of a Running Gag throughout the livestream.
      • The effects of TB's Colbert Bump can be seen live in video (recorded during the WTF-a-thon) in TB's run of Realm of the Mad God: behold more than 30 out of the possible 85 players in a server congregating around TB as his personal army. As a fan remarked, the effect of a "WTF is..." increases a game's population by 4000%.
    • Lampshaded again in his latest video, "WT Free is Nitronic Rush?", where he posted the link to the games Torrent, so as to break the developers site.
    • This cat video had next to zero attention when TB linked it during a livestream of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, as a result of TB's influence, it is now covered in artichoke-facts, and the wikipedia site for artichokes is mauled beyond recognition as of time of writing.
    • TB is causing a lot more attention to the game God Hand since he said that "if I find out one of you doesn't like this game, I'll personally come to your house and kill you."
    • He Lampshades this in his WTF is.. of DLC Quest, saying that he can weaponize it by tweeting about the dev's site & crashing it.
    • This has led to a bit of a Running Gag - if TB draws attention to a video, game, project, whatever, when his fans get there they will announce "The Cynical Fleet has arrived."
  • Creator Worship: He holds CD Projekt Red in high regard. With good reason, but still.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: According to a few comments on this Terraria video, "Mark."
  • He Panned It, Now He Sucks:
    • A lot of people who watched him mainly for the coverage of the Cata beta quit watching him entirely when he quit WoW.
    • When people asked him for his opinion on Diablo III and he criticised certain aspects of the game like the memetically infamous "Error 37" of the servers and the fact that it wouldn't have happened if the game had offline capability, he was loudly called out on it.
  • Memetic Mutation: He HATES the arrow-to-the-knee meme with a passion, but uses other memes from time to time
    • During his TORk podcast with his wife Genna Bain and Jesse Cox, he ends it with the following quote, and is promptly called out on it by his wife.

TB: You know what? I never asked for this.

    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.