< The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen/WMG

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

The Comic

The Weyland-Yutani Corporation is this universe's version of the Apple Corporation

Because if you're going to become an all-powerful Mega Corp with a monopoly on space exploration, what better place to start? In Century: 2010, they'll appear in the background as the manufacturers of an iPod/iPhone analogue that shows up everywhere. It wouldn't be 2010 without one, after all...

  • Alternatively Apple could become Aperture Science. The timelines don't quite work out, but both companies, founded by gaunt, eccentrically brilliant men who died before their time because of a painfully slow disease, have a fondness for manufacturing powerful computers with user-friendly, smooth, white designs. After all, what's Siri for the iPhone but a less powerful, less homicidal version of GLADOS?
  • Alternatiely alternatively, Fatboy Industries and their uMaster technology.

The MULTIVAC is this universe's version of the iPod/iPhone

Before it was the universe's greatest supercomputer, it started out its life as an all-purpose entertainment storage device that everyone on the planet wound up owning. It'll show up in Century: 2010 when it's still in its "entertainment device" phase.

The Ono-Sendai Corporation is this universe's version of Microsoft

They started out as one of the world's first big software corporations before eventually making the brain-interface computers used by cyberspace cowboys to jack into the Matrix. They're also the manufacturers of a video-game console called the "X-Deck", which eventually evolves into the ever-popular Simstim deck.

Biff Tannen is this universe's equivalent to Donald Trump.

  • The alternate timeline's version of Biff in Back to The Future Part II was based on Donald Trump. Given LoEG's tendency to blend fiction and reality, it would only make sense if this universe's version of Trump was the alternate timeline's version of Biff.
    • Alternatively, Hugh Magnate is this world's Trump-equivalent,and was mocked greatly while running for President, for believing that fairies exist.
    • Or, Trump is still Trump, but he's a descendant of Baron Trump.
    • Or his surname is Drumpf.
    • Or Will Cooper is the Trump-equivalent, and his approval rating soared when he helped defeat an alien invasion.
  • While we're on the subject of U.S. Presidents, Lancelot R. Gilligrass is probably this universe's Nixon equivalent.

If Mack The Knife is Jack the Ripper, then Arturo Ui is Al Capone

  • Ui was partially based on Hitler, and partially based on Al Capone. Since the role of Hitler in this universe is taken up by Adenoid Hynkel, it is likely then that the role of Al Capone is taken up by Arturo Ui, who is a Hynkel-supporter.
  • While we're on the subject of Brecht plays, maybe Mahagonny becomes the equivalent to Las Vegas after Jimmy's death.

At some point, the team travels to America and meets The Man With No Name

Well, it is supposed to be a Crisis Crossover of all fiction, and it's dabbled in everything from Victorian Adventure novels, to 1950s spy serials, to Jack Kerouac, H.P. Lovecraft, and Charlie Chaplin so far. It seems like Westerns would be a logical step. The Man With No Name is one of the most iconic heroes out there, and he'd probably still be alive (though aged and possibly retired) by the 1890s. At some point, when the League was really strapped for cash, they tracked him down to steal the cache of gold that he wrested from the Confederates in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Alan Quatermain becomes Alan Moore

I sat around and this just came to me (way too much time on my hands). In the Leagues universe all fiction is true and is actually a biography of true events right? And also all books in our universe was written in the Leagues universe too right? Well then this series has to also exists in the League's universe, but most of this stuff was secret government missions, so no one would know what happened, and because of the Ingsoc years, its thought that all these people really were fiction. So then only a person with first person knowledge of these events would be able to write them, and considering that Alan Quatermain is both immortal and apparently dissapears after the epilogue of 1969, it is possible that he took up a pen name, grew a beard, and began to write these down as comics. It also explains why in the first two volumes, Quartermain was an Author Avatar for Moore, becuase in this universe he is him.

