< The Gamers Alliance

The Gamers Alliance/Funny

Despite all the drama going in the world of tGA, there's always time for a silly moment or two to balance the seriousness every now and then.

  • Bashkar the pirate is introduced to King Agarwaen in a highly unorthodox manner when he ends up teleporting into the castle.

"Ok, where is this Bashkar now?" the king asked anxiously.
Reno attempted to answer. "He's....err.....he kind of...ahh...."
Suddenly, Bashkar appeared out of thin air above the king, and landed on top of him with a thud.
"...he's on your lap," Reno pointed out.

  • A group of Scuns unknowingly make fun of the political correct speech of the Maar Sulais court at the grand ball which was set up to welcome the arrival of Grand Alliance. The scene quickly takes a turn for the bizarre as the Scuns' choice of words causes quite a stir:

An impromptu ball was being held in the Citadel of Maar Sul to celebrate the impending arrival of the Grand Alliance. As the hall filled out, a herald was announcing each new arrival as they reached the gates. The Scuns were the first to arrive, as they'd been told there was an open bar.

"His Royal Majesty, King Gerard, and his companion Elena," announced the herald. All heads turned to regard the boy King. The crown sat askew on his head, and he was dressed in a robe of finest ermine, but nobody was looking at him.

A Scunnish voice was the first to speak: "The King's here with a n*****!"

"What? A n*****? With the King?"

"Holy crap it's a n*****!"

Gerard facepalmed. "Please stop using that word, you're embarassing me." Elena just scowled.

"It's just not every day we see a King waltz in with a n*****, Your Majesty. We don't get many n***** in Scundia."

"You're not stopping."

"Hell yeah, Your Majesty, once you go black, you never go back!"

"The King can't be a n*****-lover!"

"STOP SAYING N*****!" roared Gerard.

"We're just saying, a King with a n***** is pretty weird. We didn't know you were into n*****s," replied a Scun, pronouncing a row of asterisks effortlessly.

"I'm not with Elena because she's a n--um, because she's dark. I like her because she's smart, she's funny, and she's built like a brick shithouse. Bernie's dark and I don't want to kiss him."

Bernard Jeremy, the Governor of Hellespont, assumed a look of mock dismay. The mock part flew right over the heads of the assembled Scuns.

"Holy Mardük! Bernie's a feg!"

Miyuki, standing beside her aide Jason, interjected: "Bernie is not a 'feg,' gentlemen. His Majesty was simply making a point, and you are making asses of yourselves."

"I always said that Maar Sul was trouble," muttered a Scun, "They've got fegs all over the place."

"I'm not a feg," stated Bernie clearly.


"Bernie is not a 'feg,'" repeated Miyuki. "Do you Scunnish gentlemen perhaps remember my husband, Prince Leon? The one who took you in when you had nowhere else to go? He is a feg." Jason cringed.

"Holy crap!"

"No way!"

"Does Leon like to boink n*****s too?"

"Please stop saying that word," repeated Gerard, shaking his head.

"It's true," continued Miyuki, "Before we were married, Leon was always trying to score with my brother Kaz."

"Was Kaz a n*****?"

"But Leon's married to you now! You have a kid! He's not a feg anymore!"

"Don't be a dipshit, you can't stop being a feg."

"Would you please stop using that word too?" said Gerard plaintively.

"Which word, feg or n*****?"

"Both of them."

"Bloody pain in the ass, that is."

Jason's head exploded.

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