The Owl House

"Welcome to the Owl House, where I hide away from the pressures of modern life... also the cops... also ex-boyfriends."


Meet 14 year old Luz Noceda (Sarah Nicole Robles), She lives in an average house in an average town and goes to an average school; but she’s doing badly in school.

Not that she’s disobedient or doesn’t want to learn; oh no. She loves to read, especially her favorite series of books, The Good Witch Azura. Problem is, Luz is a little too “creative” in her approach to learning. She acts as the lead role in the school’s production of Romeo and Juliet, using fake intestines for Juliet’s death scene; her art project includes live spiders. Finally, after using live snakes as a visual aide for a book report, the principal decides her overactive imagination has become too disruptive, and Luz is sentenced to a summer at the Reality Check "reform camp".

But no sooner does her mother drop her off at the bus stop does a strange owl steal one of her books, causing Luz to chase it through a mystic portal and into a fantasy world where all of Luz’s dreams are given life.

Or so it seems… The Boiling Isles may not be quite what she expected of a fantasy world.

She quickly meets the rebellious outlaw witch Eda (Wendie Malick), and her tiny and adorable demon roommate King (Alex Hirsch). Despite lacking any talent in actual magic whatsoever, Luz eagerly assumes the role of a witch’s apprentice, exploring the secrets - and braving the dire hazards - of this new world, making friends and trying, with difficulty, to find out where she belongs!

The Owl House is an animated fantasy/horror comedy series produced by Disney Television Animation and created by Dana Terrace, known as the creator of Duck Tales and Gravity Falls. It is often regarded as a Spiritual Successor to the latter show. The show premiered on January 10, 2020.

You can watch it here. The show was renewed for a second season ahead of the series premiere

This page Needs Wiki Magic Love.