Mars, in this universe, eventually becomes known as Arrakis

I doubt this was intentional, but still...the outfit that Gullivar Jones wears in the second volume reminded me a lot of a Fremen stillsuit, complete with a gasmask and Arab-inspired robe/burnoose combo. Combined with the various Middle-Eastern motifs in the Mars scenes (hell, the book opens with Gullivar riding a flying carpet), it seems more than a little bit reminiscent of Dune. Then again, if The Invisible Man and H. G. Wells' |martians both exist in the same universe around this time, it's a pretty safe bet that The Time Machine exists as well. It's entirely possible that one or more of the characters could have used it to visit the future that Frank Herbert described in the Dune books. And Gullivar and John Carter did mention the Molluscs performing genetic experiments during their time on Mars. Maybe the Sandworms are the descendants of one of these experiments.

  • The existence of the The Time Machine was confirmed in the Story Allan and the Sundered Veil, in which he fights alongside Allan against Lovecraft's Great Old Ones, so the theory definitely works.

Jonathan Harker wasn't necessarily the bad guy in his marriage with Mina.

In the League universe, Jonathan Harker has apparently discarded Mina and divorced her because of his disgust with the severity of the injuries she received at the hands of Dracula and her now being "soiled" goods. But in the original novel Dracula, Jonathan is a more loyal, caring and loving husband than this later coldness would have us believe. So why did Jonathan and Mina split up?

It's worth noting that everything we hear (what little we hear) about the breakdown of Mina's marriage comes from Mina herself. Mina is not only bitter about her marriage, but is also noticeably neurotic and insecure about her injuries. She wears the long scarf twenty-four seven to obscure them; she is touchy about any mention of her history (both about her divorce and before); and, when she realizes that Allan has seen her scars after their night of passion, she automatically believes the worst about his reaction, so much so that she treats him coldly until he manages to convince her to let him hear him out.

It's possible that Harker wasn't disgusted by Mina's injuries at all—or, at least, wasn't as disturbed as Mina would have us believe. But Mina, already sensitive to the point of neurosis about her injuries, managed to convince herself that Jonathan felt that way about her. Then she treated him just like she did Allan; and, since Harker had hidden his own traumas at the hands of Dracula, he didn't force the issue. The resulting lack of communication eventually poisoned the marriage so badly that divorce was the unfortunate conclusion.

The James Bond character in Black Dossier is not the same man who appears in the Bond novels and movies.

As in the original Casino Royale movie (and one of the theories on the James Bond WMG page), the name is passed on to whatever agent currently holds the 007 rank.

  • He's certainly not Pierce Brosnan. But it's possible that he's Roger Moore.
  • It could be the James from the novels. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen doesn't pay much attention to the continuity of the films, just classic literature.
    • But they do use characters from movies—for example, Hynkel from The Great Dictator.
      • Yes, but there does seem to be a distinct preference for the original versions of various characters, regardless of which medium they first appeared in. Hynkel first appeared in his movie, Bond did not.
  • Seeing as it is set in 1958 and he's just returned from Jamaica, it would place him within the timeframe of the book, set in 1958. The film was set in 1962. This Bond also resembles the novel Bond.
  • I'm inclined to agree. On the other hand, Sean Connery's Bond as he appears in the film version of Goldfinger can be found in Century 1969.
  • Alternately, Bond bathed in the life-restoring fire from She just like Alan and Mina did, and he remains an active secret agent from the 1950s up to the 2000s. Considering how iconic the character is, it would make sense to have him remain an active player in the series through several successive decades (unlike a lot of other characters in the series, his popular exploits aren't confined to a single brief time period).

Even if Jonathan WAS the bad guy in his marriage to Mina, it wasn't her scars that caused it.

Mina had once been a relatively proper Victorian woman, but her harrowing experiences with Dracula left her emotionally unavailable, and also quick to pick a fight and defend herself. Jonathan had been raised with a blinkered view of how a woman should behave, and when she began to deviate from that, he found it hard to articulate his real displeasure with her, and settled on using her scars as the excuse.

  • She noticeably became hugely aroused when Alan licked her scars, similar to the way a Vampire Bat will lap up blood after the initial puncture with its dry tongue - an implication that she is familiar with the feeling, and that she finds it a turn-on. Possibly she developed her complex out of sexual guilt about how much more sexy the Count was compared to good old Jonathan?

