The Kingdoms of Evil
"Modest worm!" Sneered De Macabre, "can your puny intellect encompass the concept of 'public works project'? For that, you parasite, is what the Lord of Misery demands to know."
The Kingdoms of Evil is an online serialized novel about Freetrick Fiend, a college student who finds out he's the new ruler of the Kingdoms of Evil.
As the new focus of all evil in the world, Freetrick must survive court intrigues, well-justified foreign invasion, internal rebellions, and a looming environmental catastrophe that might just kill everyone anyway. Because in a land of constant shadow, what do the monsters eat?
Tropes used in The Kingdoms of Evil include:
- Action Girl: Madene
- Amazon Brigade: The Warrior Maidens of the nation of Virgin Soil
- Badass Grandpa: Teirchoke
- Banana Republic: Although The Kingdoms of Evil resemble Mordor, they are actually a Banana Republic.
- Battle Couple:
- Freetrick and Bloodbyrn. Aww.
- Also Istain and Madene. Ew.
- Becoming the Mask: How much is being evil a role, and how much personality?
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Freetrick and Bloodbyrn, sorry! I mean, Bloodbyrn and Freetrick.
- Berserk Button: Kendrick and anything from Skrea.
- Big Bad: Subverted since the main character IS the Big Bad.
- Body Horror: Skrean monsters
- Like Mr. Skree
- Brilliant but Lazy: Istain
- By-The-Book Cop: Professor-Colonel Phinneas.
- Cain and Abel: Freetrick and his half-brother, Feerix.
- Call to Adventure : in the form of an evil letter.
- Crapsack World: Maybe not the whole world, but certainly the Kingdoms of Evil
- Culture Clash: Everyone and everywhere
- Cursed with Awesome: Freetrick is forced to rule half a continent
- Deadpan Snarker: Mr. Skree
- Decoy Protagonist: Pon, who appears to be a Farm Boy on his way to seek his fortune. You know, before he's slaughtered.
- Deliberate Values Dissonance:
- Everyone in the book versus each other.
- Skreans versus you
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Most of the population of Skrea has this problem.
- Evil Minions: Most of the population of Skrea, subverted for some characters.
- Foreign Cuss Word: Strike it out, this is gibberish!
- Grey and Gray Morality: The main character is put in charge of all the evil in the world. Next step, figure out what the hell evil actually is.
- Guile Hero: Freetrick Feend
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Mr. Skree
- It Got Worse: Everything Freetrick tries to do.
- Killed Off for Real:
- Check out the death of Pon.
- Bloodbyrn's dad.
- The Paladin.
- Maligned Mixed Marriage: Freetrick and Bloodbyrn, and all of the associated Culture Clash.
- Matriarchy: The nation of Virgin Soil
- My Eyes Are Up Here: Freetrick's spends most of his time in the company of female dark aristocrats trying desperately not to look down.
- Obviously Evil: Subverted with every Skrean character.
- Ordinary High School Student: Although he's in college, Freetrick and most of the other main characters before they hear the Call to Adventure.
- Religion of Evil: one.
- Right-Hand-Cat: Bloodbyrn, after some convincing.
- Simultaneous Arcs: Arcs that follow the main characters.
- Subverted Trope: The main good guy is the king of evil, the bad guy is the hero.
- The Chosen One: Kendrick, when he becomes the Paladin.
- The Jeeves: Mr. Skree
- Treacherous Advisor: De Macabre for certain, and possibly everyone else in Skrea.
- De Macabre especially
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