The Padme AUs
The Padme AUs are a collection of 100 short Star Wars alternate universe fanfics, ranging from several hundred to a few thousand words in length, with Padme Amidala as the central character. They were written by Miss Izzy for the LiveJournal AU 100 community in response to their specific writing challenge, with each attached to a specific prompt from the big table.
Most of the final 100 ficlets were written over a two-year period starting in late 2005 and finishing in late 2007; a handful have since been written a replacement for ficlets Miss Izzy didn't like and wished to remove from her Web page, particularly in 2011/2012 when she did a major editing job looking over everything on her website to remove and/or revise it; she reserves the right to possibly replace other ficlets in the future as well. They are divided into 12 different universes, with nine stand-alone ficlets.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: The Queen's Respose, written specifically for The Merry Month of Masturbation.
- A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away: Except for one series which may mostly be replaced eventually.
- Action Girl: Padme gets her turn as a Jedi.
- Air Vent Passageway: The Part to Be Played
- Alternate Universe Fic: The theme of the collection
- At the Opera Tonight: The Opera.
- Battle Couple: The title organization in The Hundred is made up of fifty of these.
- Crack Fic: Whiny Chosen Ones
- Crossover: Whiny Chosen Ones and With Her Daemon
- Death Equals Redemption: Knowing the Dark: Anakin. Kind of; he has to come back as a ghost first.
- Does Not Like Shoes: Brine in The Guest's Visitor
- Drives Like Crazy: Anakin gets a chance to show off his AOTC driving in Padme Gets a Lift
- Earthshattering Kaboom: After the Infamous Day. Tarkin blows up Naboo instead of Alderaan.
- Gender Flip: Senator Amidala's Destiny
- Happily Married: Till It Bleeds Daylight is based on giving Padme and Anakin a happy, if imperfect, marriage
- Deadly Change-of-Heart: Anakin in Passion Play
- Her Heart Will Go On: Anakin gets killed off a lot.
- In Spite of a Nail
- Interrupted Suicide: Crisis Unresolved
- It's Personal: Padme's attitude towards Palpatine in Knowing the Dark.
- Love At First Sight: Really only happens in Passion Play.
- Love Dodecahedron: Lady Skywalker: involves Anakin, Padme, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Shmi, Palpatine, Mace, Sabe, and Quinlan Vos(and Khaleen implied)
- Love Triangle: In Knowing the Dark.
- No Periods, Period: Averted in Menarche.
- Non Sequitur Thud: Encounter in the TUBA Store turns "Are you an angel?" into this.
- Offing the Offspring: Effectively done to Verse by her father in Shadows on Coruscant
- Old Shame: Three of the original hundred ficlets have been removed and replaced. Others the author likewise views of dubious quality may suffer similar fates, if she ever gets around to writing replacement ficlets.
- Overly Long Name: A Riverbank on Riast Neri'top'worza'ita'aya, known to her friends as Neri.
- Parental Marriage Veto: Dictated Palpatine's family history, as described in A Distant Cousin
- Pregnant Badass: Padme fighting alongside Anakin while pregnant in The Hundred
- Prompt Fic
- Self-Made Orphan: Not explicitly spelled out, but two different universes note Palpatine's parents being murdered with no obvious culprit; in Shadows on Coruscant it played a part on the politics of the displaced Naboo...form your own conclusion. The same with his grandmother.
- Someone to Remember Him By: Once Padme survives Anakin, the two someones are pretty much mandatory.