< Tomorrow Never Dies

Tomorrow Never Dies/YMMV

  • Ass Pull: Most of the gadgets in Bond's car are never mentioned by Q (Except for the standard issue ones - stinger missiles under the headlights, etc.), but are of course vital to Bond's survival, which is probably why Bond is laughing when he finds and successfully uses some of the better devices, like auto-inflating tires. He's just as surprised, impressed and giddy as the viewer is.
  • Complete Monster: Carver and Mr. Stamper. In addition to the whole plan of killing a city full of people and quite possibly instigating World War III, there's what they planned to do to 007 and Wai Lin. Carver orders them tortured, telling them of the techniques Mr. Stamper will use and explaining that these methods (including mutilating the genitals) are designed to inflict the maximum amount of agony while keeping the victim alive as long as possible. Mr. Stamper adds that he hopes to break his mentor's record of 52 hours.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny:

Elliot Carver: Mr. Wallace, call the President. Tell him if he doesn't sign the bill lowering the cable rates, we will release the video of him with the cheerleader in the Chicago motel room.
Mr. Wallace: Inspired, sir.
Elliot Carver: And after he signs the bill, release the tape anyway.

  • Crowning Music of Awesome: k.d. lang is made of WIN. Listen here.
    • Like Tina Turner's, um, turn in GoldenEye, Sheryl Crow's theme for the film is also a nice throwback to the big, sweeping Bond themes of yesteryear.
    • After the score of GoldenEye was soundly criticized for its drastic departure from the usual Bond motifs, new composer David Arnold gave an apology to the fans in the form of making sure no Bond Moment was complete without the classic tunes of the series. In fact, the James Bond theme is heard in four of the first five scenes Bond has!
    • The Awesome jazz/techno soundtrack that Carver plays at his Hamburg party certainly qualifies.
    • "White Knight", "Station Break" and "Backseat Driver", as well as Moby's James Bond Theme.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: In Carver's introduction scene, one of his reporters announces "riots in Paris" and "floods in Pakistan". In 2005, hundreds of youths from Parisian suburbs rioted and looted for a month after two kids accidentally electrocuted themselves in a transformer while trying to hide from the police. In July 2010, Pakistan was devastated by one of the worst floods in history, killing nearly 2000 people.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: If you pay attention to the taped news when Bond discovers Paris's body in his hotel room, the news state that Paris was found dead, alongside "an unidentified man who died by a self-inflicted gunshot". We have Dr. Kauffman's word that he could shoot Bond from Stuttgart and still make it look like suicide. Guess what happens next.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Eliot Carver
  • Memetic Mutation: Kaufman's line "I can shoot you from Shuttgart und still create ze proper effect!" complete with faux accent has gotten some mileage.
  • Missed Moment of Awesome: Ricky Jay, the guy who can in real life throw playing cards with the precision necessary to embed them in a watermelon, is not playing a quirky theme henchman but a forgettable technician.
    • Deleted scenes showed that he was going to be an actual Death Dealer. Alas...
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