< The Lion of Ivalice

The Lion of Ivalice/YMMV

  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Several, usually for the ones that didn't join as party members.
    • Izlude: In game, a templar with very similar views of Ramza during his Hokuten days and killed rather suddenly by his father, with his death sparking Mel's vengeance towards the Beoulve. Here, a hired sword to the Nanten that meets Ramza as an ally this time and forms a Bash Brother bond with him and undergoes a well rounded transition from a blindly loyal soldier to a second Ramza in all but name.
    • Gafgarion: In game, a gruff mercenary that was willing to fight and kill for money, damn ideals on 'right and wrong'. Here, he fights for a chance of redemption out of an honor debt losing to Ramza (twice).
    • Celia and Lede: In game, two demons masquerading as assassins (or possibly possessed by demons somewhere along the line) under Elmdore's service as Bodyguard Babes. Here, human assassins with a history with Valmafra and gradually grow into the hearts of a mechanic, an automation, and the readers.
    • Valmafra: In game, a magus with relatively little background other than being an agent keeping tabs on Ramza, Delita, and the war. Here, is convinced by Olan to help stop the demon invasion, and keeps a troubled past to herself, being a pupil to Kletian and helped committing terrible deeds.
  • Complete Monster: It's quite arguable that Morrigan Konoe/Shemhazai earned her C.M. diploma in Chapter 28, what with tormenting Delita and Wiegraf with the spirits of their deceased sisters to weaken their resolve - one reviewer even considered this to be worse than Vormav's actions in canon where he brought back Zalbag as a possessed zombie, forcing Ramza to fight him. May be negated by Chapter 30, wherein we see that Ajora and Morrigan did love each other, but given that they're willing to destroy the world so that they might rule it and don't care who they destroy along the way, it's ultimately somewhat debatable.
    • Kletian the Templar Knight definitely earns these credentials in Chapter 35, with the way he brutally murders Rafa. If you're still not convinced, here's Valmafra's thoughts on the matter:

Kletian had always been a vile man, Val knew that, and she should have expected to see him standing beside the Lucavi. He'd stopped at nothing to acquire some of the most formidable magic in the world, and had used the Templars to that end. There was no better sorcerer in Ivalice, it was said. Val never spoke of the training she had received while in the service of the High Confessor, not even to Olan, and this man was the reason why. The things he had done, and had asked her to do, had been despicable, and that was when he was still human.

  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Celia and Lede - even the author called them his personal "Darkponies" in some of his late Author's Notes.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: You know all those nice girl-on-girl interactions between Meliadoul and Alma, after they strike up a friendship? They take on a very unsettling turn when the girls become possessed by Morrigan (Shemhazai) and Ajora (Altima), two reincarnated lovers... Eurgh!!
    • Celia and Lede wanting to kill Rattletrap with fire out of fear, when the golem sacrifices itself (it survived, but still...) in order to ensure their survival-from-falling, and they honour it like a dead comrade and friend deserves before re-entering the battle.
  • HSQ: The later chapters have really been amping up the Holy Shit Quotient, but it hits its peak come Chapter 29.
  • It Was His Sled: Anyone who has played Final Fantasy Tactics would know that Ovelia is NOT really a princess, but it's treated even more casually by Cid and Ruvelia, and the two will probably never let that tidbit of knowledge known like Vormov/Hashmal did. Unless they already told her during her captivity...
  • Les Yay: Alma and Mel, after they are possessed by Ajora and Morrigan.
  • Magnificent Bitch: Shemhazai/Morrigan. Sets up Zodiark as a guard in front of Murond to stop Ramza and company from advancing, and they barely get through. Then when his group meets her as the others split up to find Oveila, she taunts them that they can't save Mel OR Alma, and uses ghosts of Delita and Wiegraf's pasts (specifically Teta and Miluda) to shake their resolve, and timely turns Izlude on Ramza. Which seems rather odd when you think about it that Izlude AND Zodiark could have killed at least Ramza and Wiegraf working together, except Shemhazai used Zodiark for nothing more than to stall for time, and didn't even expect him to come back alive.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: A quasi-meta example: nobody cared about Master Daravon (the droning old man who gives the Gaming Tutorials), not out of hate but just because he was regarded as a waste of space. When he appeared in Chapter 23 and pulled a Heroic Sacrifice so that Ramza and Meliadoul can escape (facing all of Vormav's forces alone in the process) he won the instant respect of the fic's readers.
  • Tear Jerker: The final chapter. Just... the final chapter. Of the heartwarming variety as well as the sorrowful, that is.
  • The Woobie: Really, any major character worth their salt is one at times, having moments of vulnerability and doubt. Ramza and Meliadoul are the strongest examples, but it's also seen in Izlude, Gafgarion, Agrias, Zalbag and Cid.
    • Jerkass Woobie: Of all people, Ruvelia. She never wanted the throne, and was in fact in love with Cid, who rejected her because according to him, they wouldn't have worked out. She even states that she only made a play for the throne along with her brother - Bestrald Larg - because she was led to believe that Goltanna would put Ovelia, "a fake princess", upon the throne otherwise.
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