< The Prayer Warriors
The Prayer Warriors/YMMV
- Accidental Innuendo: In many of the stories, we have corpses being eaten by foul breasts.
- In The Evil Gods II, our heroes go to Washing Dick, and get some boobs from witches.
- In The Titans Strike Back, we hear it's a co-story with Attack of the Spank.
- Anvilicious
- Ass Pull: The author having to tell us in parenthesis that God told Jerry about The Mole midscene in The Evil Gods I.
- The retconning of Michael's death at the end of Battle with the Witches.
- Canon Defilement: Of both Percy Jackson and The Olympians and Harry Potter. Even history gets defiled.
- Complete Monster: Jupiter. He's also the only villain so far that's actually been villainous.
- Strangely enough, Jupiter is also the only villain to win against the Prayer Warriors.
- Critical Research Failure: Aside from those listed in Artistic License Religion and Artistic License History, the series has made many, many errors otherwise.
- Some of the errors are from the author not bothering to read the books; for instance, in The Evil Gods I, it's said that Zeus was Percy Jackson's son.
- Others are far less; in Threat of Satanic Commonism, the Rika and Books that are featured are male when they're really female.
- Evil Gods II has some Artistic License with US Government: when a president dies (and then comes back and quickly thrown in jail for being a liberal), the candidate who ran against him in the last election becomes president rather than the vice president getting promoted.
- Designated Hero: Our "heroes" are self-righteous, racist, homophobic, misogynistic mass-murderers who made Stalin look sympathetic in universe. Even moreso, they are never seen doing anything positive let alone anything heroic. We never see them feeding the poor, healing the sick, or even stopping to Pet the Dog. They get rid of the "villains," and make everyone convert to Christianity, but the Satanists were actually better people than the Prayer Warriors were, and the conversions are almost all coerced thanks to our heroes policy of killing those who refuse.
- Esoteric Happy Ending: Satan is defeated, but the United States is now an oppressive theocracy, Harry Potter has been killed while Voldemort is still on the loose, and a very unpopular Tsar has been restored to the throne, messing up history. Um...yay?
- Everyone Is Satan in Hell: Possibly the reason this fic exists.
- Family-Unfriendly Aesop: ...WHERE DO WE EVEN BEGIN?
- Informed Wrongness: The narration has to tell us just how wrong everything the Satanists do is, thanks to all the Offstage Villainy.
- Ron the Death Eater: Almost all of the canon characters from their respective universes are warped into Straw Satanists. And yes, this includes Ron Weasley himself.
- Draco in Leather Pants: Ironically, Draco is one of the "secret Christians" in Hogwarts.
- Snark Bait
- Surprisingly Improved Sequel: The parts of The Evil Gods II in which Ebony was writing. While it's still preachy and has a touch of sexism in the beginning, it's not an Author Filibuster like the previous three installments. The characters act more like human beings instead of mouthpieces, the dialogue is not robotic, and the heroes don't curb stomp the first bad guy they see. In other words, if Thomas stayed out of it, it would have been a regular fanfic.
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Percy Jackson and friends being attacked by members of a Scary Amoral Religion who want to kill the Greek pantheon in the name of their patron Eldritch Abomination could have made a good Cosmic Horror Story. Sadly, it's an Author Tract.
- So would a story about Hogwarts being destroyed by a group of heavily-armed Muggles who have found out about the wizarding world and want to Burn the Witch
- Or a bunch of McCarthyist Americans armed with modern weapons who go back in time to the Russian Revolution and try to prevent the Romanovs from being driven out.
- Thirty-Sue Pileup: Every Christian in the story.
- God Mode Sue: Jerry, who actually has God at his beck and call.
- Possession Sue: The converted canon characters, when they're not being cannon fodder.
- Purity Sue: All of our heroes...but it's not a "good" purity they have.
- Relationship Sue: Mary has virtually no personality outside of being Jerry's girlfriend.
- Unfortunate Implications: Good lord! It's like someone mixed the author's Bible with an Al-Qaeda doctrine!
- Unintentionally Sympathetic: The villains come across as lovable losers or regular people. In addition, they also give women and homosexuals rights, and allow their followers to have sexual freedom.
- Unintentionally Unsympathetic: ...And our "heroes" ruthlessly and remorselessly murder innocent people for daring to not share their narrow, hate-filled views on the world. The only reason they get away with everything is because they somehow managed to enslave God.
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