The Tommy Wi-Show
The Tommy Wi-Show is a Web Original comedy series found on Machinima's YouTube channel directed by Patman Benz and starring infamous filmmaker Tommy Wiseau, creator of The Room as T.W. and Brock LaBorde as Alien.
The show's premise is that at the start of every episode, an unnamed alien working for a mysterious council abducts "T.W." to a secret moonbase, and forces him to play a videogame for some unknown purpose. Unfortunately, T.W.'s videogame skills seem to be somewhat lacking. Hilarity Ensues.
Reaction to this seems to be split down the middle. While fans of the show seem to enjoy watching Tommy Wiseau being...Tommy Wiseau, detractors feel like this is nothing more than a cheap attempt to cash in a cult icon's popularity.
Also has a twitter page and a facebook page.
Season 1
- Mortal Kombat 9
- Dead Space 2
- Duke Nukem Forever
- Dead Rising 2
- Driver San Francisco
- Dead Island
- Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2011
- LittleBigPlanet 2
- Dark Souls
- Fight Night Champion (special guest iJustine)
- Alien Abduction
- Cloudcuckoolander: T.W. The Alien acts and sounds more human than him!
- Epic Fail: Pretty much the main source of humor in the show besides Wiseau's mannerisms. For example, in the Dead Space 2 episode he couldn't even leave the first room.
- Hair Reboot: At the end of Episode 7, Alien undoes T.W.'s new haircut.
- Homage: The moonbase design is pretty reminiscent of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
- Hypocritical Humor: While playing Driver, Tommy accuses the alien of having a weird accent, which gives us some insight on how he perceives the world.
- Jerkass: The Alien. How much of one he can be varies within episodes.
- Lampshade Hanging: Happens all over the place in episode 10, almost all of it coming from T.W.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: The unnamed alien is called "Alien" by T.W. and is referred to as "Alien" in the credits.
- The Danza: Wiseau introduces himself and is listed in the credits as "T.W.".
- The Stinger: Each episode ends with T.W. reciting a Memetic Mutation.
- What the Hell Is That Accent?: T.W., of course.