The Van Helsing of the League universe was either a member of or a founder of The Watchers' Council.

"A bookish academic who is also an expert vampire-killer." Did I just describe Van Helsing or Giles?

  • The Watchers' Council was technically founded in ancient times. Van Helsing was either a member or worked alongside them. He was so influential that he helped turned it around.
    • Moore has stated that he wants to use Buffy for the last chapter of Volume 3, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was canon.

The pool of immortality is the remains of a crashed TARDIS.

Though it usually grants straight-up immortality, some people who bathed in it do die & regenerate. Alan died of old age before becoming "A.J.", Ayesha went from being African to Asian at some point, ina turned blonde (although her scars remained, possibly due to being supernatural). It is said to be something that fell from outer space, so it's as good an explaination as any. We know The Doctor exists in the Leagueverse, as his TARDIS shows up briefly in Black Dossier & NTA makes a brief mention of the Silurians, connecting them with The Creature from The Black Lagoon.

  • Mina's blondness is in fact an effect she created via a wig or dye or something. In her adventures post-fountain, Pre-Dossier, she retains her brunetteness.
  • Jossed by the first issue of LOEG: Century - it's a product of a black monolith
  • Mina's blondness nature have been denied on Century Issue 2. She just dyed her hair blond, and now she's back being a brunette, though her color is a bit more of red than before (maybe she just died a little red, or its just color issues).

Superman in this world is Canadian.

The creators of Superman apparently based Metropolis partly on Toronto and partly on Cleveland, Ohio. And when Mina and Allen went to America per Black Dossier, they didn't visit Metropolis. Because it was in another country. Therefore, our Big Blue Boy Scout is secretly... a Canuck. Don't ask me about all the Superman knockoffs this world must have, though.

Orlando is an ancestor of Captain Jack Harkness

Just as Orlando surpassed his father Tiresias in gender-bending, Jack will surpass Orlando in immortality and promiscuity.

  • Unfortunately you forget that Jack got his revivication abilities from Rose a.k.a. the Bad Wolf Entity, he did not inherit them like Orlando.

The various "higher powers" - the gods and the Great Old Ones and whatnot - will one day evolve into the Arisians and the Eddore from the Lensman series.

Hey, en't no one else around to do the job.

  • For this to take place, the Lensman timeline has to start fairly soon- requiring that World War Three break out. Eep!

The Elder Gods belong to the same race of beings as the Ainur.

The Sorns exist on Barsoom, suggesting that it is the same world as Malacandra. Numenor is mentioned in That Hideous Strength.

Voldemort will make a Lawyer-Friendly Cameo as the Big Bad in the final volume of Century.

If by the time the series catches up to the modern day Oliver Haddo, i.e., every dark wizard from British fiction, isn't referred to by some variant of "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named", this troper will eat his hat.

  • If not Voldemort, then Harry Potter himself definitely will. King's Cross has already been established as an important locale, so it's not unlikely that we we'll see a black haired young man with a familiar scar on his forehead walking along in the background.
    • For what it's worth, Moore already featured parody versions of Harry Potter and Dumbledore in the Smax miniseries.
      • Also, Hogwarts is already in, at least by implication - Century includes a mention of 'the franchise express' departing from Victoria Station. So if the train's there, presumably so are all the characters.
  • Tom Riddle appears as himself but he isn't an avatar or expy of Crowley until he ends up possessed by Haddo's spirit.
  • Indeed cleared in 1969 - Tom Riddle is the latest host to Oliver Haddo's spirit.
    • In fact, based on what we now know of both Haddo's soul and Harry's origin story, it's possible that a grown-up Harry could be the villain of the third installment. Consider - Haddo's soul passes through three hosts, choosing a younger body to live longer. Harry had a portion of Riddle's essence, hence his Parseltongue. Little bit of misdirection in the final book, and oh look, Haddo has given up his previous body for a younger one, and gets to carry out his endgame.

In another Lawyer-Friendly Cameo, Khan Noonien Singh will appear as a descendant of Nemo

Word of God states that a Sikh terrorist descended from Nemo will appear in the final volume. There are few other Sikh villains said to live in this time period that would fit.

