< The Saga of Darren Shan

The Saga of Darren Shan/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: In order from most evil to least, Mr. Tiny, Steve, Murlough.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: How could you forget in Tunnels of Blood where Mr.Crepsley kills Murlough in 3 moves!
      • And of course, also in the same book, Darren climbing the wall of Debby's house just to go up to her window and kiss her.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Yellow pants with pink elephants. "Bad choice in boyfriend", indeed.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Mr. Crepsley. Just about every fan has him in their top five, if not as their absolute favourite. Steve, Kurda and Harkat are also very popular, though Darren gets plenty of love.
  • Magnificent Bastard. Steve. Oh, God, Steve.
    • Mr Desmond Tiny
  • Moral Event Horizon: Steve, when he kills Shancus Von. There was no reason for it neither; he did it just to screw with Evra.
    • Desomd Tiny may have already had his a long time ago, as it's implied that he's been screwing with people and time for centuries.
    • Darren also hits his when he attempts to kill Darius for revenge on Steve. He's stopped, but his intents were clear.
  • Narm: Vampaneze" is a name that belongs more in a parody of urban fantasy.
  • Tear Jerker: After Mr.Crepsley dies, the way Darren describes him is heartbreaking.
    • Let's not forget Sam's death, especially how Darren acts afterwards.
    • Darren's description of his abandoning his friends and family in the first book is crushingly depressing.
    • When Darren said good bye to Mr Crepsley before entering the Hall of Flames, and asked him to take his body to his hometown and burry him in his grave, in case he didn't make it, so he could be close to his family. Even Larten dropped a Single Tear.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Debbie Hemlock, a character describe as dark skinned in the book series, is replaced with Rebecca, a monkey girl, in the movie.
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?
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