Tropes used in The Owl House include:
  • An Aesop: Many:
    • Be yourself, reject conformity.
    • Nobody is truly The Chosen One; everyone's destiny is his own to fulfill.
  • All Myths Are True: Supposedly, all stories about mythical and fantastic creatures told by humans originated as a result of beings in the Demon Realm bleeding into Earth, including tales of vampires, gryphons, and giraffes.
  • Alpha Bitch: Amnity; she starts out as a typical one, but seems to be evolving into Lovable Alpha Bitch.
  • Ambiguous Situation: in addition to her curse, Eda seems to be "ambiguously alive", sort of. Being decapitated or dismembered is, at most, an annoyance to her and she can recover from both easily, suggesting she's at least partially undead.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Several characters:
    • King talks about being a demon king who once led armies of such beasts, but currently he hasn't been seen doing anything truly evil; annoying, possibly. Whether he's even telling the truth about his past is debatable.
    • Principal Bump straddles the line between a Dean Bitterman who happens to be a wizard to an Evil Teacher. In his first appearance, he tried to dissect Luz to see if she was human; on the other hand, he was willing to admit Luz to the school later (after confirming Luz was human) so long as Eda undid all the damage she did when she was a student.
    • Amnity's siblings Edric and Emira are definitely on the darker side of the morality scale, but just how much is debatable. Their fondness towards Luz may be genuine, or they may just be using her as a tool in their schemes.
    • Emperor Bellows, at least for now. While he seems to be an oppressive dictator, almost nothing is known about his motives or goals.
  • Animal Motif: Owls for Eda, obviously. Lilith and her henchmen have a raven-theme.
  • Bat Out of Hell: The Bat Queen is nasty and scary enough; looking after her nestlings quickly turns Eda into a Badly-Battered Babysitter.
  • The Bet: Eda is such an avid gambler that this Trope directs the plots of three different episodes:
    • Episode Three:
      • The Terms: If King proves he can be a better teacher to a slug-like creature than Eda is to Luz, Eda has to wear a dunce cap and live in the tool shed. If he can't, his name is officially changed to Mr. Wiggles.
      • The Results: King initially wins, Eda begrudgingly accepting the punishment, but once he runs out of food to feed the now-giant slug, it turns on him. Seeing as Eda saves his life as a result, they agree to forget the whole thing.
    • Episode Five:
      • The Terms: This bet is made by Luz and her rival Amity after the former challenges the latter to a Wizard Duel. If Luz wins, Amnity has to apologize to King for ruining his cupcake and admit - in public - that humans can become witches. Amnity wins, Luz has to give up learning magic forever, and to make sure she complies, places a Magically-Binding Contract on both of them.
      • The results: Eda and Lilth both cheat to help their respective proteges win, so Luz and Amnity are both disqualified. This leads to a real duel between Eda and Lilith, while Luz and Amnity have a heart-to-heart talk for the first time.
    • Episode 8
      • The Terms: Eda does a three-person Freaky Friday Flip on herself, King, and Luz (Eda becomes King, King becomes Luz, Luz becomes Eda) and states that whoever has the easiest time living with the new body and identity doesn't have to help clean the house.
      • The Results: All three lose. Eda is nearly turned into a lobotomized living doll by some Evil Old Folks who think King's body is cute, King is nearly killed by a group of teenagers after trying to get revenge on them with Luz's body, and Luz uses Eda's magic far too blatantly, getting herself arrested and nearly conscripted into the Emperor's Coven by Lilith. It's only via a series of Contrived Coincidences that the trio manage to find each other and change back. And they all have to clean the house, which by now, is much messier than before.
  • Big Brother Bully: Both of Amnity's older siblings are manipulative troublemakers who view Amnity as a killjoy and take out their irritation by humiliating her in the nastiest ways. Even worse, they think being family gives them permission to do it.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Luz meets a lot of magical beings who fit this Trope. To give one example, one of the girls at the slumber party in "Hooty's Moving Hassle" has a large vertical jaw on the top of her skull, a lolling tongue from this jaw giving an illusion of a hairstyle. For some reason, the animation actually makes this work, and it doesn't seem horrific in the least.
  • Cain and Abel: Describes Eda and Lilith's relationship pretty well, although which is Cain and which is Abel depends on who you ask. Lilith has at least shown a desire for reconciliation with her sister, so long as it's on her terms and Eda joins her side.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Each coven and class at Hexside can be identified by the color of their clothing or uniforms: Bard practitioners wear red, Plant magic members, green, Illusion, light blue, Oracles purple, Beast Keepers orange, Construction brown, Healing blue, Abominations lavender, Potions yellow, and Emperor's are gold. Oddly, Luz seems to be wearing several different colored versions of the Hexisde uniform in the preview to season 2, possibly showing her creative nature.
  • Cool Old Lady: Eda, definitely.
  • Cute Witch: Every female student at Hexside; even Amnity has moments.
  • Death World: The Boiling Isles are not a nice place. Luz finds it hard to tell friendly or helpful occupants from ones that want to eat her (and the groups aren't mutually exclusive). The weather is hostile to pretty much everyone, the wildlife is dangerous... Not a place you'd want to live. Worse, it's A World Half Full where the folks in charge impose draconian laws that encourage conformity.
  • Eccentric Mentor: Eda, definitely. in fact, some would say she's a lousy teacher, as she seems unable to truly teach Luz magic, although she does (maybe inadvertently) point Luz in the direction she needs to make her own discoveries.
  • Elephant Graveyard: Downplayed. The inhabited areas of the Boiling Isles are built on one skeleton, but it's a huge one. Who o what this giant was, how it died, or even if it's truly dead, is a mystery.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: Much like the protagonists of Gravity Falls, Luz gets into a lot of trouble mishandling magic.
  • Fictional Document: The Good Witch Azura, Luz's favorite book series, the title character being a sort of Magical Girl heroine.The series has at least five titles. Somehow, whoever publishes it is able to market it in the Boiling Isles. (Or maybe it is published in the Boiling Isles and can be marketed on Earth.) Whatever the case, Eda hates the series, claiming its "flowery prose" is an insult to witches.
    • It's hinted that Amnity is a fan, and may have even cosplayed as the heroine when she was younger; in the episode "Adventures In The Elements", she also draws fan-art of herself with a handsome male character from the book. She also seems to compare Luz to Hecate (Azura's rival in the series); Luz seems to support this notion, as at the end of "Lost in Language", she gives Amnity the fifth book in the series, where Amnity and Hecate are shown to have a friendlier rivalry.
  • Fluffy Tamer: At Hexside, students sent to detention are thrown to a huge plant-like beast that traps the disobedient students in pod-like pseudopods and then uses brainwashing gas to "convince" them to behave. However, when Luz and Guz make it angry, Bump simply snaps his fingers to convince the creature to heel.
