The Greening Wars
Life As We Know it is Obsolete. The Greening invites you to join the future of life. For too long we have been a plague on this world. It is time to break free of the shell of humanity.—Greening recruitment pamphlet
The Greening Wars is webcomic on Drunk Duck that incorporates some Post Apocalyptic tropes along with with scifi, comedy and drama to produce a unique story. The comic begins with recap of World War III after the second page of the comic gives some quotes about the future of the planet from three well established individuals, after the WWIII summary we meet our first main character who happens to be a handicapped ex-military woman after that we get some main cast introductions and then get a quick look at an organization called "The Greening" who are basically run by a God-Emperor playing Mad Scientist with the genetic structure of everything from humans to animals, and possibly plants.
The comic can be found here. It updates once a week, theoretically on Monday.
- After the End: Set after World War III, which involved both the release of The Plague and the conversion of southern Europe into a radioactive Forbidden Zone known as "the glow".
- Art Evolution: Compare this pageto this one
- Badass Normal: Hatchet, that is all.
- Baleful Polymorph: The Greening uses dissenters as test subjects for experimental splicings.
- Biological Mashup: Gaia (her physical body, at least) is composed of a bizarre assemblage of animals fused together, including at least one exposed brain, and several different heads and voices.
- Creepy Good: Hatchet, on several levels.
- China Takes Over the World: Africa tries to.
- Evilutionary Biologist:One of the Greening's two hats.
- Funny Animal: Their other hat.
- God-Emperor: Gaia.
- Hulk Speak: The Lanterns. Arc is the only one that doesn't do this, convenient since he's in the main cast.
- I See Dead People: Cassie can actually see the poltergeist mentioned below, to the ghost's apparent shock.
- Killer Rabbit: Towns near the glow have posters warning about these.
Hatchet: Relax, mermaid. Poster exaggerates to scare stupid tourists. Carnivorous rabbit prefers insects. Now giant rats, THEY eat hand.
- Lego Genetics: The Greening's main weapon.
- Mad Scientist: The evil plague-maker in the prologue is the biggest example, but the modern Greening is full of them.
- Meaningful Name: Arc, hinted at with the statement that the only thing he can remember from before his mind got rewired is the acronym A.R.C. The kicker is that he has no idea what it stands for. It doubles as a reference to his Lantern electrical powers.
- Of course, "Greening Lantern" has its own interesting implications...
- Never Found the Body: Paxia's body was identified via DNA evidence, and given her line of work...
- Our Ghosts Are Different: The lab that Mander and Stone are restoring is home to an angry, Greening-hating Poltergeist. He doesn't seem to mind the UCM sabotage team, though...yet.
- Shock and Awe: Greening lanterns, as a side effect of their Technopath abilities.
- Symbol Swearing: Uses some truly epic symbols at times.
- Synthetic Plague: The one in the prologue is an interesting example. The warlord who had the viruses created wanted them to be disabling but non-lethal, to allow relatively bloodless conquests of crippled armies. Unfortunately, the Mad Scientist he hired to make the plagues believed that crippling the enemy wasn't enough, and when he insisted "no genocide", she found a way to make the viruses passably harmless when tested alone but be lethal in combination.
- Technopath: The lanterns are this plus a Hive Mind-based communications network, plus they double as telepresence devices for Gaia. In an interesting twist, they are almost mindless.
- Arc came close to having the best of both worlds, since the got the Lantern powers, but kept his mind due to the brain wipe being botched. He did lose his memories, though.
- Those Two Guys: Mander and Stone.
- Tron Lines: The lanterns' Lorenzini Lines.
- Was Once a Man: Those Greening Funny Animals? They're all normal people who've had extra stuff "spliced" into their genome.