< The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense/YMMV

  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming - Cole coming out as a Spirit Advisor to his mom.
    • And earlier in the film, when Cole goes straight to the air vent, pulls out Jill Marschal's diaries and gives them to her husband.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Once you know the twist ending a lot of things make sense - like why if you watch closely, Cole is the only person who ever pays attention to Malcolm even when other people are around.
    • Also, Malcolm wears the same blue shirt throughout the whole movie.
  • Fridge Horror: Cole is naturally terrified of the ghosts because of the way they look (often grotesque) and their violent actions. Scary enough for a kid his age, but there's a scene where his mother looks at a baby picture - seeing an unusually scared baby and a wisp of light in the background.
  • Fridge Logic: Once you know the twist, the anniversary dinner scene briefly becomes Fridge Brilliance before you realise that it reduces to Malcolm's wife inexplicably booking a table at a fancy restaurant in order to sit and eat alone, getting upset in public about her dead husband and paying for the privilege.
    • Some people continue the traditions started with dead loved ones even though it emotionally hurts.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel - big time.
  • It Was His Sled - Bruce Willis is a ghost!
  • Memetic Mutation - The first of the two famous spoilers is almost a Stock Parody now, with a nervous individual tightening the grip on their blanket and whispering out any number of variations: "I see white people" "I see dumb people" etc. It even named a trope.
  • Older Than They Think: Shyamalan himself said the film was inspired by an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark?
  • Retroactive Recognition: Misha Barton from The OC.
  • Rewatch Bonus: Very worth a second look once you've seen the end.
  • Role Association: John McClane tries to help David cope with his ability to see ghosts (including a young Marissa Cooper) and open up to his mother (Sheryl Hoover) while also struggling to keep his marriage to Rosemary Cross alive.
  • Tear Jerker: - "You were never second."
    • "Do I make...her proud?"
    • The video Cole gives to Kyra's father at her wake. It's of Kyra putting on a puppet show by herself in her room. And then, because she didn't turn the camera off, it records her mom coming in with her lunch... and then pouring two cups of floor cleaner into her food, stirring it around, and telling Kyra she expects her to eat everything. Just, her father's realization of seeing one of his daughter's last moments leading directly to his wife deliberately poisoning her.
  • The Woobie - Cole.
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