< Tokumei Sentai Gobusters

Tokumei Sentai Gobusters/Funny

  • In the dance theme ending the entire crew of the HQ is dancing in the Megazord bay.
  • #1: Hiromu sees a picture of a chicken in a newspaper, so he freezes. Floating in the air.
  • #2: Hiromu basically calls Yōko fat while oblivious to the fact that this is rather tactless. Yōko reacts by shooting him. Note that they are both in their respective mecha at the time.
  • #3: Yōko arguing with Hiromu and declaring she's the senior...only to fall flat to her weak point of not eating sweets, all while Hiromu chides her to think about her weak point more, in which Yōko yells "Chicken" at him, causing Hiromu to nearly freeze and instead walk as if he's got seizures.
    • Before that, while Yōko and Hiromu are arguing, you can see Ryūji in the background struggling not to laugh.
    • Enter's little animation that plays on his laptop as he describes his plan to Messiah.
    • GT-02 fires banana-shaped missiles with discarding sabots that "peel" to fire interior shells. The shells don't do much damage...but then the Megazord slips on the peels.
  • #4: Hiromu trying to give 'lessons' while being bandaged by Chiida.

Hiromu: So if the enemy acts like this, what's his nature?
Yōko: That he's annoying?
Hiromu: Idiot.
Yōko: *Death Glare*
Hiromu: *get his bandaging tightened to the point that it hurts* AACK!!

    • Enter sitting a guard post having himself some pizza on a TV tray as the Go-Busters arrive on the scene.
  • #5: The debut of RH-03's Animal Mode, and it punts the Megazord into the stratosphere...only to hit Ace when landing.
    • After punting the TireZord, RH-03 takes time out to scratch one of its ears with its foot!
    • The Metaroid's introduction.

Yōko: Oh great, a weird one! *takes the Metaroid down in one shot*

  • #6: Cheeda and Usada once again arguing, which results in Cheeda calling him Mr. Carrot.
    • Sprayroid tries to make himself useful while Enter tries to reactivate Gamma by melting random things.
  • #7: Enter's Metaroid of the week: Densharoid.[1] What does it do? It runs down rail tracks to collect Enetron while moving his arms like a steam engine.
    • Ryūji's plan to get Densharoid off the tracks: use the Ichigan Buster in camera mode to produce a hologram of a train coming the other way.
    • DenshaZord and the BugZord's linking up like a train looks like a congo line.
  • #8: Enter gets a lot of these:
    • After disabling the electric fence to the base he stares into the security camera and makes faces.
    • Once inside the base he disguises himself as a security guard and dances around gaily until the Go-Busters show up...and is shocked they found him so quickly!
    • In a Hardware store, he lets out a little squeal of glee as the Drillroid comes to life.
    • Cheeda chastises Gorisaki eavesdrop in on Ryuuji's conversations.
    • Look very hard for this one: The second time Cheeda catches Gorisaki eavesdropping, look into the background and you can see Morishita and Nakamura giving Takeshi a massage post-mission.
  • #9: This episode shows that Yōko can be manipulative when she wants to as she was able to get Ryūji, Hiromu, and the Chief to do her homework!
    • The flashback to why Yōko and Usada were fighting. It starts with Usada literally smoking and chewing out Ryūji and Hiromu for doing Yōko's homework. Then he goes on to say how Yōko is always finding ways to skip his lessons, not do her homework, etc. During this Yōko walks in and the other two Busters try to warn Usada. Sadly he only catches on after he says "We really can't afford to let Yōko get any stupider than she already is!" His reaction is priceless.
    • The kidnappers learn Usada is really, REALLY heavy.
    • When the ransom call is played back for the Go-Busters, the kidnappers demand 2000 trons for Usada's return. Usada yells out he's worth more than that.
    • When the Go-Busters show up to rescue Usada the first time, Yōko walks over to make fun of him. Usada responds by saying he was saving his energy and could escape anytime he wanted.
    • When Enter realizes that someone is trying to save Usada, he begins to rapidly press the enter button which causes the bomb timer to speed up.
    • The mecha fight sees the return of RH-03 Animal Mode, which not only kicks another Megazord in the ass but tries to act cute as the BugZords blow up by standing on its rear legs and running its paws over its face.
    • The end of the episode has Usada arguing with Yōko over getting Commander Takeshi to do her homework, Hiromu criticizing Morishita over his portrayal of him, Ryūji and Nakamura laughing at everyone saying everything is back to normal, and Usada falls over to end the episode.
  • #10: Nick. Just the sight of him being stressed out is amusing enough.
    • So depressed that he wants to hitch a ride, completely forgetting that he transforms into a motorcycle.
    • At the end Nick gets depressed again because Rika has left and he thinks he went too far trying to help them. When Hiromu finds Rika's sketch pad and shows Nick the picture; a sketch of the family complete with Nick being depicted as a cheetah. It takes Nick a couple of seconds to realize that he's been added to the family.
    • During the Mook fight at the start of the episode, Ryūji tries to cool off until one mook knocks the ice pack away from him. Overheated Ryūji appears and the first thing he does is punch the mook so hard in his face, he flies offscreen!
    • Also, during the climax of the episode, the DanganZord learns the hard way not to stand still, as GT-02 punched it off-screen.
  • #11: Gorisaki's attempt to modify his overheating sensor for Ryūji was to add a cooling system. Said system blasts Ryuji with a stream of air cold enough to leave frost on his face and hair.
    • FanZord uses its fan to blow RH-03 away and turn it into a Twinkle in The Sky.
    • At the end of the episode, Ryūji and Gorisaki decide to be honest with each other. Gorisaki begins to list out all sorts of problems with Ryuji, which causes him to chase Gorisaki around.
  • #12: A Running Gag for the episode was everyone noticing how much Yōko and Angie look alike.
    • When Ryūji and Yōko arrive to back Ace up they become confused to which is the real Ace. Yōko then has an idea: shoot both of them until the CopyZord returns to its original form.
    • At the end of the episode, Angie sends Yōko an e-mail in English thanking her for protecting her. Everyone waits to see what Yōko says after reading the message. Unfortunately, she can't read English.
  • #13: Enter, once again has plenty of funny moments:
    • When Enter notices the two tuba players, he sneaks up on them dressed up as a panda.
    • While Enter waits for Tubaroid to carry out the plan, he sits on the roof in a chair, wearing a band hat, playing a second tuba.
    • To show us how bad Nick is with directions, Hiromu tells him not to get lost in the amusement park while searching for Tubaroid. Nick reassures him he won't because he has a map. He proceeds to turn the map upside down and head out searching.
      • When we catch back up with Nick, he has left the amusement park, still clutching the map, asking for directions.
    • Speaking of Nick we finally get to see him fight after 13 episodes. Sadly all he does is flail around and fight pretty much like Don.
      • During the fight, after taking down a mook, Nick gets socked by another one of his teammates.
    • Usada...Poor Usada got the Chew Toy ball hard in this episode. From being strapped and forced to ride the merry-go-round, got stuck on the Ferris wheel, to getting picked up by the head from Gorisaki and thrown rather rudely into the tube system the Busters use to get back to base.
  • #15: The Metaroid's introduction. It continues to vacuum the floor, just like what it was doing before Enter transformed the vacuum cleaner.
    • Beet J. Stag constantly getting in front of Jin, causing him to shove J out of the way.
    • After watching Beet J. Stag transform into Stag Buster, Nick immediately start pulling on his chest plate to see if he could do that.
    • After the group's first encounter with Jin and Beet J. Stag, Jin takes off by having his Buddyroid carry him off in his arms.
  1. "Densha = "Train"
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