The Kane Chronicles/Characters
Characters who appear in The Kane Chronicles.
Beware of unmarked spoilers.
The Kanes
Carter Kane
One of the main characters and the eldest child of Julius and Ruby Kane. Is very knowledgeable of Egyptian myths and artifacts and shows enhanced skills in combat. In The Red Pyramid, he becomes the host of Horus, although the god departs from his body by the end of the book.
- Badass Bookworm: Knows a lot about Ancient Egypt and its myths, as he traveled with his dad for half his life. Sadie often teases him about this.
- Black and Nerdy: Well, mixed race and nerdy, anyway. Sadie even calls him "Mr. Wikipedia".
- Brother-Sister Team: With Sadie.
- The Chosen One: Implied to be the one meant to claim the throne of the House of Life and restore it to greatness.
- Cool Sword: His khopesh.
- Kid Hero
- You Killed My Father: Set killed his father.
Sadie Kane
One of the main characters and the younger sister of Carter. Has the ability to read hieroglyphs with ease and can open portals despite her lack of training thanks to the presence of Isis. In The Red Pyramid, she becomes the host of Isis, although the goddess departs from her body by the end of the book.
- Action Girl
- Book Dumb
- Brother-Sister Team: With Carter.
- But Not Too Foreign
- Deadpan Snarker
- I Know Your True Name
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Is often sarcastic, rebellious and is not afraid when it comes to breaking rules. But that said she is always willing to put her friends and family first beforehand.
- Kid Hero
- Shipper on Deck: Supports Carter/Zia
- Talk About the Weather: Does this once while traveling in the desert with Walt.
- Tsundere: Type A
- You Killed My Father: Set killed her father.
Amos Kane
The brother of Julius Kane and the uncle of Carter and Sadie. By the end of The Throne of Fire, he becomes the Chief Lector of the House of Life.
- Badass Bookworm
- Fighting From the Inside Is Set's unwilling host in part of The Red Pyramid, and tries to warn Carter and Sadie by using chaos magic.
Julius Kane
The husband of Ruby Kane and the father of Carter and Sadie. He is the current host of Osiris.
- Badass Bookworm
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Killed Off for Real
- Identical Stranger: With Osiris.
- So Proud of You
- Together in Death: With Ruby.
- Team Dad: So very much.
Ruby Kane
The wife of Julius Kane and the mother of Carter and Sadie. She died prior to the start of the story when she and her husband tried to free Bast from Cleopatra's Needle. She was once a host of Isis.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Identical Stranger: With Isis.
- Posthumous Character
- So Proud of You
- Together in Death: With Julius.
The falcon god of pharaohs and the sky. He was born on the second day of the Demon Days. Originally a son of Geb and Nut making him brother to Set, Isis, Nephthys and Osiris. Later reborn as a son of Osiris and Isis. Takes Carter Kane as his host, but departs his body by the end of The Red Pyramid.
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Hero: Expected to save the world from chaos.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: His arrogance, tough demeanor, and demands of duties can be off putting, but he is a courageous warrior who fights for what is right and will stand by a friend.
- Lunacy: One of his eyes is supposed to be the moon damaged by Set.
- The Power of the Sun: A sun god with one of his eyes being the sun.
- You Killed My Father: Set killed his father.
The goddess of magic and motherhood. She was born on the fourth day of the Demon Days. Takes Sadie Kane as her host, but departs her body by the end of The Red Pyramid.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Poisoned Ra leading to the current mess. She can be caring, but has a very deceptive and manipulative side.
- Brother-Sister Incest: With her brother Osiris, though this is explained as their different hosts - brother and sister, then husband and wife.
- Hot Witch: A goddess of magic.
- Mama Bear: To Horus against Set.
The goddess of felines. She acts as the guardian of Carter and Sadie.
- Action Girl
- Back from the Dead
- Catgirl: She's the goddess of cats; what did you expect?
- Heroic Sacrifice: Banished Sobek and herself to the Duat to keep him away from Carter and Sadie.
