The Fantastic Favio Bros
Fantastic Favio has arrived!
And another thing: It's Tony Time.
In the 21st century where teachers assign creative projects to students, two heroes educate with style, skill, and sass. The The Fantastic Favio Bros star in a series of videos, currently at a total of about fifty minutes long, in which they fight against their Evil Twins whom think that Everybody Must Get Stoned and the evil Dr. Lucifer who plans to take over the world using calculus. This videos are also Troper Works, as the two main characters, Favio and Tony Muhplaah are tropers.
There are currently four works completed so far:
- The Dangers of Alcohol, in which Tony must fight LeTony in order to find his brother and save him from drinking. This was the first movie in the series and primarily starred Tony and LeTony because it was their assignment.
- The Horrors of Ecstasy, where MaCavio makes his debut and plans to have an ecstasy party with LeTony.
- A Powerful Foe, where the Bros meet and fight the Big Bad, Bububaba.
- The Mathematics Movie of Tony and J.E.M., two part movie which gives Tony A Day in the Limelight, along with a new enemy in the form of Dr. Lucifer and a Lancer known as J.E.M. Stone. This movie was made for Math class instead of Health, and also uses music from Video Games instead of the music which comes with editing software.
- Salvia is Not our Savior, where the Fantastic Favio Bros go back to their roots and fight LeTony to stop him from unveiling his new drug to the world.
- Audio'll Be Walkin' The Plank, where LeTony begins pirating audio.
Their website is, so check it out for news and updates!
Tropes used in The Fantastic Favio Bros include:
- Acting for Two: Tony and Dr. Lucifer are the same person.
- Alliteration: The Fantastic Favio and Tony's Catch Phrase Tony Time.
- Aesop Amnesia: Despite being defeated and learning alcohol is bad, LeTony becomes evil again in the second film and begins having Ecstasy parties.
- Alcohol Is Poison
- Ambiguously Gay: Tony has a couple Ho Yay instances.
- Anvilicious: Invoked intentionally for comedy. A notable example is when Favio tells Tony that drug money could be be spent on better things like Social Security and designer clothing.
- Anticlimax Boss: LeTony and MaCavio merge into their ultimate being... but are so unable to function that they instantly fall over and are defeated.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: "Who the hell do you think I am KICK! Hands off my beloved little brother PUNCH! You're not supposed to be in this scene HEADBUTT!
- "This is a story about my adventure with my partner, J.E.M. Stone, as we learn love, betrayal, and math."
- Big Damn Heroes: Favio comes in and saves Tony before he takes ecstasy.
- In A Powerful Foe, the the town watch comes from nowhere and scares away Bububbaba.
- Non Sequitur Scene: In one scene of A Powerful Foe, Tony approaches Favio to warn him about the presence of alcohol at the party - with a sword sticking out of his back and obvious signs of pain. Once the camera switches angles the sword is completely gone and never mentioned again.
- Biting the Hand Humor: "Wait, what's it? Math and lasers? Who the hell wrote this thing?"
- Blatant Lies: According to J.E.M. Stone, eating pretzels decreases the odds of having a card in Go Fish.
- Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: In The Mathematics Movie, Tony Muhplaah is an advocator against drugs, alcohol, and Jews. Hey, Wait!...
- Dr. Lucifer has super ventriloquism, the ability to remove his thumb, and death vision.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall
- Call Back: In A Powerful Foe, Tony flashes back to the drunken party in the first movie after receiving an invite to go to a new party.
- In the same movie, Tony also brings out his phone again to threaten to tell the police. Just like last time, that completely fails.
- In The Mathematics Movie, Tony introduces himself as an advocater against drugs and alcohol, which is a Call Back to the earlier movies.
- Calling Your Attacks: Favio occasionally shouts whole sentences as he attacks as a Shout-Out to Gurren Lagann.
- Dr. Lucifer shows us his Ultimate Fist Beam in the Mathematics Movie.
- Catch Phrase: Tony has "Tony Time!"
- Captain Oblivious: Tony fails to notice the loud noises, flashing lights, and shaking ground which accompanies the town alarm.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Tony is a Large Ham, makes many Funny Background Events, and apparently drinks from a toilet with a straw.
- LeTony also suffers from this. It's a side effect of his alcohol/drug usage.
- Comically Missing the Point: When MaCavio looks at Tony's phone, he sees that it says "message sent," and wonders what that means.
