< The Lost Fleet

The Lost Fleet/Funny

  • Geary's description, in a conversation with Captain Duellos, of his arrival with Captain Desjani to meet her parents ... while trying to dodge the media and government big noises. As Duellos put it, "I've seen movies like this." They probably starred someone comparable to Leslie Nielsen or Eddie Murphy.

"We made it to the high-rise where Tanya's parents lived, and it was one of those secured-access places, so we jumped out of the car, ran up to the access panel, and Tanya pounded on it, yelling, 'They changed the access code! Mom, Dad, let us in!'"

  • The ending of Victorious becomes subtly humorous when you realize that it's basically the classic Rom Com ending transposed into The Lost Fleet series. Love interest leaving main character behind? Check. Mad dash through crowds and security to make it to her terminal in time? Check. Anguished declaration of love? Check. On the spot marriage proposal? Check. Fortunately, it doesn't come off as terribly silly as it might, given that it's all justified in-universe. Which, frankly, makes it funnier.
  • All Men Are Perverts is invoked when a scientist, talking about how they can't be sure of understanding the fundamental values of the aliens, says to imagine how the human preoccupation with sex might look to someone who wasn't so focused. General Carabali claims that Marines, or Marine women at any rate, can go for measurable periods without thinking about sex. Captain Duellos counters that he once managed to not think of sex for several seconds ... but the experience made him question his masculinity.
  • Danaka Yoruk ration bars. In particular, Geary's complaint about the fact that a Danaka Yoruk bar might be his last meal.
    • A formerly-Syndic officer mentions how revolted she was by tasting Danaka Yoruk bars — "The name is engraved on my guts" ... and how her unit managed to palm them off on the snakes. She suggests, half-jokingly, that the snakes might have actually died from the awfulness of Danaka Yoruks.
    • The Fleet is getting supplied to go on a critically important mission. They're given lots and lots of ration bars, so the crews definitely won't go hungry. The bad news is that practically all of them are Danaka Yoruks, so the crews won't want to eat!
  • General Drakon in The Lost Stars is capable of a Command Voice that's practically a Compelling Voice. When he not-precisely-reprimands one of his officers, another officer, who hasn't done anything wrong and knows Drakon's anger isn't directed at her, nonetheless has to "fight down an urge to come to attention, salute, and promise never to do it again."
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