Thorgal and his family
Thorgal Aegirsson:
Son of Varth and Haynee, a pair of Ancient Astronauts who returned to Earth, abandoned by their ancestors, in search of the new energy sources. After the conflict between his father and grandfather over what to do with Puny Earthlings, Thorgal was cast down onto the Earth in a water-proof capsule and found by the Vikings. He became a foster son of the Viking chief Leif Haraldsson, but never felt fully a Viking. He is the husband of Aaricia (with a three-year gap) and father of Jolan, Louve and Aniel. Has always had a love-hate relationship with gods.
- Action Hero
- The Archer: with Improbable Aiming Skills.
- Back from the Dead: as many as four times.
- Can't Stay Normal
- Badass Unintentional: all the time.
- Bow and Sword in Accord
- Chick Magnet: for too many chicks to count.
- Childhood Friend Romance: with Aaricia.
- Home, Sweet Home
- Hot Dad
- Ideal Hero
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Immune to Fate
- The Protagonist
- Meaningful Name: he was named 'Thorgal, son of Aegir' after Thor, god of storm, and Aegir the sea giant, because he was found at the seacoast just after the storm.
- Papa Wolf
- Paradox Person: it is even stated that from the gods' point of view it is like he existed and not existed at the same time.
- Reluctant Warrior: he fights only when he has to supply food or defend his family (which means: all the time).
- Star-Crossed Lovers: with Aaricia.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome:
- Carpet of Virility
- Good Scar: a nice-looking one on the cheek.
- Telepathy: with Jolan.
- Tranquil Fury: occasionally.
- Troubled Child: as Gandalf prohibited him from learning how to fight and sail along with the other boys, he prepared to the career of bard, which was not exactly his cup of tea.
- Unstoppable Rage: when sometimes threatens his family.
- Weirdness Magnet
Daughter of Gandalf, sister of Bjorn and a Viking princess born from two tear-shaped pearls in her hands, she disobeyed her father and married Thorgal, for whom she was destined from birth by the goddess Frigg. Having been Pregnant Hostage more than once, she is the mother of Jolan and Louve as well as the foster mother of Aniel.
- Adrenaline Makeover: a couple of times, but most notably before the journey to Qa.
- Important Haircut: she cuts her hair when preparing to the journey to Qa in order to show Kriss that she is not only a Princess Classic but a VIKING princess as well.
- Beware the Nice Ones: when someone threatens her children and Thorgal is not around, or when some other woman seems to like Thorgal too much.
- Betty: to Kriss's Veronica.
- The Chick
- Childhood Friend Romance: with Thorgal.
- Deuteragonist
- The Exile:
- Mark of Shame: she is branded with hot iron after the Vikings realize that Shaigan and Thorgal are the same person.
- First Girl Wins: and there were many competitors.
- Green-Eyed Monster
- Hero's Muse
- Housewife:
- I Will Wait for You: followed by I Will Find You.
- Let's Have Another Baby
- Light Feminine: to Kriss's Dark.
- Mama Bear
- Modest Royalty
- My Girl Back Home
- Princess Classic:
- Damsel in Distress: quite often.
- Hair of Gold
- Long Hair Is Feminine
- Tender Tears
- Rebellious Princess: though in a Rebellious Rebel way.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: with Thorgal.
- The Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter
- White Sheep
- Sibling Yin-Yang: with Bjorn.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: when with Thorgal, she is a classic house wife, but in his absence she is able to deal with dangers by herself if needs be.
The son of Thorgal and Aaricia, brother of Louve and half-brother of Aniel, he inherited psychic abilities from his father and, unlike Thorgal, learned to use them in a controlled way. He offered his life to a half-god Manthor in exchange for the life of Thorgal and was sent by Manthor on a dangerous mission to Asgard.
- Bratty Half-Pint: as a child.
- A Child Shall Lead Them: in Qa and then in Manthor's realm.
- The Chosen One
- Girls Have Cooties: a mild case.
- Give Him a Normal Life: they tried, but, of course, he Turned Out Like His Father.
