Thing Thing

A series of platform Flash games created by Diseased Productions without a lot of the usual Platformer tropes. You play as Experiment #154 fighting against the corporation who created him to control and use as a weapon. The hero uses a variety of high-powered guns and (in Thing Thing 4) a lead pipe.

The line of games can be found here.

Tropes used in Thing Thing include:
  • Awesome but Practical: Dual Lever Shotguns in Thing Thing Arena 3. On low difficulties, it's a one shot kill. On higher difficulties, you've got another shotgun to finish them with. And they look cool.
  • Awesome but Impractical: The arrow gun in Thing Thing Arena 3. Sure, it shoots arrows. But they're about as weak as a standard pistol bullet, and you can't dual wield them.
  • BFG: As a result of the characters having wierd proportions, the weapons they use are often larger that they are.
    • If this game from the same producer is any indication, Thing-Things are about three feet tall, and the hands are the same size as ours.
  • Boom! Headshot!: From Thing Thing 2 onward, killing an enemy exclusively with headshots causes their head to explode (In Thing Thing 2 itself, body parts explode when destroyed, so their head will eventually pop regardless).
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Systems Corp.
    • To make things worse, they seem to run the place.
  • Determinator: Everyone.
  • Critical Existence Failure: When the enemies in Thing-Thing 2 die, their entire body turns into Pink Mist. Even if they were punched to death.
    • In addition, the enemies survive until either their head or their three midsection parts are destroyed, leading to situations where you be chased by a dude consisting of a head, an arm and a pair of feet.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: The CEO. When you reach where he's supposed to be, you find that he's already gone, and delivers a Hannibal Lecture through a screen. Then he gasses the place to remove your Healing Factor, and sends endless waves of mooks to kill you.
  • Downer Ending
  • Elite Mooks
  • Gotta Catch Em All: You really don't have to, but in Thing-Thing 4, collecting every new gun you find makes it available in the armory for future playthroughs.
  • Hand Cannon: ALL the guns are huge, but the Magnum is this compared to the rest of the pistols.
  • Healing Factor: Only in the second and fourth games; the first and third operates on Heal Thyself instead.)
  • Heroic Sociopath
  • Insurmountable Waist High Fence: In 2 and 4 especially. At certain points, a large amount of enemies must be killed in order to open doors. Thing-Thing 2 has a kills tracker by the door, 4 does not.
  • Karma Houdini: The Big Bad.
  • Karmic Death: You. Granted, the Big Bad had a hand in making it possible, but still...
  • Ludicrous Gibs
  • Made of Iron: Explained in Thing Thing 3 where the stranger who contacts you reveals that you're the perfect infantryman, able to take lots and lots of bullets without detriment to your fighting ability.
  • Mook Maker: Pretty much every area in Thing Thing 4 has one. It's never really described WHAT they are, but they nevertheless send wave after wave of Mooks at you.
  • More Dakka: The Jackhammer is an automatic shotgun which fires 5 pellets for every press of the trigger, and has the second highest fire rate of all the guns of Thing-Thing Arena 3, only second to duel wielding the the Glock 18c.
    • Unfortunately, damage per shot is rather dismal compared to the other shotguns in TTA3. It won't stop you from hosing down everyone you meet however. The achievement for 100 kills with the Jackhammer is appropriately called "Buckshot Firestorm".
  • Offscreen Teleportation: Particularly jarring in Thing-Thing Arena 3. Enemies have to keep coming from somewhere to attack you, otherwise the game doesn't work. But it gets ridiculous sometimes. During one of his early games, this editor was camping in an alcove with only one entrance, waiting for enemies to come in so he could kill them. He moved his cursor to the other side of the screen to try and see if enemies were coming. When he moved the cursor back, there was suddenly an enemy with him in the alcove that had appeared during the instant when he was looking away. Damn, what subtle teleporation technology these guys have.
  • One-Man Army
  • Phlebotinum Rebel (#154)
  • Rated "M" for Manly: Yes.
  • Raymanian Limbs
  • Self-Imposed Challenge
  • Short-Range Shotgun: Played straight in Thing-Thing 4. Unless the enemy is very close to you, most of the shot will miss.
  • Smoldering Shoes: In Arena 3 gibbing enemies tends to leave only shoes behind.
  • Spin-Off: A Stinky Bean got it's own game with art that looks like it's straight out of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac.
  • There Can Only Be One: 153 strongly believes this, and repeatedly tries to kill you over it.
  • Throw-Away Guns
  • Too Awesome to Use: Some weapons fall under this trope due to ammunition scarcity.
  • Unusable Enemy Equipment: Thing-Thing 3 has your enemies using a wide assortment of guns, but you only get guns at the end of levels.
  • You All Look Familiar: Averted in 1, 2, and 3, as the mooks have randomly generated appearances. In 4, they have templates.
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