< The Powerpuff Girls

The Powerpuff Girls/Funny

  • In the episode "Not So Awesome Blossom", Blossom has run away, and Mojo Jojo has kidnapped The Professor and forces him to call the girls' hotline and read a note. Mojo's speaking/writing style + the Professor's monotone make the scene hilarious in a way that has to be heard to be understood.

Professor Utonium: Bubbles, Buttercup, or whichever of the two remaining Powerpuff Girls has answered the hotline, listen closely. Pay attention. Concentrate intently on the words coming from my mouth. I, The Professor, am being held prisoner. I am being kept against my will in a location not of my choosing. If you desire my safe return, you must come immediately to the lair of Mojo Jojo. Together. Not alone. Independently is not an option...
Buttercup: I think we're supposed to go to Mojo's and save the Professor.
Bubbles: Again?

  • In the same episode, you have this little exchange between Mojo and Blossom.

Mojo Jojo: First, you will bow down before me! Next, you will pledge your allegiance and devotion to serve me!

Blossom: How do you know I won't lie?

Mojo Jojo: Because you're Blossom.

Blossom: Shoot!

  • The whole "The Powerpuff Girls' Greatest Rainy Day Adventure Ever".
    • Professor Utonium dressed up as Bubbles is the icing on that cake of hilarity.

Professor: Fly fly fly fly fly, POW!, bye bye bye bye bye.

    • Bubbles calls the hotline pretending to be the Mayor. The real Mayor picks up.

Mayor: What's that Mayor? A giant alligator is destroying Townsville! I'm on it.

Mayor: I fell in the mud!

Blarney: If I were a bunny I'd... HOP HOP HOP!!
If I were a fish I'd SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM!
"'If I were a candle-!'"... Which is cut off by Mojo shouting '"ENOUGH!"' right before we see past Blarney holding up a flaming candle.

    • The Mayor killing FREAKING Navi in Ocarina of Time.
      • I always crack up at the game's message: "You just killed your own fairy."
  • The episode "Supper Villain"
    • "You'll never guess what's for breakfast... pan-cakes!" "This family stinks."
    • "Eat your pea, Professor!" The Professor proceeds to chew on a single pea for a minute. "SWALLOW IT!"
    • "Who wants dessert?" "I DO!" "AW, FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD, MARIANNE!"
  • How much better the world was under Mojo Jojo's rule in "The Powerpuff Girls Rule!"
    • That episode was full of hilarious moments, with highlights like this:

The Mayor: I lost it! I lost the key! AHHHHHH!
Prof. Utonium: AHHHHHH!
The Narrator: AHHHHHH!

    • And this:

Buttercup: (Being shown as the dystopian ruler Big Butter) There's only one way to rule the world! Just tell everybody what to do and when to do it! And if any of 'em got a problem with it, they can take it up with Punchy McGee and Fisty O'Flannigan!

Blossom: What evil have you bestowed on our sister?
Mojo Jojo: You've got to be kidding. I'm wet, I'm naked, your sister is wearing my clothes, and this is all part of some evil plot TO RULE THE WORLD AS A SOGGY CHIMP IN MY BIRTHDAY SUIT?!

    • The exchange after Blossom attempts to attack amnesiac Bubbles after she slams her into a wall.

Buttercup: Blossom, wait! She's our sister!
Blossom: Yeah, but that really hurt...
Buttercup: I know, I know, but two wrongs don't make a right. She hits you, you hit her. Suddenly we're all hitting each other! Then we'll all be back right where we started.
Bubbles: What's the matter Buttercup? 'Fraid I'll whoop that skirt off 'ya?
Buttercup: Alright, let's kick her butt.

    • After Mojo Bubbles has been going on and on for awhile.

Mojo Jojo: Oh, SHUT UP! *conks her on the head again* That's all just well enough, because in reality there is only room enough in this world for one Mojo Jojo. One shall be the number of Mojo Jojos in the world and the number of Mojo Jojos in the world shall be one! Two Mojo Jojos is too many, and three is right out! So the only Mojo Jojo there is room for in the world shall be me! And being the only Mojo Jojo in the world, I will rule the world, in which there is only one MOJO JOJO!

