< The Man with the Golden Gun

The Man with the Golden Gun/Characters

Mary Goodnight (Britt Eklund)

Field agent working in Macau who joins Bond (to his dismay) to help in the Scaramanga case.

She's James Bond's secretary in the Ian Fleming novels. Important character in the books, but is considered to be a disposable (and idiotic) Bond girl in this movie.

Nick Nack (Hervé Villechaize)

Scaramanga's short manservant. He has struck a deal with him, where he routinely hires killers to take his boss out as a part of his training, and Scaramanga has promised him everything if one were ever to succeed.

Francisco Scaramanga (Christopher Lee)

A former Rio Gunman who worked for the KGB before going freelance. He is also the most famous of the Roger Moore incarnation of James Bond's villains.

Christopher Lee found the role to be one of his favorites and was Ian Fleming's cousin.

  • Affably Evil: Unlike other villains, Scaramanga genuinely likes Bond. It won't stop him from killing him though.
  • Adaptation Distillation: The literary version is little more than a Spanish gangster. Christopher Lee makes him an urbane sophisticate with a taste for murder.
  • Cool Car: An AMC Matador that comes with attachable wings and jet engine!
  • Death Course: Scaramanga keeps a fun house of murder.
  • Depraved Homosexual: The literary version is accused of being so. The movie version is a stated (heterosexual) sadist.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: Hai Fat believes Scaramanga is his Dragon. Scaramanga corrects him most painfully.
  • Dragon Their Feet: Nick Nack.
  • Evil Counterpart: Scaramanga is Bond without his loyalty to Britain or his (dim) code of chivalry towards women. And unlike Bond, he enjoys killing people, and has no real scruples about who he kills.
  • A Glass of Chianti: Movie version only.
  • Go-Go Enslavement: Mary Goodnight
  • Iconic Characters: Scaramanga ranks with Goldfinger and Blofeld as one of the most recognizable of all Bond villains.
  • Kick the Dog: Scaramanga kills his girlfriend more or less so the audience has a reason to hate him. Even then, she's guilty of plotting to murder him.
  • Klingon Promotion: Scaramanga takes over Hai Fat's company this way.
  • Just Between You and Me: Justified Trope. Scaramanga's plans for the Solex Agitator have no bearing on whether or not Bond or he survives their upcoming duel.
  • Not So Different: Scaramanga genuinely admires Bond's skill as an assassin.
  • No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Dine
  • Psycho for Hire: Scaramanga does not take lip from anyone. Even employers.
  • Red Right Hand: Scaramanga has a third nipple.
  • Weapon of Choice: Scaramanga chooses to use a one bullet gun because extra bullets would imply he misses. He keeps an extra one, of course.
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