- I Gave My Word
- Magical Guardian
- Team Mom
- Unexplained Recovery: Handwaved as somehow being restored by the other gods.
The god of dwarves.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Lovecraftian Superpower: Can make himself REALLY ugly. It does a lot of damage.
- Nightmare Face
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Takes Bast's role as the god who looks after the Kanes in Throne of Fire.
- Team Dad
The god of death and funerals and one of the love interests of Sadie Kane.
The embodiment of primal chaos.
- Big Bad
- Chaos Is Evil
- The Chessmaster
- Eldritch Abomination: Even being near him in a dream would have driven Carter insane were it not for Horus' protection.
- Eye Scream
- God of Evil: Even the other chaos gods hate him.
- The Man Behind the Man
The god/personification of the earth and father of Isis, Osiris, the first incarnation of Horus, Nephthys and Set.
The goddess of rivers, nature, lamentation, sleep, and night. She was born on the Fifth Demon Day and is the mother of Anubis. She took Zia Rashid as a host.
The goddess/personification of the sky.
- Celestial Body: Well she IS the sky so...
The god of the dead and ruler of the afterlife. He is the husband of Isis and father of the current incarnation of Horus. His current host is Julius Kane.
- Brother-Sister Incest: With Isis.
- Cain and Abel: With Set.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: In some ways, more so then his wife and son.
- Too Dumb to Live: Sadie questions his intelligence when viewing a record of him falling for Set's trap.
The god of creation, rebirth, and the sun.
- Badass Grandpa: Becomes this after Zia hosts him and completes his resurrection.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Thanks to his long exile and incomplete resurrection.
- The Power of the Sun
- You Can't Fight Fate: His attempts to prevent his overthrow at the hands of Nut's children.
The god of chaos, deserts, and storms. Famous for being Ra's chief defender against Apophis and the strongest warrior god.
- Big Bad: In the first book.
- Cain and Abel: With Osiris.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Or as he sarcastically puts it: "You figure that out all by yourself? The god of evil is evil?"
- Cartoon Creature: The Set Animal.
- Evil Uncle: To Horus
- Evil Versus Oblivion: Just because he's evil doesn't mean he wants Apophis to destroy the universe.
The god of wisdom, magic and writing. He's also know as Djehuti. He's the founder of the House of Life.
- Absent-Minded Professor
- Bookworm
- Mediator: Balances the conflicts between order and chaos.
Other Magicians
Zia Rashid
A magician and scribe of the House of Life and a member of the First Nome.
- Action Girl
- Badass Boast: "I am a magician of the House of Life. We are trained to fight gods."
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Eyes of Gold
- Playing with Fire: Master of fire.
- Talking in Your Dreams
Walt Stone
One of Carter and Sadie's trainees and a charm maker. He's one of Sadie's love interests.
One of Carter and Sadie's trainees and a healer. Her real name is Jasmine.
One of Carter and Sadie's trainees, the youngest one there during The Throne of Fire.
- Badass Adorable: Proves himself to be this.
- Everything's Better with Penguins: Believes this to an Up to Eleven degree.
- Hidden Depths: when in the Duat, Sadie notices Felix has an especially strong aura.
- An Ice Person: Is this despite there being no known Egyptian god of ice and snow.
The Chief Lector of the House of Life.
Michel Desjardins
A magician of French descent. He succeeds Iskandar as the Chief Lector.
Vladimir Menshikov
AKA "Vlad the Inhaler." More evil then he sounds.
- Bad Boss: He isn't above killing his own loyal servants to summon Set.
- Eye Scream
- Facial Horror
- Jerkass
- Killed Off for Real
- Names to Run Away From
- Nightmare Face
- Omnicidal Maniac
Amos Kane's pet baboon.
- Everything's Better With Baboons
- Picky Eater: Will only eat food that ends in -o.
Philip of Macedonia
A shabti that belongs to Amos Kane.
- Heroic Albino
- Never Smile At a Crocodile: Inverted.