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The Order of the Stick/Characters/Divine Beings

The Snarl

Lord Shojo: The world took shape, but for every argument, a new snag would develop in the fabric of the world. A new snarl in the threads of reality. And the gods, blinded by their petty squabbles, did not see the Snarl growing every day... Growing more complex... growing more intelligent... growing more hateful.

An immensely powerful god-killing Eldritch Abomination whom many of the main villains wish to harness, each for their own reasons. Born from the dissensions and frustrations of the gods during the first creation of the world.

The Dark One


Race: God (formerly goblin)
Gender: Male
Class: Unknown (rumors of a prestige class)
Alignment: Lawful Evil

The evil god of all goblinoids. Originally a goblin warlord born with purple skin, he united many tribes in a mighty army threatening the human lands. He was killed through treachery, but had so many followers that he rose to godhood. Now he plans to upset the status quo between PC and monster races by using the Snarl as a bargaining chip. He's working to this end through his true prophet, the bearer of the Crimson Mantle.

Redcloak: Well, as theological revelations go, I guess that's refreshingly direct.
Jirix: Then he added, "No pressure, though," which I thought was nice.

The Inter-Fiend Cooperation Commission

Race: Devil (Lee), Daemon (Nero), Demon (Cedrik)
Alignment: Lawful Evil (Lee), Neutral Evil (Nero), Chaotic Evil (Cedrik)

Lee, Nero, and Cedrik: three powerful beings from the lower planes dedicated to uniting the factions of evil. So far this has meant appearing to Vaarsuvius in a desperate moment and granting V unprecedented arcane power by "splicing" V with the souls of three evil mages. Their long-term plans remain mysterious, but they do require V to stay alive and do involve the gates.

  • Black Cloaks
  • Big Bad Triumvirate: They apparently lead the IFCC equally, though each is answerable to superiors on their own plane. Whether or not they're real Big Bads or just another competing faction remains to be seen.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: First seen here, but not formally introduced until much later. Heck, they were mentioned way back near the beginning -- Sabine explicitly said that she'd been sent "by the archfiends" to be Nale's consort/sidekick. These guys are the archfiends in question.
  • The Chessmasters: They are shaping up to be Chessmasters in a grand style, not only manipulating V, and the Order through him or her, but also Team Evil and the Linear Guild as well. Lampshaded with the title of strip #668, "Moving the Pieces".
  • Circling Monologue: They do this once or twice during their deal pitch to Vaarsuvius.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: All three look absolutely identical except for the color of their eyes, which is also reflected in the text of their speech bubbles and the color of their magic auras.
  • Cosmopolitan Council: The Inter-Fiend Cooperation Commission is a "community-based grassroots organization dedicated to building bridges between the diabolic, demonic, and daemonic populations."
  • Deal with the Devil: Made one for Vaarsuvius.
  • Demon Lords and Archdevils: Duh.
  • The Dividual: They always talk and act as a trio. Word of the Giant is that they're interchangeable, and despite being supposedly of different evil alignments, he doesn't bother giving them distinct personalities.
  • Evil Is One Big Happy Family: The Trope Namers, they both play this straight and subvert it. On one hand, they aren't going to ally with or openly assist Xykon just because he's evil, because to them he's just another piece in the game; on the other, one of their long-term goals is to unite the three warring races of Fiends into a single alliance.
  • Evil Plan: They seem to have one of these going.
  • The Facelesses
  • Footnote Fever: They manage to put footnotes in their speech.

Lee: Magical powers beyond your wildest imaginings!*
Nero: *Based on typical wild imaginings of previous customers matching your demographic profile. Additional terms and restrictions may apply.

  • Gambit Roulette: The IFCC really did get lucky with their plan. Expecting that Vaarsuvius would attack Xykon with the powers they gave him/her? Reasonable. Hoping that the attack would be effective enough to piss off Xykon, not powerful enough to kill him and that V would still be able to escape Xykon? Yeah, there was a lot that could've gone wrong. The IFCC even admits that they had no way to interfere and that their plan wasn't perfect.
  • Glowing Eyes: Yellow (Lee), orange (Cedrik), and purple (Nero).
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: They briefly discuss their long-term goals with Qarr, but ultimately decide it's too much exposition to reveal now. They do involve V, the Gates, and Xykon, however.
  • Manipulative Bastards: Through use of Reverse Psychology, they try to convince Vaarsuvius to make a deal with them in the most blatant way possible... and they succeed. Though V was already willing to do so anyways... Then they implied that the spliced souls would have the ability to influence him, even though they actually had no control at all. "We only have to trick you if being honest doesn't work." actually sounds a LOT like "We're being honest." without actually meaning that at all.
  • Meaningful Names: LE, NE, and CE are the abbreviations D&D uses for the three evil alignments.
  • Messrs. Exposition
  • Number of the Beast
    • Subverted with their adress, which is "9 Hells Plaza, Lower Planes 00999".
    • Note also that "Moving the Pieces", the strip where they enunciate their sinister mobiles, would have been strip #666 if not for the tribute pages to Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
  • Ominous Latin Chanting: By courtesy of the choir of dead pedophiles.
  • Our Demons Are Different: They consist of a devil, a demon, and a daemon. Their challenge is proving the different kinds of fiends can work together.
  • Pass the Popcorn
  • The Plan: The Deal with a Mortal they made is just the start of it, apparently. Could probably be a Gambit Roulette altogether, since they admitted themselves that they couldn't control all aspects of their plan.
  • Time Stands Still: From the moment they step on the island to offer Vaarsuvius their deal, time is stopped for the rest of the world, as they don't like to rush this kind of transaction.


"With my ultimate power of the thunders, I, Thor, smash this entire dungeon to shattered ruins, each piece no larger than a man's fist. Then, I return to Asgard to woo goddesses and drink an ocean's worth of beer. Huzzah!"

Race: God (Northern)
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good (probably)

The god of Thunder, a major power of Asgard. Patron god of Durkon and of most dwarves.

Thor: BOOYAH! Direct hit!
Planetar: Lord Thor, I've been reading the description of Control Weather... and I'm not sure it can actually DO that.
Thor: I'm sorry, I didn't hear you just there. What did you say, again?
Planetar: *sigh* I said, "Nice shooting, sir."


"Dude, don't taunt the god-killing abomination."

Race: God (Northern)
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Evil (probably)

The god of Flames and Chaos, rival of Thor. Patron god of Hilgya.


"Ooooo! Doggie!"

Race: God (Northern)
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good (probably)

The All-Father; head of the Northern gods; Thor's father.

The Twelve Gods

Dragon: We all now know what happens should we ever come to direct conflict over how to run this new world. I therefore suggest that each of our three pantheons be granted special dominion over one-third of this planet, to guide as we see fit.

The pantheon with dominion over the Southern continent, including Azure City. Based on the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac: Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig, Rat, Ox, Tiger, and Hare.


"RRAWWR!!" (×5)

Race: God (Western)
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Evil

The five-headed dragon goddess, progenitor of all evil dragons. One of the few allies of the Dark One. She grants the Oracle his powers.

Succubus secretary: Director? Ms. Tiamat is holding on lines 2, 3, 5, 8, and 11.


"Well, there are those rules for monster PCs--"

Race: God (Western)
Gender: Male
Alignment: Unknown

The leader of the Western pantheon (equivalent to Odin or Dragon in this regard). He has to date played no role and had no line in the comic (except the above, from Start of Darkness). Marduk can be seen in Lord Shojo's tale about the making of the World and the origins of the Snarl.

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