The Legend of Eevee
"Time to go do something stupid and dangerous in order to impress a bunch of girls, which is the only reason I ever do anything!"—Pichu/Pikachu
In a hidden village deep in the forest, the wood's guardian spirit, dying of an evil man's curse, calls on a fairy to guide the one chosen to save the land from the forces of darkness. He will take on this task, get through with blind luck multiple times, commit random acts indicative of no common sense, and save the day with the aforementioned foul-mouthed fairy doing most of the work.
...Oh wait, you thought we were talking about Link, weren't you? No, we're talking about Pichu. (What tipped you off, the fairy being foul-mouthed?)
The Legend of Eevee series is an Affectionate Parody Crossover of Zelda and Pokémon by author that one little guy. Basically, it's the setting and story of the Zelda games, except everyone is a Pokémon. And insane and/or an idiot. The tales follow an oddly-colored Pichu (standing in for Young Link) who has green cheeks and highlights instead of red or black. He adventures across Hyrule, almost gets himself killed several times, and somehow manages to save the day regardless.
There are currently two entries in the series:
- Pokéflute of Time, a parody of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Pichu, a member of the village of Grass-types who can't figure out why he can't use a single Grass move, is called on by Celebi to face his destiny and stop the evil Mewtwo, accompanied by Togetic, the most pissed off happiness Pokémon you've ever seen.
- Majerkass's Mask, a parody of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. While trying to find Togetic after she fled Hyrule to escape being arrested for trying to kill Zelda at the end of the last story, Pichu is robbed by a Nuzleaf and dumped in the parallel universe of Termina after being changed into a Snivy. He's accompanied by Nuzleaf's ex-friend Clefairy, who'd rather deal with him than his younger Cleffa sibling.
- Several setting tropes from the corresponding Zelda games.
- Affectionate Parody
- Berserk Button: Togetic flips out when he finds out Absol is actually a disguised Eevee. In fact, after returing to the past, she's forced to flee Hyrule after failing in her attempt to kill her.
- Casanova Wannabe: Pichu/Pikachu.
- Dance Battler: Gallade (as Odolwa). Pichu eventually figures out the best way to counter it is to start dancing himself.
- Dreadful Musician: Pichu/Pikachu is a horrible singer, to the point where Togetic uses his singing as a weapon.
- He's also apparently aware of this, since he doesn't take offense. Doesn't stop him from singing even when not needed.
- Dungeon Bypass: Fairly often once Pichu gets the Egg Bombs.
- Neither he nor Vaporeon know how bombing the hell out of the waterfall room in the Water Temple got them to the other side.
- Evil Is Sexy: Vaporeon certainly thinks so of Dark Pikachu.
- Expy: Every character in the games is represented. Different species in Zelda are designated by Pokémon types.
- Link's tools and equipment are represented by Pokémon moves that Pichu/Pikachu learns, often moves neither a Pichu or Pikachu can learn. Given his intelligence level, this would make his needing to relearn the moves for the sequel completely justified.
- First Girl Wins: All four love interest counterparts have rejected Pichu, while Togetic had a crush on Absol who is actually Eevee. This causes them to realize the only ones they have a chance with are... Scene change to Igglybuff catching them making out in the stables. This could be a reference to how it's said Navi also had a crush on Link.
- Headbutting Heroes: Everyone seems to hate Pichu/Pikachu. It reaches the point where even Ponyta (Epona) hates him.
- Idiot Hero: Pichu.
- Lampshade Hanging: A complete guide to the ridiculous plot points of the Zelda games.
- Logic Bomb: How Vaporeon defeats Dark Pikachu. The real one's too stupid to be phased by it.
- Mood Whiplash: There are a couple of heartwarming moments, quickly ruined by Pichu/Pikachu doing something stupid.
- Obviously Evil: Exaggerated with Mewtwo. When Pichu first sees him, he's killing everyone in the room.
- Palette Swap: Our main character has green where a normal Pichu/Pikachu has red or black.
- Plot Armor: Pichu has it; Mewtwo's trying to find out how to break it. Turns out it automatically goes away during final battles.
- Running Gag: Everyone seems to have a gun for random shootings.
- Pichu/Pikachu getting bored or tired of puzzles, proceeding to Egg Bomb everything.
- Pichu/Pikachu's difficulties with playing the ocarina and/or remembering the songs. Togetic often ends up playing it for him.
- One time when he needed to play the Song of Healing, he pulled out a piece of sheet music he wrote it down on. He had the sheet upside-down while playing, but still got the desired effect.
- Squick: Hyrule's Togekiss are horrifying. Termina's Clefables are not any better.
- Stuff Blowing Up: The often-used Egg Bombs. Pichu actually shakes a Termina kid down for explosives, then storms off when he doesn't get them.
Kid: Should I tell him about the Bomb Shop?
Clefairy: It would be safer for the world if you didn't.
- The Nicknamer: Pichu calls Togetic and Clefairy "T-Money" and "C-Money" respectively, to their chagrin.
- Unexplained Recovery: A function of Pichu/Pikachu's Plot Armor, which brings him back one scene transition after being "instantly killed."
- What Could Have Been: Since the Eeveelutions form the Sages, TOLG considered having adult Eevee be a Glaceon to complete the set. However, she ultimately decided to have her just be a larger Eevee.