The Lion King/Fanfic Recs
Since The Lion King crosses into the Furry Fandom (the film was the starting point for many furries), there is a plethora of fan fiction for it. There is even a large TLK-only archive: The Lion King WWW Archive. (It is completely work-safe, a subversion from furry stereotypes.) There is also The Lion King section of, which carries over 1,600 titles.
These are recommendations made by Tropers for The Lion King Fan Fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.
You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.
Authors, and Websites
- Recommended by Jayie Of Akali
- Comments: Rinjapine has created an entire world around the original movies, creating hundreds of new characters while also including every semi-canon character (Tojo, Ni, Selfish Lion, etc.) She set up believable backstories and family trees for each character. Very good, descriptive writing and character development for every character.
Before and Beyond the Beginning by Breech Loader
- Recommended by Tambov 333
- Synopsis: "During the hyena's youth, Shenzi must learn to control a pack. Banzai must learn to control his emotions. Ed must learn to live with insanity. A competitor for Shenzi must learn to be a scumbag. The trio has yet to meet Scar. And ALL have to face puberty." A Darker and Edgier Fix Fic with a Perspective Flip and notable character study - Foregone Conclusion becomes an incoming Tear Jerker.
- Pairing(s): Shenzi/Banzai, OC->Shenzi, Scar->Shenzi
- Tags: Fix Fic, Grey and Grey Morality, Foregone Conclusion, arguable DILP and RTDE.
- Also: Interspecies Romance - Played differently - the increasingly crazed Scar repeatedly flirts with Shenzi, which makes her feel very uncomfortable. It plays on the idea that much as lions find hyenas ugly, hyenas find lions ugly right back.
Royal Journey and A Single Step by Kiara32
- Recommended by Ironic Mouse
- Synopsis:
- Royal Journey is a direct sequel to The Lion King 2 and follows Kovu and Kiara as they prepare to one day take the place of Simba and Nala as rulers of the Pride Lands. During the story, battles are fought, characters die, and those who live go though a great deal of character development. The beginning chapters suffer from some typical fan fic mistakes, but overall it's a well-written story that takes the time to expand on the setting's culture.
- A Single Step is the Spinoff Babies to Royal Journey, focusing on Kiara and Kovu's son, Kivu, and the half-dozen other cubs that have been born since the last story. Over the course of the story, the cubs grow into young adults, new lions join the pride, conflicts internal and external are dealt with, and young love blossoms amongst many of the characters. Of particular note is the enormous cast of characters that inhabit this story, and that despite the quantity of characters, there is no shortage on quality character development.
- Pairings: Simba/Nala, Kovu/Kiara, lots of OC/OC, lots of implied OC/OC
- Tags: Expanded Universe, Spinoff Babies, Cast Herd
Mother's Eyes by Fromthedeepsea
- Recommended by Pichu
- Synopsis: When Kiara's newborn cub proves difficult, she thinks she has failed as a mother. Nala disagrees.
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