< The Good Wife

The Good Wife/Trivia

Judge Charles Abernathy is none other than Russel Edgington.

    • Peter Florrick is played by Mr. Big.
    • Elsbeth Tascioni is played by Arlene Fowler Bellefleur.
    • Alicia herself is Moragine La Fay from The Mists of Avalon.
    • Kalinda is Jess's ditzy sister from Bend it like Beckham (wow, Kalinda being a ditz, that's just impossible to imagine).
    • In this universe, Bodie is still a smart-ass pawn. Likewise, Commissioner Burrell became a pastor (as did his son, Chris Bartlow), but he's kept his scheming ways. Cutty Wise, however, ended up on death row.
      • Between the ones above, Kima, Carver, Clay Davis, Rawls and Cheese it's safe to say that someone in the casting department is a "Wire"-fan.
    • Logan Huntzperger went into law rather than follow his dad into the newspaper biz.
    • Virginia Chance and Marty McFly have both played opposing attorneys at various points... including a team-up in the Season Three finale.
  • Playing Against Type:
    • Miranda Cosgrove guest-starred as Sloan, a Lindsay Lohan-esque singer.
    • To lesser extent, Sarah Silverman is a host of Ashley Madison-esque site.
    • Wallace Shawn's role as Charles Lester is far more sinister than the neurotic characters that he's been known to play.
    • Michael J. Fox as an unscrupulous lawyer willing to use his disease to manipulate juries. Probably one of the only outright Jerkass characters that Fox has played in his career.
  • Word of Saint Paul: Mike Colter, who plays Lemond Bishop, said on the After Buzz videocast that Bishop got his MBA before going into the drug dealing business. He simply saw the drug game as the best place to use his skills.
  • Written in Infirmity: Michael J. Fox plays a lawyer with a neurological disorder (not Fox's own Parkinson's, but close enough) which he plays up to gain sympathy from jurors he argues in front of.
    • Except for one time when it's an utter Won't Work On Me against a judge who himself suffers from a disability.
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