< The Harmon Verse

The Harmon Verse/Funny

  • Sue's demonic chanting.
  • See It My Way has Jack's behavior throughout "Wheels" including him aquiring a motorized wheelchair and eating one of the pot cupcakes, which ends with him climbing the flagpole and capturing the flag while screaming lines straight out of RedVsBlue.
  • See It My Way: Jack-O-Vision
    • See It My Way: Jack's conversation with Sue in Hairography
    • See It My Way: Sue's possessed chair in Hairography
  • A Different Point of View has Mitchell turning into a hippie after taking all of his anti-anxiety medication in one sitting during "Funk"
  • A Different Point of View, Part II's Rocky Horror chapter has Mitchell dressed as Magenta to get Quinn to forgive him and Michelle's narration of the episode
  • Dylan and Jack's flashback to when they broke into Dustin Goolsby's office
  • The Benefit of the Doubt features a scene where Mike is almost attacked by a lion in Daniel's house. Daniel keeps it for the day he can use it on Finn. Made even funnier that the the lion's name is Bás, which means "Die" in Irish
  • Just about anytime Mitchell and Sue interact in the A Different Point of View series
  • Jack and Santana's exchange in the first chapter of A Different Road Trip
    • Santana trying to strangle Jack in the third chapter of A Different Road Trip
      • Made even funnier because Jack would repeat the exact reason as to why she was trying to kill him
        • Now that I think about it, Jack and Santana are comedy gold in just about any sitaution
  • Jack and Rachel selecting who rides in what RV in A Different Road Trip...the R Vs are Red and Blue which is something of an In-Joke for the Harmon Verse writers.
  • Pretty much anything that happened in the Harm Co one-shot.
  • Jack's logic behind kissing both Sam and Santana in He's Alive's version of "Rumours"

Jack: If anyone kisses me and isn't turned on, you're not gay...or straight.

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