The Never Ending Mario Story
Mario and Luigi were watching ESPN when Toad walked in and said...
The Never Ending Mario Story [dead link] is/was a nonsensical Round Robin fanfic created by the users of Nsider2 Forums. As the name implies, the story's main focus is on the characters of the Super Mario Bros. series, but as the plot went on it inevitably began to draw in elements from just about everything else. Surprisingly, however, the story was for the most part actually able to hold together a coherent plot, and featured several story arcs before becoming a Dead Fic.
Since then, a few brave individuals on Nsider have attempted to begin another "Never Ending _____ Story" on the forums, but none have been as successful as this one.
The Never Ending Mario Story contains examples of the following tropes:
- Aborted Arc: The search for the Legendary Ruby Burritos.
- Absurdly Spacious Sewer
- All Just a Dream: Subverted.
- Awesomeness Is Volatile: So volatile that it tears a hole in the space-time continuum.
- Back from the Dead: Used occasionally, most notably with Death himself.
- Bad Future: One where Toad joins the Dark Side and takes over the world.
- Batman Can Breathe in Space: Lampshaded.
- Battle Couple: Toad and Kamelia.
- Big Bad: King K. Rool ( Or rather, the demon that was possessing him) in the first arc, Bill Murray in the second, Captain Olimar in the third.
- Big Damn Heroes: Toad, when he assembles an army of Pokémon to save the others from Team Rocket.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall
- Canada, Eh?: Luigi assembles an army of Canadians at one point, though they don't actually accomplish anything.
- Cerebus Rollercoaster: Given the amount of writers with differing styles of writing, this was bound to happen.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Dr. Robotnik and Mechagodzilla
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: Since "evil" Mario can't kill Mario and co., he attempts to do the next best thing by forcing them to listen to Twilight on tape.
- Death Takes a Holiday: Death is killed, resulting in everyone else being unable to die until he is revived.
- Depending on the Writer: Inevitable.
- Damsel in Distress: Peach, as usual, though she eventually manages to escape on her own.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Villainous example: Ridley somehow murders Death.
- Don't Fear the Reaper: Death is actually helpful to Mario and co., though you still shouldn't get on his bad side.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Alucard is crushed under a spaceship piloted by Kirby.
- Enemy Mine: Bowser teams up with Mario yet again in this fic. Also, Mario and Luigi briefly join forces with Captain Falcon and Donkey Kong.
- Eldritch Abomination: The demon possessing King K. Rool
- Evil Twin: The "evil" counterparts. Also, Toad's twin brother Ignuf.
- Fantastic Voyage Plot: King K. Rool and the Kremlings upon being vacuumed by Bowser.
- Fire and Brimstone Hell
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Mario
- The Lancer: Luigi
- The Smart Guy:
KamekKamelia - The Big Guy: Bowser
- The Chick: Toad
- Sixth Ranger: Death
- First Law of Gender Bending: Kamek, er, Kamelia.
- Follow the Leader: As mentioned above, a few users have attempted to make similar group fics since this one ended, but most of them lose momentum quickly.
- Fusion Dance: Captain Falcon and Chuck Norris combine to become the most powerful being in existance: Bruce Lee.
- Future Badass: Darth Toad
- Gender Bender: Kamek is transformed into a woman by Toad's wish, and remains as such for the duration of the story. Heavy Weapons Guy also has a sex change, Though she was actually a woman to begin with.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Mario and Luigi to Toad.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Several.
- Groin Attack: Subverted, see Samus Is a Girl below.
- Humongous Mecha: Peach and Bowser's Castles apparently still have their mecha components from Bowser's Inside Story, and they can even combine.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Toad, causing him to believe that he is Ash Ketchum.
- MacGuffin: Several over the course of the course of the story, such as the Legendary Ruby Burritos the Dragonballs, and the Ultimate Power.
- Magnetic Hero: Mario, natch.
- Mega Crossover
- Mirror Universe: Where the "evil" counterparts are suspected to have come from. But it ends up being subverted.
- Non-Indicative Name: "The Land of Chocolates, which in fact had no chocolate at all and no one there knew what chocolate was."
- Off with His Head: "Evil" Luigi. He survives it.
- The Psycho Rangers: The "evil" duplicates of the heroes, created by a space-time paradox.
- Reset Button: Played straight and later subverted.
- Round Robin
- Samus Is a Girl: Heavy is a woman.
- Second Law of Gender Bending:...Kamelia again.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: The demon.
- Spot the Imposter: Mario invokes this by using his newfound shapeshifting abilities on the Heavy.
- Superhero: Toad's alter ego, Mushroom Man.
- Super Not-Drowning Skills: Justified in that the Mario Bros. have been able to breathe underwater in the past.
- Those Wacky Nazis
- Took a Level in Badass: Toad.
- Villainous Rescue: K. Rool unwittingly saves Mario and the gang from their "evil" counterparts.
- Villain Team-Up: K. Rool and Giovanni.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The "evil" twins of the heroes, who are actually duplicates created by the distortion of the time-space continuum, and are only trying to fix said distortion.
- Wild Card: Mr/T
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Yoshi lampshades the fact that he doesn't appear until twenty pages into the story. Peach also ends up having to rescue herself when Mario and co. get sidetracked.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Mario killing Prince Peasley for insulting his mother.
- Yin-Yang Clash: Bruce Lee vs. Demon K. Rool.
- Your Head Implode: Toad, upon witnessing the ritual of Zalgo.
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