< The Incredible Hercules

The Incredible Hercules/Funny

  • Two from Ares: "NO! Blows from an unseen assailant have felled Wonder Man!" and "I am sorry, teammate Wonder Man! I cannot hear you over returning fire!"
  • Herc's thumbs up to Amadeus, as seen in this page's caption. That's the thumb of: "I came here to rescue you but you seem to be getting cozy with your evil Hot Amazon captor. Stick with it, bro, I'll be back later." Hercules may not be particularly articulate, but he can still get his meaning across.
  • Herc's flashback to seventies era Ares. "Hot DAMN, I'm evil!"
  • "I feel a draft."
  • Thorcules vs. Hercuthor. Probably history's first divine purple nurple.
  • Herc's numerous paramours recounting their "time" with him to his friends. The various facial expressions alone are hilarious.

Alflyse: Let me tell you of the Elven Tickler, and his mastery thereof.
Twenty eight graphic minutes later...
Namor: :o

Thor: :)

  • From Herc #2: WHO'S THY DADDY NOW?!!!
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