- Jumped At the Call
- Kid Hero
- Mouthy Kid: from time to time.
- Psychic Child:
- Imagination-Based Superpower: to the degree his imaginary friend almost killed him.
- Mind Over Matter
- Power Incontinence: but not incurable.
- Telepathy.
- Spoiled Brat: for a while, when in Qa.
Daughter of Thorgal and Aaricia, sister of Jolan and half-sister of Aniel. Later (in the spin-off) becomes more of an Action Girl.
- Animal-Themed Superbeing:
- The Beast Master
- Raised by Wolves: in a sense. She was born next to the two wolf-pups and their mother's scent has forever been mixed with that of her.
- Speaks Fluent Animal: especially with the Canidae.
- The Archer
- The Cassandra: sometimes.
- Children Are Innocent: this allowed her to save Thorgal from Arachnea.
- Daddy's Girl: with Thorgal.
- Boys Have Cooties: even though she often behaves like One of the Boys, she does not perceive herself as such.
- Little Miss Badass
- Meaningful Name: 'Louve' means 'She-Wolf' in French.
- Nature Hero:
- Friend to All Living Things
- Wild Child: thanks to her supernatural connection to wild animals.
- Passionate Sports Girl
- Turn Out Like Her Father
- Weapon, Jr.: her bow.
The son of Thorgal and Kriss de Valnor, who, when dying, left him under the care of Aaricia. His grandfather Kahaniel, anticipating his own death, prepared his soul to enter the body of his first male descendant, who turned out to be Aniel. He was made mute by his owners when learning to make jewellery as a slave in the tin mine.
- Born Into Slavery
- Creepy Child
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: as a result of supernatural factors in Aniel's genealogy.
- Dark And Troubled Childhood
- The Speechless: his voice cords have been cut by the slave-owners who did not want him to disturb them with crying.
- Fetus Terrible: at the beginning of his career.
- Happily Adopted: by Aaricia, at Kriss's request.
- Like a Son to Me: to Aaricia.
- Reincarnation: Aniel is an incarnation of his grandfather, who used the forbidden Red Magic to be born again in his body.
Varth / Ogotay:
The father of Thorgal and husband of Haynee. His conviction that the Star People should take over the Earth instead of sticking to the rule of non-exposing themselves to its inhabitants led him to the rebellion against Xargos. After landing on Earth, he became the god and the tyrant of the Chaam people and declared the war against the other nations. He was killed by Kriss just after he got to know that Thorgal is his son.
- A God Am I
- Ambition Is Evil
- Black Cloak
- The Caligula
- The Conqueror
- Crusading Widower
- Dangerous Deserter
- Dark Messiah
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: and Varth has Haynee.
- Evil Overlord
- God-Emperor
- Mad Scientist
- Non-Action Big Bad
- Spikes of Villainy
- Training the Peaceful Villagers
- Visionary Villain
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
Xargos / Tanatloc:
The father of Haynee and grandfather of Thorgal, the leader of the expedition of the Star People in search of new sources of energy. After the conflict with Varth, in which he defended the rule of non-exposing themselves to the inhabitants of Earth, he fell on Earth and led the Xinjin against Varth under the name of god Tanatloc.
- Big Good
- Brainwashing for the Greater Good
- Category Traitor
- God-Emperor
- Grandpa God
- He Who Fights Monsters
- I Did What I Had to Do
- King on His Deathbed
- Lonely at the Top
- Mentor Occupational Hazard
- Mr. Exposition
- Mysterious Backer
- Non-Action Guy
- Old Master
- Passing the Torch
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Reluctant Ruler
- Retired Badass
- The Watcher
- Wizard Beard
Thorgal's friends
Key Guardian:
The guardian goddess keeping watch over the gates between worlds. She has a crush on Thorgal from the first time they met, when he decided to protect her from his crooked companion even though she was the opponent of both of them.
- Achilles' Heel: Thorgal.
- Ancient Keeper
- Barrier Maiden
- Clothes Make the Superman: her belt.