  • I... I think my head just broke from how cool that would be...
    • Is it possible the terrorist is V? I don't know how the years mesh up, but being a Sikh (or a known descendant of Nemo for that matter) would be enough to get someone sent to the camps.
      • That would be wonderful, but in the Graphic novel, V died in 1998 bringing down Norsefire with him. Though, if the image of 2009 in Century: 1969 is anything to go by, it's likely that old regimes die hard.
        • Not so. A cursory inspection of the collected V for Vendetta shows V to be alive and well at the end of the story...

The Golliwog is the same race as the creators of the TMA Monoliths

  • He has already been stated to hail from a "dark matter dimension" and made of a material that completely absorbs light. Since the first issue of Century has him sailing to the moon, we may see him make a connection to his home world via the monoliths.

By the final issue of Century, Emma Peel will become the next "M"

  • In the Black Dossier she was offhandedly referred to as "Em," and we know that she will eventually rise through the ranks of British Intelligence. If the Bond-as-codename theory is correct and the League follows this theory, the Bond of the final volume will be Daniel Craig's incarnation, who answers to an M played by Judi Dench. Emma could fit this role nicely.
    • Alternatively, the role of M will bee taken by Malcolm Tucker. After all, he seems to run everything else in British government.

The future of the League-verse will be the future described in The Time Machine which would appear after the events in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, Huxley's Brave New World, and Fritz Lang's Metropolis.

Morlocks, the Time Traveler, and characters from Metropolis have already appeared in League canon. The future in The Time Machine was, according to Wells, the result of trillions of years of class division (Metropolis) and division of labor (Brave New World) brought about by industrialism and capitalism (Atlas Shrugged).

  • Then the ending of Metropolis was a Pyrrhic Victory.
  • All of this works except for Metropolis. It's already canon that the titular Metropolis is actually Berlin in the early 20th century. The robot Maria was a member of the German league as early as the 1910s, as established in Black Dossier.
  • If we're talking about dystopic and apocalyptic fiction, thought, Mad Max could easily fit.
    • I'd like to imagine that the Mad Max dystopia is isolated in Australia. The reckless driving may also be what finally kills the last of the Liliputians
  • All of this will probably be in the far future...and both Danger Days and the Mushroom War probably has something to do with Orlando.
  • THX 1138 also takes place in the future. But it happens a century after Brave New World. Apparently, some kind of nuclear war happened since then, which resulted humanity to live underground. After the end of the movie, THX chose to live above the surface and mingled with any surviving humans and became the founding father of the Eloi society.
  • Actually, it does not seem hard to picture Atlas Shrugged happening sometime after World War II. Jet planes are described as a technology that is relatively new and television is described as a novelty rather than something commonplace, putting the technology level at the 1950s. Also, there is mention to "People's States" in South America and Europe, capitalism as we know it is an ideal from the 19th century, and countries around the world are seeing big-government Marxist statism ... fitting in with the establishment of Ingsoc and Big Brother in Britain.

All, and I mean ALL, of the Post-Apocalyptic forms of work (comics, manga, films, literature and music) will be depicted, or exist along, after some kind of nuclear war

  • From Danger Days, to The Stand, Mad Max, Y: The Last Man, I Am Legend, Desert Punk, and even some zombie stuff, it will all coexist in a post-apocalyptic world, and all would be like turfs and gangs, all divided into a big nothing world, desert and destroyed.

While female, Orlando was Freya from Merlin.

  • Well, it's already stated in Black Dossier that he boinked the magus, so... there it goes.

Batman will only become active in the 1960s

Its a widespread factoid that the first Batman story cribs its story nigh-word-for-word from a The Shadow story. So, here goes: all the adventures that are specific to Golden Age Batman are actually Shadow adventures. Batman will start sometime in the 60s, and be accompanied by some twit kid who says "Holy invisibility!" a lot.

  • In the Wold Newton timeline, Batman's Golden Age adventures and the LXG are canon. The 60s Batman could be Dick Grayson and 60s Robin is probably Bruce Wayne Jr.
  • Batman would start being active in 1939, when he first appeared.

