The Oblongs/Funny
- The scene where Debby is handing out fake invitations to her birthday party, But when she get to Milo, he doesnt even get a fake invitation.
Milo: Just keep moving Blondie, that tricks not gonna work on me.
Debbie: Like i care. I didn't even make you a fake one.
Milo: What? Y'know its really not far that you make fun of some people and not others!
Debbie: Okay you big baby, you can have hers. (she says giving Peggy's fake invitation to Milo)
Peggy: Great, now i don't get fake invited?
Teacher: Debbie, you really should have brought enough fake invitations for all the unpopular children.
Debbie: Y'know, you try to do something really mean and cruel. And it just gets thrown back in your face!
- When Helga is stuck in a sewer pipe, her friends try to comfort her by giving her a couple books on tape to pass the time.
Peggy: Anyway, we brought you some books on tape. This one is really good: it's Mein Kampf as read by Jimmie J.J. Walker.
(plays the tape)
Tape : The Aryan Race is Dy-no-mite!
- From Heroine Addict during Pickles' intervention over her thrill-seeking addiction:
Pickle: Milo, would you be a dear and shoot Mommy in the head?
Milo: Dad'll get mad.
- At dinner Milo is finishing his explanation of what happened during his day.