- Diamonds in the Buff
- Godiva Hair
- Guardian Entity
- Hot Witch
- Load-Bearing Heroine
- Mysterious Waif
- Mysterious Woman
- Older Than They Look: she does not even know her exact age.
- Power Crystal
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Stripperiffic
- Threshold Guardian
The prince of Brek Zarith, whom Thorgal helped to regain the throne usurped by his evil cousin Shardar.
A girl that fell in love with Thorgal and lied to her fellows to make them expel him in the act of revenge, which resulted in the supposed death of Aaricia. Being left by Thorgal in the ruins of the village, she took care of him when he was out of his mind due to the despair, and went with him to the Otherworld where she gave her own life for that of Aaricia and was trapped forever in Niflhel.
- The Atoner
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: to Caleb.
- The Champion: to Thorgal.
- Daydream Believer
- Hot-Blooded
- Just a Kid: Thorgal's words, when he defended her from Caleb's anger.
- Love Martyr
- Rebellious Spirit
- The Resenter
- Smitten Teenage Girl
- Youthful Freckles
- Woman Scorned
Jorund the Bull:
A Viking chief who became the king of Vikings after Gandalf. His attitude towards Thorgal is decidedly positive, which cannot be said about some of his countrymen.
Aaricia's best friend, she helped her after the Vikings exiled Thorgal's family in the act of vengeance for Shaigan's deeds.
- The Caretaker: to Thorgal's family.
- The Confidant
- Childhood Friend: to Aaricia.
- Determined Homesteader's Wife
- Domestic Abuse: her second husband used to beat her.
- A Friend in Need
- Muggle Best Friend
- The Reliable One
- Satellite Character: to Aaricia.
- Secret Keeper
- The Stoic
- Undying Loyalty
- Widow Woman
Arghun the Pegleg:
The uncle of Tjall and a friend of Thorgal and Jolan. He was a professional archer in the past, but after the accident became a weaponsmaker specializing in bows and arrows. He was forced by Kriss to accompany Thorgal in his journey to Qa, where he later decided to stay.
- Artificial Limb
- Badass Grandpa
- Bald of Awesome
- Cool Old Guy
- Dirty Old Man: the Indian girls do not seem to mind, though.
- Former Teen Rebel
- Handicapped Badass
- The Mentor: to Jolan and, presumably, to Tjall.
- Older Sidekick
- Retired Badass
- The Smart Guy
- The Archer
- Trick Arrow
Tjall the Reckless:
The nephew of Arghun and a great archer, he travelled to Qa with Thorgal and Aaricia to rescue his uncle and Jolan. Because of his infatuation with Kriss, he abandoned Thorgal - only to later die in his defense to redeem his fault.
Being the youngest and bravest of dwarfs, he was sent by the dwarf king Ivaldir to seek the non-existing metal which was to be given to Nidhogg in exchange for Ivaldir's name, and young Thorgal helped him to fulfil the task by giving him the screw from outside the Earth and joining him in his journey.
- Character Witness
- Fairy Companion
- Lilliputian Warrior
- Little Person
- Mole Man
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Paradox Person: because of his constant moving between worlds, he exists, but not really.
- Squishy Wizard
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same
A minor deity and the messenger of Odin. He was helped by young Aaricia after being blinded by Hrun the giant during his journey to Midgard, and later returned the favour.
- A Friend in Need
- Anyone Can Die: according to him, not all gods are immortal.
- Cool Loser
- Dude in Distress
- Divine Ranks
- Gravity Master
- Heroic Wannabe
- I Just Want to Be Badass
- Imagination-Based Superpower
- I Just Want To Be A Real God
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Messenger: to Odin.
- Non-Action Guy
- Physical God
- Spoony Bard
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
A Svear boy, the brother of Lehla and a friend of Jolan. He met Jolan when they were both enslaved and joined him in escape. He settled in Arachnopolis to stay with his beloved Siloe.
A Svear girl, the sister of Darek and the love interest of Jolan, rescued from prison by Darek and Jolan. She came to live in Arachnopolis along with Darek.