There would be space for V for Vendetta

  • Alan Moore won't miss the chance!
    • It would make a lot of sense if he did. One of the main conceits of the series is that the world of fiction is a strange mirror to our own world, and events in fiction run parallel to the world of fact, a la the Hitler/Hynkel doubling. At the end of V for Vendetta, the film version at least, everyone in Britain marches on Parliament wearing V's mask. In real life, that iconic V mask has been used by the hacking group Anonymous as well as the Occupy movement around the world. The world of fiction in V for Vendetta spilled over to the world of fact. It wouldn't be out of place to see a protest featuring people wearing V's mask in the final volume of Century at all, even if the story *wasn't* set in a world of fiction.

Mr. Flint is another immortal from the Pool Of Life

Before the end of the 20th century, our heroes will live through some kind of nuclear exchange

A lot of fiction has been made based on the idea that there was some kind of atomic war in the three generations after World War Two. A lot. If its coming, then we ought to see it sometime around The Eighties, since atomic war fiction before then tends towards potenially kick-ass after-effects (example off the top of my head - Asimov's "I, Robot" collection), while fiction during and after then points up potentially horrific side-effects (Threads, Mad Max), while also marking a rise in the number of guntoting goons in pop fiction. Maybe it ties into the Crisis on Infinite Earths, maybe it doesn't. Whichever, our protagonists better dress up warm, and start watching out for cyborg-versus-atomic-zombie brutality...

  • And Watchmen will be involved somehow.
  • It's possible that Hitchhiker's guide will be involved. In Black Dossier, Oliver Haddo pointed out that the number of Smarra (the harlot said to bring the end of the world) had a sacred number of four hundred and forty-two. If this is the case, the number forty-two might play a role in the Apocalypse.

Notes on world leaders

From 2000 to 2008, the American President was John Blutarsky. In 2008 he was replaced by David Palmer.

  • More likely it would be Jed Bartlet, followed by Matthew Santos. Especially since The West Wing's rogue state of Qumar is going to play a major role in 2009.
    • It should probably be added that at the time he was partially based on one senator Barack Obama, therefore lending himself as a perfect fictional stand-in.
  • Also Tom Davis is almost certainly the British Prime Minister.
    • All but confirmed - in interviews Moore mentioned writing dialogue for Malcolm Tucker at one point.
  • Adenoid Hynkel's middle name was "Gloriana". You know why.
    • In that case, "Springtime For Hynkel" must be a Tony-award winning classic.

Harry Potter is the Moonchild

If Voldemort has received the Crowley expy and the Moonchild may still take decades to create, it only follows...

  • Well, that couuuuuld make sense. However, as the last issue of Century is set on 2010, and Harry Potter is no longer a child (more likely, an auror, maybe), and the Moonchild is told to be born on the year of 2010, then the chances are harsh. Let's wait to see.
    • Depends on how a Moonchild works - Harry could be the vessel for Moonchild-related energies that are summoned into him (and seeing as how Haddo has a variation on Crowley's "love is the law" phrase at the end of his treatise on the gods in Black Dossier, and how Harry is infused with his mother's love, it's certainly possible that he's undergone initial preparation (disclaimer: I know very little about Thelema or Crowley's novel The Moonchild, so I could easily be talking out of my arse)).
    • Regarding Potter and connections to Crowley - I doubt that Rowling studied much about the occult, despite accusations lobbied against her by certain religious groups. Mythology, sure, but not Crowleyan occultism. Still, one thing came to mind - Crowley's "Liber 777" describes how divine knowledge reaches humanity through the Sephirot in a path that resembles three backwards sevens, hence the title. It's possible that this Moonchild is meant to be a magical savior, connecting humanity to the path of the divine a la the ending to Alan Moore's Promethea. As such, it would make sense for Haddo/Crowley to mark his Moonchild with a symbol of *three sevens in the shape of a lightning bolt.*

Brian is Jesus Christ

From Life of Brian, Brian is set like a messiah, just like Jesus. And, as we have seen through the comics that real life figures have been replaced by his fictional counterparts (The Beatles - The Rutles, Adolf Hitler - Adenoid Hynkel, Queen Elizabeth - Queen Gloriana, Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones - Turner Purple and The Purple Orchestra), it could make sense that Brian is the League's Christ figure (without replacing the names of "Jesus" or "Christ", as they were just translations of the real name of Jesus). This is, of course, assuming that Jesus existed on real life, and I presume the League's universe would take Brian as a messiah (being humans too, they would, I presume). Don't start a flame religious war here, it's just a WMG that occured to me.

