< The Island

The Island/YMMV

  • Adaptation Displacement
  • Complete Monster: Dr. Merrick.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: "My Name is LINCOLN!"
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Jordan in the bar. The bartender says "Straight-up" and Jordan looks straight up at the ceiling.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The music of the same name, composed by Steve Jablonsky. Listen as the tension and the emotion slowly builds up...and then suddenly explodes in a shower of pure, saturated epicness. Seriously, how did this music not get any awards?
  • Genius Bonus: Tom Lincoln's comment about how Six Echo was worth all the money he spent on him when discovering that they have the same finger prints can seem a bit Captain Obvious, unless you know that finger prints are not genetically determined. Not even identical twins have the same finger prints.
  • Ham and Cheese
  • It's Popular, Now It Sucks: Inverted. The Island was held by critics as perhaps Michael Bay's best movie, but bombed at the box office.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Michael Clarke Duncan being harvested for organs. Doubles as a Tear Jerker as you see what is essentially an innocent Adult Child, played by an actor that is usually the Scary Black Man, dragged to his death crying "I wanna live!"
    • And the probes that crawled onto his eyes.
    • The woman who gave birth and smiled at her baby only to be killed seconds after the child is taken from her.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The film sets up what could be an emotionally wrenching decision, namely asking whether it would be worth it for Jordan to sacrifice her life so as to prevent Sarah Jordan's family from losing a wife and mother. Unfortunately this is rendered completely moot by the revelation that during her accident, Sarah Jordan suffered massive brain injuries from which she had absolutely no hope of recovering.
    • And isn't it convenient that they avoid any (more) possible moral dilemmas by making the real Tom Lincoln an absolute douchebag, even though as The Onion pointed out the clones do a whole load of damage and endanger - and possibly END - lots of innocent original people's lives?
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