  • Hidden Villain: For now, Emperor Bellows seems the biggest candidate for the show's Big Bad, and he hasn't been seen yet. There's also the villain who cursed Eda in the first place, who has only been seen as a sinister shadow. Assuming the two aren't the same person, although most fans of Terrace's work would find it odd if he made the plot that predictable.
  • Inspector Javert: Lilith. She's determined to bring Eda in, and is willing to forcibly conscript her into the Emperor's coven.
    • Amnity too, towards Luz, being something of the "Concerned Clair" type of The Stool Pigeon.
  • The Gambler: Eva seems unwilling to turn down any wager, no matter how trivial or how dangerous, and has a notebook full of the times she's made them with King and won.
  • Genius Loci: The eponymous Owl House is a living creature named Hooty, who can talk through an owl-shaped bust on the front door. Eda and King tend to get annoyed with him a lot.
  • Hostile Weather: The Boiling Isles has plagues instead of weather, and it's hazardous to both humans and the natives. In the fourth episode, Luz witnesses a boiling rainstorm, prompting Eda and King to tell her that they have even worse conditions; like gore-nadoes, shale-hale, and painbows, which is sort of like a rainbow, but turns you inside out.
  • The Jailer: Warden Wrath is one, who arrests and locks up anyone he deems "weird". Of course, exactly what you have to do to be considered "weird" in the Boiling Isles is hard to say, given that the whole place is a Dimension of Weirdos. Long story short, he starts off the whole, "conformity is good, individuality is bad" attitude the villains as a whole have.
  • Meaningful Name: Luz's last name - Noceda - literally means "she doesn't back down" in Spanish, which is fitting for her.
  • Noble Fugitive: While not truly evil, Eda is a wanted criminal, both for peddling snake-oil and refusing to join any coven. She boldly operates her business in a town where her Wanted Posters are hanging in plain sight.
  • Noodle Incident: It's bad enough that a Humanoid Abomination like Warden Wrath has a crush on Eda, but King claims her last boyfriend was even worse. "Not my boyfriend!" insists Eda in reply.
  • The Nose Knows: The hall monitors at Hexside (possibly meant to be parodies of the Dementors) can smell "trouble", using this ability to find misbehaving students.
  • The Not-So-Harmless Punishment: In "Something Ventured, Something Framed", Luz first assumes being sent to detention won't be all that bad. Unfortunately, in Hexside, detention means being thrown to a giant, tentacled beast who traps the students in pods, and then applies brainwashing gas to "convince" them to behave.
  • Our Centaurs Are Different: Bizarrely played for laughs when Luz meets one with no head, his face on his chest.
  • Our Demons Are Different: King claims to be a deposed demon lord who has lost his powers; whether he is or not is for now, subject to debate. Whatever the case, he's willing to give Luz a few pointers on how to fight them, like telling her that their two weaknesses are purified water and and passive-aggressive comments. "Even demons can have inner demons," he claims.
  • Our Elves Are Different: Eda, Lilith, and most students at Hexide are called witchlings, and seem to have most traits of fantasy elves, including pointy ears and magical ability.
  • Our Homunculi Are Different: Abominations are jars of magical slime that can assume vaguely humanoid forms to act as magical servants. Presumably a profitable and lucrative profession for wizards, as Willow's parents insisted she take the class, even though she had no talent in it. Amnity also specializes in this school.
  • Our Werebeasts Are Different: Eda is called the Owl Lady because she suffers from a curse that causes her to change into a demonic, owl-like beast at night. This was inflicted upon her by a wizard whose identity she doesn't remember, and also doesn't remember why. Eda takes a potion to avoid the transformations, but starting with episode 10, its effect is starting to fail...
  • The Owl-Knowing One: Eda claims this is why she's called "The Owl Lady", although King claims its because she coughs up rat bones and Hooty claims its because she's attracted to shiny objects. While all that is true - and as a wizard, she is likely rather wise, if eccentric - the actual reason is she suffers from a curse that causes her to turn into a demonic, owl-like beast at night, making her far more like the other sort of owl.
  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: Luz is a Nice Girl on the surface and means well, but many times, she pursues her goals by cheating, lying, stealing, and other types of dishonesty. While Amnity might call her out on it a few times, she's Easily Forgiven by most characters and never truly held responsible. This, of course, tended to be a problem for the protagonists of Gravity Falls as well.
  • Power Limiter: One of the biggest plot points in the series involves the covens, which are sort of like guilds. Each specialize in a specific school of magic, the most powerful ones being : Bard, Plants, Illusion, Oracle, Beast Keeping, Construction, Healing, Abominations, Potions, and Emperor's. When a wizard joins a coven - which is required by law - they receive a magical branding that prevents them from using any magic other than the coven's specialty. Eda refuses to join a coven, meaning she is not limited to one school of magic and is potentially one of the most powerful of sorcerers. Unfortunately, members of the Emperor's coven - like her sister - are also allowed to use all schools. They do have their own brand, however, one that presumably ensures obedience.
  • Magical Academy: Hexside School of Magic and Demonics. Known classes include lessons on Potions, Plant magic, and Abominations. Somewhat Harmful to Minors given how they handle detention, but at least the principal lets Luz attend.
  • Malevolent Masked Man: The City Guards that are always after Eda wear bird-like masked, probably standard-issue for the Emperor's rank-and-file soldiers.
  • The Rival:
    • Amnity to Luz, although it seems to be progressing from a hostile rivalry to a friendly one.
    • Eda and her sister Lilth have a love-hate relationship that goes back and forth.
  • Sacred Hospitality: Eda is safe from the law at Hexside because Principal Bellows is not a snitch. Even if she did cause him a lot of trouble when she was a student.
  • Silver Fox: While of Vague Age, Eda is clearly an old woman, but far from your typical old hag. Luz even says she's “surprisingly foxy for her age”.
  • So Proud of You: Eda has a weird idea of when she should be proud of her apprentice; the first time she has this reaction to Luz is when Luz does something that results in her face appearing on Wanted Posters. Later, she seems equally proud when Luz coerces her into teaching her a new spell by appealing to her pride.
  • Snake Oil Salesman: Eda; one of the things she sells is literally called snake oil. "For oiling snakes", she claims. She also pilfers objects - mostly junk - from the human world and sells it as "Human Collectibles" for a high price.
  • Starter Villain: The first villain in the show was Warden Wrath, a Jailer villain with an unhealthy crush on Eda.
  • Wild Magic: Eda practices this, claiming that using Wild Magic draws power from the natural magic of the Boiling Isles itself.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Demons have two weakness that King (a demon himself) relates to Luz, purified water and passive-aggressive comments. "Even demons have inner-demons," he claims.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Most witchlings have green hair, although Amnity's brown roots suggest she dyes hers.
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