  • This theory would only work if Brian was a Jesus stand in. But the film clearly states that Brian is not the messiah (he's a very naughty boy!) and he is not Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus himself appears twice in the film - once during the Nativity and once preaching his Sermon on the Mount. And in both instances Jesus was depicted in an orthodox Christian way. In the League universe, Jesus is likely still Jesus. Brian's cult probably sputtered and died soon after his crucifixion. Although a Gnostic-style cult centered around Brian might be interesting...
    • A theory about Brian being the real messiah, and not Jesus, on the League's universe? That would be something.
    • In this universe, it's probably more likely that Karl Glogauer is Jesus.
  • A statue in The Black Dossier seems to suggest that this world's equivalent of Christ is Ben-Hur.

Kingdom Hearts will get involved at some point.

I'd pay money to see this.

  • Maybe it will be something of fiction? I think Moore would like to (maybe) depict the kids playing video games of varied forms.
  • Oh, but could you imagine the red tape to get that through? I mean, O'Neill was able to get Snow White into a couple of frames in the Blazing World but I'd imagine anything remotely later would be more like a Lawyer Unfriendly Cameo. But if they could, maybe in the way the above Troper suggested, or in the inevitable space travel adventure, the allusions to the interconnectedness of those worlds their implications within this realm of fiction would be quite something.

The League will visit another planet.

  • Moore has pretty much confirmed this...hopefully Ivalice will be the planet in question.
    • A likely guess would be Mars, for a good poetic reason.

YouTube Poop will get involved at some point.

Reffering to the above WMG Morshu will join the League.

It's unlikely, but if he did they'd never be short on rupees.

The Big Brother government will make a comeback in some form.

When Norton warps into 2009 we see a symbol on a guard's shield that resembles a similar logo on the door of the Ministry of Love in Black Dossier. The difference this time round is that the world is more like the reality show than George Orwell's novel.

The League will fail to stop the Moonchild - and this will be a good thing!

Anyone who's read Alan Moore's other work - Promethea in particular - knows that he's actually a very big fan of Crowley. Making him just a straight up villain seems far too simple a move for Moore to pull. In Promethea the "unending aeon" Crowley predicted brought down the world. Not the planet or humanity, but our destructive system of governments, bureaucracy, and everything that oppresses us. The Moonchild in this story might turn out to be the best thing to happen to the world, bringing down governments and allowing for pure freedom of imagination. So if the Moonchild is Harry Potter as others have said, Moore might be paying a huge compliment to J.K. Rowling!

Or he may just make Potter out to be a bastard. We know that he's done worse to other beloved characters.

  • You've definitely got a point there, though it should be noted that most of Crowley's analogues so far have been villains in their original texts, magnificent bastards perhaps, but stlll villains. Despite this I'm still inclined to agree with you and think that the resistance to the so-called Moonchild is Moore's way of demonstrating society's fear of change, which has caused culture to stagnate and become repressed.

The UN unsuccessfully attempted to form an international League in The Nineties.

We know that Captain Universe answers to the UN to a certain degree, so even though evidence of the original 1898 league has been all but erased, the concept of putting together a team of 'Special' individuals is still present and may have been used to bridge international relations. The league would be helmed by an aged Captain Universe, with potential members including an overpowered anime/manga character (Take your pick, but I'm thinking Goku; a delegate from Russia, a jaded product of the collapsed Soviet Union and an African warlord, in line with the League's history of taking in monsters. The league is of course disbanded, possibly following their failure to prevent 9/11 or its fictional stand-in. I'm not too sure about the specifics so any other suggestions are more than welcome.

