The Quest for Geekdom

It is written in the scrolls of geek that an outsider shall save us all. Arthur Knowledge has begun his journey. Using his new powers, he seeks to bring balance to Ner'Dra'Jay. But sinister agents seek to destroy him and the Geekverse. Arthur's fight is our last hope.
Opening narration

Meet Arthur Knowledge, the Geek Apprentice. He hosts a review show exhibiting old, good geek classics that every geek should watch. However, Arthur himself is just beginning his geekdom, having never seen any of these films before. He breaks down their pros and cons, what makes them work and age so well, and why they have become such classics. least, that was the plan. It soon becomes evident that an epic prophecy is unfolding behind the scenes of the show, with Arthur dead in the center. Devious forces work against him to destroy the geekverse with the power of Hate, and only Arthur, destined to become the Geekvere's saviour, can stop them.

You can find him here, here, and here, and here!

Tropes used in The Quest for Geekdom include:

Egon: Don't cross the streams.
Arthur and Sensei: *coughplotpointcough*

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