- After J.E.M. Stone tells Tony that it is useless to try to fight Dr. Lucifer, Tony interprets it as him saying to not give up.
- Curb Stomp Battle: LeTony completely defeats Tony in their second fight due to his inability to feel pain and sped up nervous system which resulted from his use of Ecstasy.
- Bububaba gets one in his introduction to set up bait for future sequels.
- A Day in the Limelight: The Mathematics Movie of Tony and J.E.M.
- Death Is Cheap: LeTony doesn't die from cirrhosis of the liver, so he gets back up and becomes friends with Tony and Favio.
- Defeat Means Friendship: LeTony. Until he becomes evil in the second movie.
- Did I Just Say That Out Loud??: Tony accidentally states that he is against the Jewish in the intro to The Mathematics Movie.
- And then J.E.M. immediately exhibits the trope again a minute later when he realizes that the writer gave him ridiculous superpowers.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: When LeTony kidnaps Favio and takes him to a drinking party, they both mime giving oral sex to the containers of the alcoholic beverages. Then Lampshaded with text saying "If you laughed, you are a dirty old man!"
- Don't Say Such Stupid Things: MaCavio does not like the usage of the word "fly" as an adjective.
- Evil Is Not Well Lit: Taken to its logical extreme with Dr. Lucifer, whose house is entirely black. Later averted when he realizes that it's not safe to have no light.
- Bububaba's room is also fairly dark when he is introduced.
- Evil Laugh: Dr. Lucifer has an extreme one, LeTony has more of a chuckle.
- Evil Twin: MaCavio and LeTony, of course.
- Everybody Must Get Stoned
- Face Heel Turn: Tony almost has one in The Horrors of Ecstasy after a Curb Stomp Battle with LeTony.
- Played straight with J.E.M. Stone when he reveals that his middle name is "Evil".
- Final Speech: "With my dying breath, I must tell you both: meshuga!"
- Flowery Insults: "J.E.M., you are the quintessence of nincompoopery!"
- Fun with Acronyms: Averted in The Horrors of Ecstasy, in which the Horribly Illegal Drug Smuggling Operation is addressed as H.I.D.S.O., which means absolutely nothing
- Used as a plot point in Mathematics Movie when J.E.M. reveals that his middle name is not Ulysses but is actually Evil.
- Funny Background Event: In the Favio Bros movies, there's a random man who appears in the background occasionally. His name is the Russian Importer.
- Tony also makes many odd faces and movements whenever he's not giving a line.
- G-Rated Drug: Since underage teens can't really be in possession of drugs, LeTony's ecstasy is just candy.
- In A Powerful Foe, the man at the party who is supposed to be drinking beer is drinking colorful pieces of candy.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Surprisingly, the perverted joke in the first movie's the drinking party didn't get caught by the teacher.
- Good Morning, Crono: The Mathematics Movie starts with Tony's morning routine while the narration apologizes for accidentally making a racist remark. Despite the oddness of it, it does paint an accurate picture of Tony's personality.
- Gosh Darn It to Heck: Usually played straight, though occasionally a few bigger words get in there.
- Ham-to-Ham Combat: With the World of Ham they live in, is it not a surprise?
- Hey, Wait!: For the viewer, "All that battling made me thirsty. I'm going to go to the bathroom."
- Incoming Ham: "Why hellooo there, foolish humans!"
- Info Dump: LeTony conveniently dumps information about his evil plans several times in The Horrors of Ecstasy. Lampshaded and used by the Favio Bros in order to save the day.
- Informed Ability: In the introduction to the Mathematics Movie, J.E.M.'s lasers and Dr. Lucifer's ability to remove his thumb and death vision are never used.
- Subverted with his Super Ventriloquism, which is actually put to use.
- Lame Comeback: In The Dangers of Alcohol, "No you won't, you jerkface!"
- Large Ham: While everyone has traces of it, Tony Muhplaah and Dr. Lucifer are the largest of them.
- Like You Would Really Do It: Tony accepting drugs in a health movie? Yeah right!
- Literal Metaphor: LeTony really will smell the heroes later.
- In the start of A Powerful Foe, the metaphorical window of evil is about to be burst open... right before a brick flies in through Favio's window.
- Mistaken for An Imposter: Apparently, an anguished message from Tony asking for help looks like a chain letter.
- Mistaken for Racist: Tony doesn't dislike the Jews, it was just in his script!
