Thousand Shinji
Thousand Shinji is a Neon Genesis Evangelion/Warhammer 40,000 fanfic that takes a different tack from the "competitor", Shinji and Warhammer 40 K. In this reality, Warhammer 40,000 as a universe exists or at least did, before the Xanatos Roulette of the warp powers started. Shinji was found as a young boy and trained by Khnemu, displaced Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons Legion. When summoned by Gendo to Tokyo-3, Shinji begins his own machinations to repay Gendo for his "kindness", only to have things turn out not quite as planned.
Completed, with Mega Crossover sequel The Open Door (officially dead).
Tropes used in Thousand Shinji include:
- A God Am I: At the end, Shinji, Rei, Asuka and Misato become the new Chaos gods. The key element that The Open Door readers Should Know Already.
- All Your Powers Combined: The MP Evas have abilities from all the Angels. Tzintchi also ends up receiving the knowledge of the canon!40k gods.
- An Axe to Grind: A chain-axe for Unit 02, eventually replaced by a Bloodthirster axe against the MP Evas.
- Anti-Hero: This version of Shinji already starts off darker than the canon one, but eventually "descends" to effectively Type V Anti-Hero.
- Eventually? He pulls a Palpatine in Chapter 15, while clad in a black robe. "A pity you only learned this at the end. And now young Angel, you die," Shinji stated before pouring lightning into the body of the Seventeenth Angel.
- Anti-Villain Protagonist: Shinji qualifies, depending on which side of the thin Anti-Hero-Anti-Villain line you see him as falling into.
- Back from the Dead: Hikari amongst others.
- Badass: No doubts about it, this version of Shinji is one bad motherfucker.
- Better Than Canon: Like with Shinji and Warhammer 40 K, debatable.
- Big Damn Heroes: "I hate playing the Big Damn Hero."
- Black and Grey Morality: Shinji will do nasty things in defence of his friends or as revenge for things done to them, but compared to Gendo or the SEELE men he looks a lot better.
- Chainsaw Good: A chain-axe for Unit 02.
- Chekhov's Boomerang: Shinji makes repeated use of the Rubric Marines within Khnemu's jars, but at the end it is the canon!40k gods who emerge from them.
- Chekhov's Gunman: The soldiers who finish off Ramiel.
- Cherry Tapping: The 4th Angel is killed by two soldiers with a TOW missile.
- Complete Monster: The Keeper of Secrets.
- Creepy Child: Rei, of course, but Shinji gets in on the act too.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome
- Curb Stomp Battle:
4035 Special Forces agents under SEELE versusonethreefour Rubric Marines. No contest. - Didn't See That Coming: "Despite all of our power… we got blindsided by something that fell out of the purview of the things we normally kept track of."
- Draco in Leather Pants: Double Subverted for the forces of Chaos: At first, they seem positive and useful, making things turn out better for Shinji and co., until they get royally screwed over. The double subversion comes when it turns out that they've been working for a positive outcome all along.
- Enemy Civil War: "This went beyond a simple cluster fuck, this transcended into the realm where future generations of soldiers would refer to a situation this badly screwed up that they would have to call such scenarios "Tokyo-3"." Also, the only reason why the canon!40k gods had to work together was because their inter-factional fighting allowed the C'tan to gain a vital advantage.
- The phrase "Tokyo-3" really does survive, as a phrase for completely screwed up military events. Lars uses it in The Open Door.
- Faster-Than-Light Travel: The explicit lack thereof due to the C'tan's machinations and the consequences of this is what forced the canon!40k gods to work together.
- Fate Worse Than Death: What happens to Gendo and the SEELE committee.
- Genius Bonus: The last few paragraphs become a lot funnier once you've read the preface to any WH 40k novel.
- Gratuitous German: Naturally with Asuka.
- Hand Cannon: The Rubric Marines' bolters are repeatedly noted as being more suited to crew-manning. Eva-scale ones are part of L-Type Equipment.
- Heroic BSOD: Shinji goes into one of these after Misato dies, but recovers shortly after, partly due to his desire to pay the Keeper of Secrets back for its deeds.
- High-Pressure Blood: Unit 02 starts bleeding majorly just before going Bloodthirster.
- Hive Mind: The MP Evas are explicitly said to have this.
- Holy Shit Quotient This sometimes goes straight to orbit, for example when Shinji creates flying, thermophilic psychic bacteria armed with fusion cannons. Telekinetically accelerating deuterium ions together, the bacteria hurled the products at the still shell-shocked colonies, bombarding them with x-ray, neutron, and alpha radiation. The attacks also positively charged the target, and the bacteria let the electrons stripped from the deuterons fly off towards their targets.
