The Night When Evil Falls
The Night When Evil Falls is a Hentai anime released in 2006.
Sheliss Elleness Zurbach suddenly appears out of the blue in modern-day Tokyo. Destiny has brought her to the human world - destiny in the form of an evil adversary named Gilva. Needing help in tracking down her enemy, she enlists a sexy demon killer.
What Sheelis didn't count on was that a crazed, slimy, tentacled magician would paralyze her and turn her into a sex slave. The slimy tentacles slither all over the paralyzed princess' body... A long night of sexual punishment is about to begin.
Tropes used in The Night When Evil Falls include:
- All Men Are Perverts: Double subverted.[context?]
- All Women Are Lustful
- Big Bad: King Zurbach
- Black Comedy Rape
- Covert Pervert: Sheliss and Akane.
- Decoy Protagonist. Akane
- Everybody Has Lots of Sex
- Evil Versus Evil: King Zurbach and Sheliss vs Gilva.
- Get It Over With: Akane and Sheliss say this to Gilva.
- God and Satan Are Both Jerks: king Zurbach and Gilva.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty
- Instant Seduction: Sheliss to the humans. Justified by the Miti's spell.
- Ms. Fanservice: Sheliss, Akane and Meduna.
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Inverted trope.
- Ready for Lovemaking: Sheliss at the end of the second episode.
- Sorting Algorithm of Evil: Mercenary --> Sheliss --> Gilva
- Sliding Scale of Beauty: Sheliss is considered "World class beauty".
- Sex Slave: Sheliss and Akane at the end of the series.
- Sexual Karma
- Teens Are Short: Sheliss, Meduna and Akane measure 152 cm tall.
- Unishment: Sheliss and Akane are constantly raped, but they enjoy it.
- Unholy Matrimony: Meduna and Gilva.
- Villain Protagonist: Sheliss.
- Worf Effect: Sheliss and Akane.
!Dubtitled! has examples of:
- Big Yes: The Big No/ Oh Crap of Sheliss, become this.
- Brutal Honesty: When Sheliss and Akane are sexually excited, they say it very openly.
- Character Exaggeration: Sheliss and Akane. Including ....
- Covert Pervert: Averted trope. In this version, Sheliss openly declares that she likes sex.
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