- The Chick
- Conveniently an Orphan
- Designated Love Interest: to Jolan.
- Damsel in Distress
- The Exile
- First Love: with Jolan.
- Girl Next Door
- Made a Slave: twice.
- My Girl Back Home
- Plucky Girl
Thorgal's enemies
Kriss de Valnor:
The daughter of an evil warlock Kahaniel de Valnor and Olgava, a peasant girl, she loves and hates Thorgal at the same time. After Thorgal's divinely induced amnesia she made him believe that she is his wife, so that he spent three years at her side under the name of Shaigan, leading the party of pirates. She was a mother of Aniel. She died covering the retreat of wounded Thorgal and his family. In the spin-off it is revealed that she had a Dark and Troubled Past, including Rape as Backstory and then Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
- Action Duo: as well as Battle Couple - with Sigwald and later with Shaigan.
- Action Mom: very shortly, though.
- All Amazons Want Hercules
- Ambition Is Evil
- The Archer
- Badass in Distress
- Broken Bird
- The Corrupter: poor Tjall...
- The Cynic
- Dark Action Girl:
- Determinator
- The Vamp
- The Fighting Narcissist
- Heartbroken Badass
- Hot Amazon
- Dark Feminine: to Aaricia's Light.
- No Sympathy:
- Only in It For the Money
- Statuesque Stunner
- The Unfettered
- Vanity Is Feminine
- Veronica: to Aaricia's Betty.
- Villainesses Want Heroes
- What You Are in the Dark
Gandalf the Mad:
The father of Aaricia and the king of Vikings, in his youth he was quite a warrior, but later became a cruel and greedy ruler. He usurped the throne after the death of Leif Haraldsson, the foster father of Thorgal.
- Beard of Evil
- Drunk with Power
- Entitled Bastard
- Ermine Cape Effect
- Evil Laughter
- Horny Viking
- Idle Rich
- No Sympathy
- Predecessor Villain: for Bjorn.
- Trash Talk
- The Usurper
- Warrior Prince
- Would Hurt a Child: the child being Thorgal.
The only son of Gandalf and thus Aaricia's elder brother.
- Big Brother Bully: for Aaricia.
- Child Soldier
- Kids Are Cruel
- My Little Panzer: for Gandalf.
- A Real Man Is a Killer
- Royal Brat
- Sibling Yin-Yang
- Spoiled Brat
A descendant of the Star People, she was known among the Vikings as the evil sorceress from the Island of Frozen Seas. She forced the native inhabitants of the island to work in her coal mines in order to gain energy necessary for the maintenance of the starship, but her main goal was to repopulate the Star People by marrying Thorgal with her daughter. Kidnapped and imprisoned by Gandalf, she sought her revenge on him with the help of Thorgal and returned to her fortress for the rest of her life.
- The Aloner
- Broken Bird
- Canine Companion
- Cool Pet: Big Badass Wolf
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Emotionless Girl
- Evil Redhead
- Eyepatch of Power
- Ice Queen
- I Want Grandkids
- Last Of Her Kind
- Living Relic
- Woman In The Iron Mask: uring her imprisonment in Gandalf's tower.
- Mrs. Exposition
- Terrifying Rescuer: for Thorgal.
Volsung de Nichor:
One of Aaricia's suitors during the adventure in Aran, defeated by Thorgal spent a long time in the void. He was rescued from there by Nidhogg, who magically gave him Thorgal's looks and made him seduce they Key Guardian so as to steal from her the magical belt - but did not manage to bring the belt to Nidhogg and, as a result, was changed into a frog.
- Beard of Evil
- Combat Pragmatist
- Con Men Hate Guns: he prefers subterfuges to outright attack.
- Consummate Liar
- Dirty Coward
- Evil Minion: to Nidhogg.
- Lean and Mean
- No Sympathy
- Only in It For the Money
- Smug Snake:
- Too Clever by Half
- Ungrateful Bastard
A powerful, mythological monster creature, which Thorgal dared to go against in his youth with the help of the goddess Frigg. Based on Níðhöggr from Norse mythology.