The Miracle Maker
The Miracle Maker is an animated film made in the 2000s telling the life of Jesus Christ, largely through the eyes of Jairus' daughter Tamar. It features both 3D puppet animation and 2D traditional animation for parables or dream sequences, and serves as a sort of a Spiritual Successor (no pun intended) to the animated Testament tales.
Despite being an animated film, it features several examples of Nightmare Fuel and generally unpleasant scenes, as well as intelligent Alternate Character Interpretation and an All-Star Cast, led by Ralph Fiennes as Jesus.
Tropes used in The Miracle Maker include:
- Affably Evil: Pontius Pilate.
- All-Star Cast
- Art Shift: All the parables, flashbacks or dream sequences are told in the form of 2D cartoons.
- Ascended Extra: Tamar, who features in one tale in The Bible where she is not even named, becomes The Ishmael.
- Broken Bird: Mary Magdalene.
- Canon Foreigner: Asher Ben Azra, leader of the Sadduccees who has been sent to file a report on Jesus.
- Chekhov's Gun: The way Jesus lifts the bread for the blessing is how Tamar recognises him following the resurrection.
- Crucified Hero Shot: Obviously.
- Deadpan Snarker: Pontius Pilate.
- Evil Gloating; Herod with the captured Jesus, whilst crowning him with thorns.
- Heroic BSOD: Jesus after hearing of John the Baptist's death, and whilst in Gethsemane.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Lord Voldemort has come to the save the sinful Earth, with his disciples Rita Skeeter, Remus Lupin and Withnail. Also for the Welsh version, Jesus is played by Mr. Fantastic.
- Ill Girl: Tamar, for the first half of the film.
- Incurable Cough of Death: Tamar's illness.
- La RĂ©sistance: Judas and Barrabas see themselves as this.
- Leitmotif: The music that plays when Lucifer offers Jesus all the kingdoms of the world is reprised whenever Judas has visions of Jesus as a warrior prophet.
- The Messiah
- My God, What Have I Done?: Judas Iscariot, after Jesus' trial against Caiaphas.
- Nightmare Face: Mary Magdalene, when possessed. Earlier, she sees two Roman soldiers transform into snake like humanoids.
- The Quisling: Simon the Pharisee, who remains loyal to the Romans in order to keep his estates. Also Matthew, although he performs a Heel Face Turn .
- Rage Against the Heavens: Literally, in Gethsemane.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Mary Magdalene.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Jesus to Lucifer in the desert "You shall not put your God to the test!"
- Spared by the Adaptation: Judas, though it may be more a case of What Happened to the Mouse? .
- Smug Snake: Herod.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Barrabas accuses Judas of being this.
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