Mayor: Blossom! There's this crazy tomato stealing all the Susan B. Anthony coins from the mint!
Blossom: Oh, really?
Mayor: Eh... yeah.
Blossom: And just what do you want us to do for you?
Mayor: Oh, eh... stop her, or... something...

Bubbles: The Gangreen Gang? You wished for them?
Buttercup: No!
Bubbles: I thought you were over them!
Buttercup: Why do you gotta bring up old stuff?

    • Later on...

Buttercup: Hmph! Typical guys: See some curves; turn into gibbering idiots! (Blossom and Bubbles stare suspiciously at her.) NOT LIKE I CARE!

Blossom: (whispering) You think she can see us?

  • Bubbles starts jumping up and down yelling "YOO-HOO!"*

Buttercup: Yep.

  • *om nom nom nom nom* "Pie!"
  • "Criss Cross Crisis".

Weiner of DEATH!

    • Then, as Mojo (now a sumo wrester) is at a great advantage against the girls (now a cobra, caterpillar, and wiener dog), against all probability, the girls are transformed into a fisherman, sushi chef, and eskimo, while Mojo becomes a fish.

Mojo: Unbelievable!

    • "Professor, your hand doesn't work!"
  • In "Him Diddle Riddle" the girls have to solve various riddles by a certain amount of time, or else the Professor will pay. The girls lose eventually and the Professor ends up, well, having to pay... for the pancakes Him made at a diner. The pancakes would've been free if the girls had solved the riddles in time.
    • The Powerpuffs have to take the SATs, needing to get over 100 total to pass the test. Buttercup gets a 25. Blossom gets a 12. Bubbles, whose answer sheet was filled out to form a daisy, got over a thousand.

Him: (dumbfounded) Well what do you know.

    • The Narrator's reaction to the reveal at the end.

Narrator: And so... um... yeah...

    • Then there's the final riddle, which is answered by The Mayor of all people, who effortlessy decodes the meaning of 'boiling and freezing' as coordinates, figures out what area they lead to, then throws in, "...Or maybe there's an ice cream truck on fire."
  • In the episode "Mime for a Change".

Bubbles: (on why we need color) Not to mention all the safety reasons!

    • Upon confronting Mr. Mime.

Blossom: So, you like to make things black and white, huh?!
Buttercup: Well, how would you like to be black and blue?!

  • Car parks in front of fire hydrant. Bubbles picks up car.

Bubbles: You can't park in front of a fire hydrant! *Throws the car*
Driver: I didn't knoooooooow!

Mojo: So, Powerpuffs, now that you have seen these special precautions, what do you plan to do?!
Blossom: *shrugs* We're gonna kick your butt.

Princess: Now look, monkey butt, it's real simple! Take your cheap, good-for-nothing, lazy soy latte, honey, and leap out a high window 'cause you're breathing my air, and you are fired! Ugh! *hangs up* Man, my mom can be such a pain in the butt.

Bubbles: Buttercup hurt Mojo's head, and I would have kiss'ded his widdle boo-boo, but then I remembered he's a bad monkey so I KICKED IN HIS FACE!!!

  • "Daylight Savings":
    • Enforcing curfew for the first time.
  • In "Too Pooped to Puff", The Professor can't reach the remote. The girls get fed up with his laziness and leave, except for Bubbles. Bubbles smiles and picks up the remote, then promptly drops it on the floor and exits.
  • From The Movie:

Blossom: People here are nice! Things'll be fine!
*Cut to newspaper heading "Freaky Bug-Eyed Weirdo Girls Broke EVERYTHING"*

    • Pick-up line from a random man to a woman in his penthouse: "You know... I have a nice car." It so happens that a car was flying right into them.
  • The Mayor going absolutely apeshit when Fuzzy puts on his Mayor hat.
  • In "Meet the Beat Alls" Mojo and HIM are having a Eviler Than Thou argument which Princess interrupts insisting that she'll be the one to beat the girls because she has the greatest power of all: cold hard cash.

