< The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet/Heartwarming

  • Michael Geary, who's lived in the shadow of 'Black Jack's' legend all his life and is bitter about it, saying to the real John Geary; "Tell [my sister] I didn't hate you anymore."
  • And Tear Jerker both, in-universe as well as out: in Guardian, the Dancers indicated a compelling need to visit Earth, specifically Lyons, Kansas. Why? At the end, it's revealed that centuries ago, they found a dead astronaut whose hometown appears to have been Lyons. They've preserved his body in a crystal coffin, waiting until they could return him to his home with all honor.
  • General Drakon goes into a Berserker Rage when a long-time subordinate — and as much a friend as a subordinate can be — is killed during their assault on a Syndicate stronghold. The Heartwarming part is that he gets himself under control and averts an Obligatory War Crime Scene by invoking the dead comrade's memory. "Because Conner Gaiene had not died so that Artur Drakon could massacre enemy soldiers who were trying to surrender...."
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