The Oz Kids

The Oz Kids is an American animated fantasy comedy-drama television series produced by Hyperion Animation based on The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum's classic children's novel, and its various sequels. It aired on ABC from 1996 to 1999; from 1996-1997 nine early episodes were released in VHS format.
The two main characters of the series are both human: Dot and Neddie Hugson (the children of Dorothy and Zeb). The minor characters are Boris and Bela (the children of the Cowardly Lion), Tin Boy (the son of the Tin Woodman), Scarecrow Jr. (the son of the original Scarecrow), Jack Pumpkinhead Jr. (son of the original Jack Pumpkinhead), Frank (the son of the Wizard), and Andrea, daughter of Glinda.
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- The All-American Boy: Neddie
- Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Otto and Andrea
- A Day in the Limelight: Frank, who is a supporting character, became the main protagonist of "Underground Adventure".
- "The Monkey Prince" stars Neddie as the main character.
- The Ditz: Dot and Neddie
- Expy: Andrea, Glinda's daughter, bears a distinct resemblance to Ozma, who is one of the few major Oz characters who do not appear in this series.
- Five-Man Band
- The Leader: Dot Hugson (leader) and and her brother, Neddie (co-leader)
- The Lancer: Tin Boy, Jack Pumpkinhead Jr., Boris
- The Big Guy: Frank
- The Smart Guy: Scarecrow Jr.
- The Chick: Andrea and Bela
- Four-Fingered Hands: Dot and her brother, Neddie in the series' earlier episodes.
- This trope makes Dot and Neddie even cuter.
- Generation Xerox: Virtually every major character from the first couple Oz books gets a lookalike child or children. Even those characters incapable of biological reproduction.
- Genki Girl: Dot Hugson
- Magic Tool: Dot's Magic Belt
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Dot and Boris
- Pretty Boy: Frank and Boris
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Scarecrow Jr. and Dot. He's the super boy genius; She, for the other part, a cute, funny and happy-go-lucky farmgirl lives from rural Kansas.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Boris (Shy, intimidated lion cub) and Neddie (Playful, energetic farmboy)
- Slobs Versus Snobs
- Dot and Neddie are cute, inquisitive and energetic young slobs.
- Andrea is a smart, ambivalent and girly snob.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Dot Hugson (tomboy) and Andrea (girly girl)
- Dot (tomboy) and Bela (girly girl)
- Town Girls: Andrea is the sweet, gentle, princess (femme), Bela is the furry, tough girly one (neither), and Dot is the tomboyish farmgirl from Kansas (butch).
- True-Blue Femininity: Dot's main dress is blue, that because blue are Dot and Neddie's favorite color.