The Quest for Geekdom
It is written in the scrolls of geek that an outsider shall save us all. Arthur Knowledge has begun his journey. Using his new powers, he seeks to bring balance to Ner'Dra'Jay. But sinister agents seek to destroy him and the Geekverse. Arthur's fight is our last hope.—Opening narration
Meet Arthur Knowledge, the Geek Apprentice. He hosts a review show exhibiting old, good geek classics that every geek should watch. However, Arthur himself is just beginning his geekdom, having never seen any of these films before. He breaks down their pros and cons, what makes them work and age so well, and why they have become such classics. least, that was the plan. It soon becomes evident that an epic prophecy is unfolding behind the scenes of the show, with Arthur dead in the center. Devious forces work against him to destroy the geekverse with the power of Hate, and only Arthur, destined to become the Geekvere's saviour, can stop them.
You can find him here, here, and here, and here!
- Adorkable: Arthur.
- All-Star Cast: Describes Mars Attacks! this way, and provides the page quote.
- Annoying Laugh: Penelope.
- Arc Welding: Elements of The Reviewaverse Saga show up in the show (with Apollo's blessing).
- Audio Erotica: Towards Goliath and John Stewart.
- Big Bad: Rosethorn.
- Big Damn Heroes:
- Ivan in the season 1 finale.
- Count Jackula saves Arthur after his first encounter with Razor.
- Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: The Eric Rosethorn Academy of Eloquent Supervillainny teaches class, ambition, and unbridled malice.
- By The Power Of Gayskull!
- The Cameo: Many have cameos here, including Ozzie Arcance, Cinwicked, Count Jackula, Blockbuster Chick, Renegado, and Spazzmaster.
- Calls Are Coming From Inside The House: In the Halloween review.
- Camp Gay: Arthur.
- Catch Phrase: "Thank you for joining me in my quest for geekdom."
- Chekhov's Gun: "Remember that! It get's kind of important."
Egon: Don't cross the streams.
Arthur and Sensei: *coughplotpointcough*
- Chekhov's Gunman: Eric Rosethorn, who makes a brief appearance in the Labyrinth review and later goes on to become the Big Bad.
- The Chosen One: Arthur.
- Clap Your Hands If You Believe: The combined hopes of Arthur and several other reviewers enable him to purify the Ring of Ner'Dra'Jay and unlock his true Geek powers.
- Compensating for Something: His theory as to why the Cobra Kais are such douchebags.
- Crossover: Did one in a review of Mars Attacks! with Detroit Mechworks.
- Cuteness Proximity: Sensei upon seeing the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.
- The Dark Side: The Hate side of Ner'Dra'Jay.
- Distracted by the Sexy: David Bowie! *Angelic chorus*
- Duck Season! Rabbit Season!: Arthur pulls one on Cin when the latter interjects into his Animated Hunks review.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: The Geek Sensei. Justified, since she's working for Rosethorn.
- Electric Torture: Sensei does this to Arthur when he screws up famous geek logos. And for fun.
- The Empire: The Geekron Empire, which had originally overthrown the Paladins of Hope.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Sensei might have an actual name, but we never hear anybody call her by it.
- Evil Is Sexy: Arthur certainly has a thing for extremely eloquent villains.
- Fight Scene Failure: Deliberately invoked at the end of the Karate Kid review between Arthur and Sensei.
- The Force: The Light side of Ner'dra'Jay.
- Good Colors, Evil Colors: Villains an those associated with the side of Hate tend to have an affinity for red and black. Those associated with Hope usually wear Blue.
- Gushing About Shows You Like: In-Universe.
- Happily Adopted: Arthur, in-universe.
- Heel Face Turn: Sensei, if only briefly.
- I'll Be in My Bunk: At the end of his Top 12 Animated Hunks video.
- Improbable Weapon User: Penelope's dolls that shoot Frickin' Laser Beams.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: The Powers of Ner'Dra'Jay.
- Even Heroes Have Heroes: In real life, Arthur is a huge fan of Apollo Z Hack and was inspired to take a more plot-heavy approach to his show because of him. Apollo himself is a fan of the show, and has given Arthur encouragement when he was in a rut.
- MacGuffin: The Artifacts of Ner'Dra'Jay.
- Man in White: Rex.
- Minion with an F In Evil: Penelope.
- Multiple Endings: His Clue review, fitting with the movie.
- Near-Death Experience: Arthur in the season 1 finale.
- No Body Left Behind: Rosethorn.
- Noodle Implements: Cin Wicked calls off the "tactical gays" after Arthur puts both Goliath and Puck on his Top 12 Animated Hunks list. One has to wonder what exactly a tactical gay entails.
- No Sense of Personal Space: Ivan checks up on Aruthr a lot. Justified, though, since he is the last hope for the Geekverse.
- The Obi-Wan: Ivan Golarian, one of the last remaining Paladins of Hope.
- Obligatory Joke: Subverted, he tries not to play the iconic clip whenever he mentions Kahn.
- The Other Darrin: Rosethorn was played by Arthur in his initial appearance. When it comes time for the two of them to face off, he is played by one of Arthur's friends.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Rosethorn's disguise as Rex only consists of a changed wardrobe and different hair color. Even his cruel and snarky attitude remains.
- Perky Female Minion: Penelope.
- The Power of Hate: The hate side of Ner'Dra'Jay is powerful enough to completely override all of the Geekverse until it is completely consumed by rage.
- Power Perversion Potential: Arthur seems very interested in getting some of Kahn's mind-controlling bugs.
- Ring of Power: The last Artifact of Hope is one of these.
- Running Gag: David Bowie! *Angelic chorus*
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Razor was being kept in a force field of use Ner'Dra'Jay, but now it has escaped. And it's coming after Arthur...
- Serious Business: The reviews themselves, mainly the Lord of the Rings reviews in the season 1 finale, which enables Arthur to enter the Monument of Hope.
- Shout-Out:
- The haggling gag from the Mars Attacks! Review is straight from The Life of Brian.
- Byron will live!
- The scroll written in Ancient Geek contains a TARDIS, a Green Lantern symbol, the Triforce, the Rebel Alliance logo, a lambda, and Batman's logo.
- Something Completely Different: His review of Halloween featured no jokes, only a review of the film and horror elements in the form of Razor.
- Super Wrist Gadget: Matrix, though technically not worn on the wrist. It can work as a communicator, a scanning device, play different movies and relate them to the problem at hand, and...make people fabulous.
- Take That: "Twilight! Aaaah!"
- "Vampires do not work that way! Goodnight!"
- The More You Know: After explaining the Red Shirt Principle.
- The Prophecy
- This Cannot Be!: When he sees the main cast of Star Trek die in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
- Training Montage: As per his Karate Kid review, albeit in a much more geeky fashion.
- Transformation Sequence: Revealing his geek colors (the Autobot logo) results ina brief and anticlimactic one.
- Tropperiffic/Tropes Are Not Bad: Describes The Karate Kid this way.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Sensei apparently has a demon that cries "Azmodeus!" living in her dishwasher. She didn't realise it was strange until watching Ghostbusters.
- What an Idiot!: His reaction to Eckhart mouthing off to Jack in Batman. Also towards the crowds who go to Joker's rally in the same movie.
- X Meets Y: Describes Labyrinth as The Muppets meets The Lord of the Rings.
- Yangire: The Sensei.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Rosethorn.