- Hyperspace Arsenal: Unit 02 pulls weapons out of nothingness during its Bloodthirster transformation.
- Immune to Bullets: The Rubric Marines, justified due to the severe technological gap.
- Magnificent Bastard: Shinji. OH MY GOD, SHINJI.
- Meaningful Name: Asukhon, the Eightfold Victor, Tzintchi, the Nine-Fingered King, Reigle of the Seven Lives and Mislaato of the Six Wounds definitely qualify.
- Mecha Expansion Pack: L-Type Equipment for the Evas.
- Mind Rape: The good guys do this.
- Mind Screwdriver: A large part of the final chapter, following Academia Nut's Take That to the Gainax Ending.
- Moral Event Horizon: If Gendo did not cross it when he made Hikari die piloting the possessed Unit 03 and Toji a quadriplegic, he certainly did after we learn that all of the mothers of the children at Shinji's school are kept in preparation for Eva usage.
- Nigh Invulnerable: The Rubric Marines, justified the same way as with their immunity to bullets.
- Normally I Would Be Dead Now: It is explicitly noted that Asuka should have been dead twice over during the fight against the MP Evas.
- Not What It Looks Like: Subverted in Chapter 8. Shinji and Asuka manage to tip over the chair they're sitting on while making out, ending up with Shinji's hands on Asuka's breasts. When Misato walks in on them, Shinji states that the situation is exactly what it looks like. She doesn't believe a word of it.
- Nuke'Em: N2 mines all over the place.
- Omniscient Morality License: Why did the God-Emperor have the others send a Keeper of Secrets instead of a Lord of Change back in time? So that Shinji would become emotionally mature and not abuse humanity after his ascension to godhood.
- One-Winged Angel: Eva Unit-02. Yes.
- One World Order: "Today there are no more nations, there is only humanity."
- Power Echoes: Shinji ends up using this.
- Power Floats: Shinji ends up using this.
- Power Gives You Wings: Unit 02 gains Bloodthirster wings against the MP Evas.
- Power Perversion Potential: Shinjidoes this repeatedly with Asuka.
Mmmm… remote viewing, it's a beautiful thing!
- Psychic Powers: Wielded by Shinji amongst others.
- Rouge Angles of Satin: Pick a tense and stick with it, will you?
- Scars Are Forever: Lord Tzintchi, the Nine Fingered King, although it may be deliberate.
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: The reason for the canon!40k gods' Xanatos Roulette.
- Shout-Out: Reference is made to the many NGE AUs created with Possession Sue Shinjis, including but not limited to a certain Peggy Sue fic.
- As with the other well-known NGE/WH40K fic, the author seems to be a Troper, and refers to several tropes by name.
- There's also a brief Shout-Out to Buffy in Chapter 18: "Bored now."
- In Chapter 15, Kaworu imitates Dio Brando by telekinetically throwing knives at Shinji, and then dropping a steamroller on him.
- Squick : Rei, as she goes down the path of the worship of Nurgle, eventually ending up as Mama Reigle; "...because they looked like corpses that had been left in a hot swamp for a month."
- Strange Bedfellows: Nothing less than an overwhelmingly bad situation could possibly force the canon!40k gods to work together.
- No really? We're talking a reluctant agnostic/atheist turned God-Emperor of Man, the Four Ruinous Powers (whom are sufficiently powerful that the *only* reason they haven't taken over the world is because they A) *HATE* each other, B) like it just the way it is, and C) already have...), Gork & Mork (the deities of a bunch of genetically engineered fungal bio-weapon), and the Eldar Pantheon (and let's not talk about all the shit they got up to with each other! It's like the Olympians all over again! Er, I mean...).
- Super Strength: Asuka eventually develops this.
- Take That: "For those of you prepared to rant at me, there is one more chapter to this story, so unlike Gainax, you will actually get an explaination (sic) as part of the denouement."
- Tranquil Fury: Shinji goes into one of these after learning about the true fate of his and his friends' mothers.
- Unstoppable Rage: Asuka succeeds in making Unit 02 berserk, unlike in canon.
- Wham! Episode: Chapter 14, where flashback reveal Shinji's plans going badly wrong. Some reviewers claimed that he was screwed over even worse than in canon.
- Xanatos Roulette: All of this was a plot by the canon!40k gods to fight the C'tan.
- You Just Told Me: When Kaworu shows up, he gives away his true nature to Shinji by referring to humanity as "Lilim".
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