Mojo: She has a point there.
Him: (effeminate voice) Yes, she does.
[long beat]
Mojo: But, still.
Him: Yes. *resume fight*

  • From the Christmas Special:

Professor: Gah! I can make three little girls out of seasoning, but I just can't get these darned lights to work.

  • "Bubblevision", about Bubbles getting temporary Nerd Glasses and her sisters making jibes at it.

Blossom: Ah, what a sight for sore eyes!
Buttercup: It's old four eyes!

Bubbles: Hey! You said you were just kidding!

Buttercup: We were!

Blossom: About "just kidding"!

    • Bubbles gets it again in "The City of Nutsville" regarding a temporary Elizabethan collar treatment as a remedy for her bee-stung throat.

Prof. Utonium: Uh, uh, uh! The doctor said, "No speaking for a week." The less you speak, the sooner you can get out of that, um... that... eh...
Buttercup: ..."Face brace"?
(Buttercup and Blossom break out in laughter.)

      • And just seconds later, Buttercup doubles it up.

Prof. Utonium: Now, now, girls. It's not nice to make fun of your sister's condition! It's not her fault that she's stuck wearing this... this... ehm...
Buttercup: ..."Throat moat"?
(Buttercup and Blossom break out in laughter again.)
(The Professor struggles to hold his laughter in.)

Boomer: You girls are gonna eat your words, spit 'em out, and eat 'em again!
Blossom: That doesn't even make sense!
Boomer: I know you are, but what am I?!

  • From "The Powerpuff Girls Rule!"

Narrator: All of the villains and all of the bratty ones and all the fuzzy ones and all the icky ones and all the sticky ones and all the scary ones and all the villains are-
Mojo: One of us is not here!

Narrator: The city of Los Angeles! With the passing of Craig's father his mother decided to move on to greener, more earthquake-prone pastures."

    • And when discussing McCracken meeting his co-worker and future wife Lauren Faust:

Narrator: He had to be sure he was thinking with his mind and just his, uh...
Mayor: Pickle!
Narrator: Right, Mayor!

    • And McCracken's final line of the feature to the narrator: "Tom, you're out of a job."
  • Season 1, Episode 2: "Powerpuff Bluff". About a trio of criminals who impersonate the Powerpuff Girls.

Blossom: (the crooks are threatening to break a priceless porcelain poodle and the girls bust in) Put down the priceless porcelain poodle, you punks!

Lead Crook: P-p-p-Powerpuffs!

Blossom: Precisely!

    • Halfway through the episode, a pickup line and the (not-so-sexual) Double Entendre that follows it.

Bubba: Hey, Sweet Cheeks! What's your sign?
Sara Bellum: Stop.

  • The Imagine Spots in "Substitute Creature". Especially when combined with the outrageously melodramatic dialog.

Elmer Sglue: No, Mr. Green! I don't want to be spun!

  • Everything about "Meet the Beat-alls" episode. The non-stop references were almost too much. And their plan to use a monkey Yoko Ono to break up the group was sheer brilliance.
  • "Powerprof." The whole fight scene where the Professor embarrasses the girls with horrible one-liners and pet names is pretty funny, but what really puts it over the top (and puts Bubbles' face into a paper bag for the rest of the scene) is the Professor casually mentioning to bystanders:

Professor: My little Bubbles. You'd never guess that only a few months ago she had a bed-wetting problem!

Mojo: (Bloodshot eyes and grinning) I know who took my plans...It was you! (Points at bluebird) Well then...It was you! (Points at phone) It was all of you!

  • From "Bubblevicious", the source of a massive traffic jam is revealed to be a dog: "Well I may be able to talk but I sure as heck can't drive!" Followed immediately by:

Dog: Bubbles.. have mercy..
Bubbles: Mercy is for the weak!! [WHAM]

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