The Three Musketeers (2011 film)/Characters

Portrayed by: Logan Lerman
A humble young man from the farmlands of Gascony, taught to fight by his father, a former musketeer. He embarks on a travel to Paris in order to fulfill his dream of becoming a musketeer himself, only to discover that Cardinal Richelieu has disbanded them.
- Crash Into Hello: Constantly.
- Fire-Forged Friends: With Athos, Pothos and Aramis.
- Guns vs. Swords: His first fight against Rochefort. Rochefort's guns win.
- Heroic Resolve
- Hot-Blooded: A perfect example of the trope.
- The Lancer: Of the Musketeers, albeit being the protagonist.
- Limited Wardrobe: States to have only one set of clothes because his father is a poor man.

Portrayed by: Matthew Macfayden
The leader of the musketeers. A strong, honored and dedicated warrior, turned drastically harsh and bitter (and a heavy drinker) after Milady's betrayal, leading to their failure in mission and subsequent disbandment. He doesn't really get over it and still bears a severe grudge against his former lover.
- Deadpan Snarker: The bitter version. He mocks the king ("He's a child, the Cardinal rules it all, might as well drink to him"), France ("We served it, fought for it and bled for it, look where it got us"), love and friendship ("a word of advice, boy: trust no one") while D'Artagnan attempts to propose what they should drink to.
- Drowning My Sorrows
- Good Is Not Nice
- The Hero: Of the Musketeers, but not the protagonist.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Knight in Sour Armor: He ultimately decides to remain a musketeer; even with all the cons, he still has faith in themselves.
- The Leader: Type II all the way.
- The Strategist: He comes up with the plans
- The Stoic

Portrayed by: Ray Stevenson
- The Big Guy: Of the Musketeers.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Combat Pragmatist
- I Surrender, Suckers: His favorite tactic, according to Milady. It works very well, as seen in Venice.
- Man of Wealth and Taste: Well... only taste was left.
- Sharp-Dressed Man: And proud of it!

Portrayed by: Luke Evans
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Preacher
- The Casanova
- Death From Above: His specialty is attacking the enemy from above.
- Dual-Wielding
- The Smart Guy: Of the Musketeers.
Milady de Winter

Portrayed by: Milla Jovovich
Beautiful, charming and a superb combatant, she used to be Athos's lover and almost a fourth Musketeer (even uttering their motto with them)... until she pulled a Face Heel Turn and double-crossed her allies when being evil proved to be more profitable, leading them directly to their downfall. This deadly assassin then proceeds to become an Evil Counterpart of her former allies.
Although initially seeming to side with Buckingham, she's later revealed to be working under Cardinal Richelieu as a covert agent. Of course, it's Milady we're talking about, you can never know whose side she's really on, if any.
- Blondes Are Evil
- The Chick: Of the Musketeers. Previously.
- Fourth Ranger Traitor: She used to be an ally of the Musketeers... until she was made a better offer.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
- Combat Pragmatist
- Consummate Liar: Buckingham even lampshades this by asking her what her favorite color is just to see if she's even capable of telling the truth.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Justified, she used to be one of the musketeers so she fully knows what they're capable of.
- Dark Action Girl
- Disney Villain Death: Jumps off an airship to her death... or so it seems. Turns out she's Not Quite Dead.
- The Dragon: To both Richelieu and Buckingham.
- Evil Counterpart: To the Musketeers.
- Femme Fatale
- The Heavy: Her betrayal sets the plot in motion and she's the most active villain.
- I Have Many Names: Apart from being called either Milady de Winter or simply Milady throughout the movie, some of her many names are summarized by Athos.
"Comtesse de Winter, Charlotte Backson, Anne de Breuil, Lady Clarick... Milady."
- Karma Houdini
- Lady of War: Milady de Winter, after all.
- Manipulative Bitch
- Not Quite Dead: So she didn't drown in the English Channel. Buckingham's men saved her.
- Nothing Personal: She uses this to justify her early Face Heel Turn.
- Spared by the Adaptation
- Victoria's Secret Compartment
Cardinal Richelieu

Portrayed by: Christoph Waltz
The cunning and manipulative Chief Minister of France, he all but governs the kingdom. Although he is a man of the church and servant to God, Richelieu isn't very virtuous; he despises the king and the queen ("royal children", in his words) and sees himself as someone much better fit to rule France. Enlisting the help of Milady, he will stop at nothing to seize the crown.
Richelieu initially sees the Musketeers as a nuisance (as they're under the king's command, not his), and was the one responsible for their disbanding. When they resurface, the Cardinal starts to treat them as a threat to his plans.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: His swordmanship is really quite formidable. Pity it's displayed so little.
- Big Bad
- Chess Motifs
- The Chessmaster
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: He is fully aware of Milady's Chronic Backstabbing Disorder and reminds her that he's more than willing to see she's Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves if she even thinks of betraying him. Also this little gem when the Queen confronts him:
- Diabolical Mastermind
- Evil Chancellor
- Faux Affably Evil
- Historical Villain Upgrade
- Karma Houdini
- Sinister Minister
- What Is Evil?: "Evil's just a point of view."
- Worthy Opponent: Claims to play chess against himself because he can't find one.
Duke of Buckingham

Portrayed by: Orlando Bloom
A nobleman from England and the favourite of King James, Buckingham is implied to be an old foe of the Musketeers. Thanks to Milady's Face Heel Turn, he's able to steal Da Vinci's secret project from Athos and proceed to build the grand flying machine, in order to create a favorable scenario for England in case of war.
He's sent to France by King James to hear King Louis's peace proposal and takes advantage of the situation to show off his new machine, unaware that the Cardinal plans to use him as a pawn in his plot to take over the throne.
- Big Bad Wannabe
- Bring Him to Me: Milady warns him against this, but he does it anyway. Doesn't end up well for him.
- Evil Brit
- Historical Villain Upgrade
- Hoist by His Own Petard: The musketeers use his own war machine to defeat him at the Tower of London.
- Large Ham
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Smug Snake
- Unwitting Pawn / The Scapegoat: Richelieu intends to use him as one, and almost succeeds too.
Captain Rochefort

Portrayed by: Mads Mikkelsen
The commander of the Cardinal's guard, a large army that patrols France and has largely replaced the King's musketeers. He reports directly to Richelieu, and is widely known as "the right-hand man of the most powerful person in France". He develops a rivalry with D'Artagnan, and Cardinal Richelieu ultimately gives him the task of destroying the Musketeers once and for all.
- Bad Boss: He is prone to hitting and even killing his own men for making mistakes or questioning orders.
- Climax Boss
- Combat Pragmatist
- Death by Adaptation
- The Dragon: Richelieu's second Dragon.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Guns vs. Swords: His first fight against D'Artagnan. His guns win.
- Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty: "I just don't fight fair."
Portrayed by: James Corden
King Louis XIII
Portrayed by: Freddie Fox
- Camp Straight
- Cannot Talk to the Queen: Asks some advice from D'Artagnan.
Queen Anne
Portrayed by: Juno Temple
- Good Is Not Dumb: She's the only one who seems to suspect Richelieu.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
Portrayed by: Gabriella Wilde