- Moral Guardians: Favio and Tony
- Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate: Dr. Lucifer
- Musical Spoiler: Mostly played straight. Averted in a Shout-Out to Wind Waker when Tony finds the answer to the calculus question.
- Names to Run Away From: Dr. Lucifer. Averted with Bububaba, whose name is not that terrifying.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: In A Powerful Foe, Tony suddenly teleports next to Bububaba to attack him. He then gets in the way of both Bububaba's and Favio's attack.
- Despite the introduction to The Mathematics Movie having the characters describe themselves, all three of them show powers which they didn't mention, particularly with Dr. Lucifer's Ultimate Fist Beam.
- No Except Yes: "We're not going to flee, we're going to run."
- Noodle Incident: Favio and Tony head towards Bububaba's basement together in A Powerful Foe. Favio arrives in the room via the stairs, then Tony is seen coming from a crawlspace.
- Obviously Evil: Besides all of the major antagonists, J.E.M. Stone's Face Heel Turn is fairly obvious in parts of the story.
- Offscreen Teleportation: Despite Tony having numerous advantages due to LeTony being impaired by alcohol, LeTony still manages to get pretty far ahead of Tony in their chase scene.
- In The Horrors of Ecstasy, Favio wonders how he found his way into LeTony and MaCavio's base, only to brush it off with "oh well."
- Oh Crap: Tony's reaction once he realizes what he just said out loud.
- Opening Monologue: The Mathematics Movie has three of them, one from each character. Each one also breaks the fourth wall.
- Rule of Three: "Ah, this is the life! Snacks, games, and pictures of nonexistent women to revere."
- Running Gag: Tony happens to go to the bathroom in each of the Fantastic Favio Bros movies.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: J.E.M.'s reaction to realizing that his superpowers include math and lasers.
- Sequel Hook/The Stinger: MaCavio calls LeTony at the end of The Dangers of Alcohol and tells LeTony that there will be another movie.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: LeTony in his debut, though it died down a bit.
- Dr. Lucifer also has tendencies towards this.
- Shaped Like Itself: "The Mathematics Movie of Tony Muhplaah and J.E.M. Stone / Starring Tony Muhplaah and J.E.M. Stone"
- Shout-Out: In the Mathematics Movie, the action starts with a black screen saying "Dawn of the First Day
- Favio's entire outfit (and some of his lines) are references to Kamina from Gurren Lagann.
- The first movie ends with a Shout-Out to Elder Scrolls
- Smart Guy: Despite being Too Dumb to Live, Tony also provides explanations into definitions of several things.
- So What Do We Do Now?: Wanna go home and play video games?
- Socially Awkward Hero: Following this sentence is a list of main characters who aren't socially awkward. The joke is that there are no names after that sentence.
- Take That: "Say, what was that awful crash? You try playing a PSP?"
- And in the second movie, the evil drug addict MaCavio is looking for his PSP.
- Talking to Himself: Tony and Dr. Lucifer
- Tempting Fate: Favio in the beginning of The Horrors of Ecstasy, "Nothing can spoil this perfect day!"
- Too Dumb to Live: Tony tells the bad guys that he's going to text their plan to 911. Despite the fact that 911 typically isn't able to receive texts, LeTony and MaCavio are more than willing to beat him up, and he's holding his phone upside down.
- Training Montage: Tony and J.E.M. have a montage as they learn calculus.
- Travel Montage: In the first and third films, a montage is used to show Tony (and Favio in the later) going to a party.
- Traveling At the Speed of Plot: After Favio breaches Bububaba's room, Tony shows up a minute later crawling out of a small door.
- Inverted in The Mathematics Movie when Tony and J.E.M. dash out of the house... and show up at Lucifer's Manor several days later.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: The Russian Importer will constantly wander around without being addressed. Favio doesn't even notice when he gets hit by a brick.
- Favio receives a text message from Tony asking for help. His response? It's a chain letter.
- The Voiceless: The Russian Importer appears in all of the Fantastic Favio Bros movies but doesn't speak in any of them.
- We Can Rule Together: LeTony offers Tony ecstasy after a Curb Stomp Battle. In a rare case of the trope, Tony accepts it... Until Favio arrives and knocks some sense into him.
- Wild Teen Party: When LeTony gets Favio drunk. It seems moderately tame, though.
- Window Pain: In the beginning of A Powerful Foe, the Favio Bros receive an invite to a party thrown with a brick through their window.
- World of Ham
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