Torchwood: The Lost Files

The Lost Files is a series of three radio dramas released prior to the fourth series of Torchwood. These dramas aired as BBC Radio 4's Afternoon Play on 11, 12 and 13 July 2011 and feature the regular cast. Although broadcast to coincide with the airing of Torchwood: Miracle Day, two of the episodes are set prior to the Torchwood: Children of Earth miniseries of 2009, as they include the character of Ianto Jones, who is killed off in the 2009 miniseries. The episode "The House of the Dead", however, is set right before "Children of Earth"'s epilogue.
Tropes used in Torchwood: The Lost Files include:
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Jack when he loses Ianto for a second time in "The House of the Dead".
- Big Damn Heroes: Rhys of all people in "The Devil and Miss Carew". He uses the computer browser history to track down Gwen and rescue her from the titular character.
- Dead All Along: Ianto, in "The House of the Dead".
- Eldritch Abomination:
- The entity in "The House of the Dead".
- Also Gwen, again, from "The House of the Dead".
- Grand Theft Me: The alien in "Submission"
- Heroic Sacrifice: When the Big Bad of "The House of the Dead" tried to bribe Jack with a living breathing Ianto, he almost took it. Ianto instead blew the Big Bad to kingdom come, sealing the rift and killing himself for a second time.
- Shout-Out: The title and the name of the submarine in "Submission" shout out to the Sex Pistols. And the episode titled House of the Dead.
- Spooky Seance: "The House of the Dead".
- Tomato Surprise: practically everything in "The House of the Dead". The story's taking place after Children of Earth, Ianto's a ghost, and Gwen's an Eldritch Abomination.
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