< The Good Wife

The Good Wife/Heartwarming

  • In "Alienation of Affection," Cary is called to testify about Lockhart and Gardner a very gray situation. He could easily distort the facts against his old firm, which he resents for letting him go . . . but instead he calmly and icily informs the opposing lawyer that his former coworkers were good people, there was no reason to believe that they did anything wrong, offers an excuse for the fudged paperwork, and no, he has no intention of coming back.

"You cannot construct that narrative. I will tell you that I have no reason to believe that thing's forged. I knew Mrs. Florrick and Mr. Lee to be outstandingly competent and ethical throughout my time at the firm."

  • Kalinda not only finds Grace on her own, but tells Grace not to tell her mom. She refuses to milk this for forgiveness, no matter how much she wants to.
  • Will is being threatened with disbarment. When Diane finds out, she's so upset she tears up. She then goes absolutely flying out there, tells a Blatant Lie to an ethics board to protect him, and pleads with him to fight it, Will, fight it!
  • Will and Diane have pulled of an elaborate gambit to maintain control of the firm and stay together, and they're celebrating. They actually start slow dancing. Yes, slow dancing. Platonically.

Diane: We are the perfect couple.
Will: Well, except for the sex.
Diane [nodding]: Well, yes. Except for sex.

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