  • Hum. Mac? Stealing the identity of Dr Sidney Zweibel (who went into Wit Pro under the alias Seth Brundle and tragically vanished), he'd probably be useful as a techie for such a group. While gaining degrees under human pseudonyms - Ian Malcolm, David Levinson - and doing some "vacationing", of course.
  • Darkman. Fits with the "monster" thing.
  • Anna Espinosa, during her... wild years. Somehow.
  • Sagat, mauy thai expert and mercenary. He might have been persuaded to chip in in exchange for certain charges being forgotten.
  • Marv, badass on par with Chuck Norris (though not nearly as powerful.)
  • Jason Voorhees. The League aren't averse to taking in invisible rapists, rampaging monsters, or terrorists in submarines—they probably wouldn't lose much sleep over hiring a serial killer. With the right amount of brainwashing and/or mystical control, he'd be a good guy to have on their leash.
  • An aging Dr. Daisuke Serizawa, who'd been presumed dead and in hiding since the 1950s, served as the team's science advisor, and used his experience with unusual creatures to help the team battle supernatural threats.
  • Jason Scott, Trini Kwan, and Zack Taylor, a trio of teenagers hailing from Angel Grove, California, joined after the League discovered them at a peace conference in Switzerland. They used their martial art skills and past experience with monsters and robotics to help the League battle extraterrestrial threats.

Notes on companies, brands, and public figures

Moore has stated that Driveshaft and the actor Vince Chase would be alluded to. What other brands, bands and actors would 2009 feature? Would teenagers pirate the latest Kirk Lazarus movie on Aperture brand laptops? At night would they choose between take out at Krusty Burger or Mooby's? Do fans gather in The Metaverse to argue over the latest episode of Inspector Spacetime?

  • In this world, the fictional show Galaxy Quest is probably their equivalent of Star Trek. I would also image that Kiss Saves Santa is a popular holiday classic.
  • Wormhole X-Treme! is a classic sci-fi series in reruns that spawned two spin-offs, Wormhole: R'lyeh and Wormhole: Total Perspective Vortex.
  • Superhero comics are probably not that big a deal anymore, but with the anniversary of a few significant deaths coming up, studios are working on some big budget biopic films.
  • Based on a series of documents leaked around a decade ago about a weird division of MI 6 in the Victorian period, which quite caught the public imagination at the time, a few writers have tried their own take on the idea. Of course, no-one really cares about those stories anymore.

The regions in the Pokémon franchise are the geologically warped remains of Japan

Personally, I blame a technologically top-heavy Laputa around the latter half of the 20th century. Would you trust those TV Geniuses with nuclear technology?

The Moonchild will be an AI

Specifically, MULTIVAC, considering the themes of the work. Skynet, GlaDOS, the Machines, and HAL 9000 could be failed experiments by companies infiltrated by Haddo's followers after the repeated failures of the Rosemary's Baby strategy mentioned in Century:1969.

The League will live through the beginning of the Sixth World

However the lineline syncs up, by January 2013, The Sixth World has begun. This, along with a bucketload of plans that have been footling away in the background, leads to vampires "coming out of the coffin", just in time to join a load of magical beings emerging. Haddo and Propero shout "Just as planned!" in unison, then sheepishly offer to buy each other a beer. This change to the social landscape resets the corporate dystopia that had been forming, but by the end of the 21st century it is right back where it was in 2008.

The Film

The Agent Sawyer is not Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer.

  • Tom Sawyer would have been far too old, since he was a teenager in the 1860s. The Sawyer we see in the film is actually his son. That Sawyer's first name is Huckleberry, named for his father's best friend. It's an Embarrassing First Name, which is why he never tells it to the other League members.
  • Good try, but Jekyll addresses him in a deleted scene by the first name of Tom.
    • Deleted scenes don't count. Besides, his full name could be Huckleberry Thomas Sawyer. He goes by his middle name. Or he could be Tom Sawyer, Jr.
    • So he joined to avenge the death of his father's friend? Or his own best friend who isn't Huck Finn at all?
    • Why not? Maybe Huck Finn never had children of his own, but he became a friend and mentor to Tom's son. When Uncle Huck got killed, young Sawyer takes it on himself to seek revenge.
      • You convinced me. Better than I would have guessed.
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