< The Oblongs
The Oblongs/YMMV
- Adaptation Displacement: Loosely based on a picture book by Angus Oblong, Creepy Susie And 13 Other Tragic Tales For Troubled Children, but the show is more well-known at this point.
- Anvilicious: Considering that most of the episodes were written by former writers of The Simpsons (particularly Al Jean and Mike Reiss), expect to see a lot of the family-sitcom preachiness (with a hint of dark, twisted humor to keep the treacle from sticking) that was prevalent on The Simpsons, though the biggest message the show keeps hammering home is the fact that American class oppression is alive and well (whether it's the rich screwing over the poor or the popular kids screwing over the unpopular kids).
- Complete Monster: Played for Laughs with the Hill Residents, especially George Klimer.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Creepy Susie.
- Family-Unfriendly Aesop: When someone you love dies, you can always put them on the rosebushes. They'll make one heck of a fertilizer.
- Ho Yay: Jared & Blaine.
Milo: Everyone says you two have sex with each other.
- Les Yay: The Show Within a Show Velva The Warrior, a parody of Xena: Warrior Princess. Gets Lampshaded by Bob of all people; when Pickles expresses concern about Beth's fondness for the show, Bob asks "Are you afraid it'll make her a lesbian?"
- Too Good to Last: Notable in that it really never had a chance. The Network (and some viewers) hated it because it was too mean-spirited and depressing to be funny. The Creator (Angus Oblong), on the other hand, hated it because it wasn't mean-spirited and depressing enough.
- Ugly Cute: Beth.
- The Woobie: Does anyone else feel sorry for Lucky?
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